"Under normal circumstances, the Hongmeng Sword first cuts out the four holy swords, manifests the four kinds of Dao rhymes, and then smelts them into one. Is there a way to directly smelt the power contained in the four kinds of Dao into one sword technique... ..."

"One strike with a sword is directly the Primordial Sword!"

Chen Fan's eyes were burning hot.

Although the "Four Holy Swords" contain different ways, they actually come from the same source, and each sword at the same level also has something in common.

"For others, this is extremely difficult to achieve, but for me, it is not necessarily..."

With the skill of hanging up, as long as he has the right idea, he can create his own swordsmanship that can smelt four artistic conceptions in one style!

In fact, when he was young, he tried to smelt different artistic conceptions into one sword. Although the sword technique was created, when he chose to add more artistic concepts to smelt together, it caused extreme instability, although the power was enough. Strong, but before hurting the enemy, he put himself first, so he rarely played similar operations later.

After all, his personal wisdom is limited. In the case of insufficient understanding, he only acts on his own impulse and ideas, and the result may be a waste of time...

It's better to hang up the existing kung fu honestly...

And now.

After so much time has passed, my realm, strength and vision are far from what they were in the past.

Just like "Sword of the Predator", although the upper limit of this sword technique is not enough, it is still quite commendable.

With the precedent of the Hongmeng Sword, he also knows that the four elements can be perfectly fused together...

And because both the "Four Holy Swords" and the real skills have reached the bottleneck state, there is no shortage of slots for him to hang up...

Many conditions are met...

His heart was about to move, and he immediately established an idea.

"First of all, we must start with the smelting of the four artistic conceptions..."

He recalled all kinds of the first four holy swords in his mind, and soon, a character flashed in the hang-up column in front of him...

"It's done!"

It didn't take much effort, he created a formula for smelting the four artistic concepts, more precisely, it is a special kung fu for smelting the four holy swords...

Because it is only the first stage of smelting the "Four Holy Swords", it does not take much time to hang up, only ten days!

Based on Chen Fan's current comprehension, the requirements for the artistic conception of the first four holy swords are really too low, so he can be so fast.

In fact, he just rearranged and combined the sword techniques he had mastered, and simplified the process, so it was so simple.

If he doesn't understand the "Four Holy Swords" and "Hongmeng Sword", and forcibly creates the martial arts that melt the four artistic concepts, even with his current state, he may not be able to complete it in decades...

As soon as this sword technique started to hang up, he tried to activate it.

The four powers of artistic conception were generated from him, smelted and condensed into the sword in his hand.

But there was only a bang, and the middle-grade spirit sword was directly blown into pieces!

Chen Fan, who just started hanging up, naturally has not yet reached the level of complete mastery.

And if there is little dissonance between the four artistic conception forces, it will produce extremely disordered forces.

Fortunately, this is only the first smelted Four Holy Sword, its power is very low, but it is not enough to hurt Chen Fan.

But it is not too much for the middle-grade spirit sword.

The middle-grade spirit sword was already very fragile in the environment of Shenting. When fighting "Yang", he had to destroy a middle-grade spirit sword in almost every battle.

If it weren't for the fact that it was more difficult to defeat "Yang" with a weapon that was too powerful, Chen Fan would not have used the middle-grade spirit sword as his main weapon.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan took out the Leng Feng Sword and continued to try.

The quality of Leng Fengjian was terrifying. Even if he couldn't integrate and perfectly smelt the four powers of artistic conception, this small impact was not enough to cause any damage to Leng Fengjian.

But when Chen Fan really perfected the four kinds of swordsmanship with one sword, it was already a day later when he cut out the "Hongmeng Sword".

After a considerable number of attempts, his own mastery of the four artistic conception smelting has improved, which has also improved the speed and progress of his own hang-up.

"Hahahaha!" Although it was only the first level of "Hongmeng Sword", it was a good start for Chen Fan.

In the empty hall on the opposite side, "Yang" faced Chen Fan's position, but suddenly turned his head slightly.

After Chen Fan achieved the first time, soon there will be the second and third times.

And after he was able to stably smelt the four artistic concepts, he also rushed directly to the main hall to use the power of "Yang" to discuss and test this style of swordsmanship.

Of course, it is completely impossible to defeat Yang with Yizhong's "Hongmeng Sword".

And he forgot to replace Leng Fengjian, "Yang" can exert stronger strength, and almost beat him to death...

It's just that with the source beads in hand, Chen Fan's ability to save his life is still very strong.

In this way, Chen Fan also completely cultivated the method of smelting the first four holy swords in only three or four days.

He then started the second round...

Time rolls around and flies by, and a year passes in the blink of an eye.

During this year, Chen Fan also deduced the method of smelting the Four Holy Swords to the fourth level.

Although there is still a lot of time before consummation, he can already perform stably.

He put down the Leng Feng sword and replaced it with another mid-grade spirit sword.

"It's time to end everything..."

In fact, when he was able to slash out the third level of "Hongmeng Sword" stably, "Yang" couldn't handle it.

The realm of "Yang" swordsmanship is based on Chen Fan. He can only use the five-fold Four Holy Sword at most, which is far behind the triple-level "Hongmeng Sword"...

However, although the triple "Hongmeng Sword" can exert a level of strength beyond that of "Yang", it is not enough to "defeat" Yang of this strength.

Even with Chen Fan's current total amount of true energy, the triple "Hongmeng Sword" that can cut hundreds of swords in a row is not enough.


The quadruple "Hongmeng Sword" is a qualitative change, which also means that the four swords all come from the power of the four realms, and their power is far greater than the smelting of the four artistic conceptions of the triple "Hongmeng Sword". Even the current Chen Fan , and can't cut too many swords.

This sword, although theoretically speaking, can be used by warriors at the early stage of the tenth stage, but in reality, ordinary tenth stage early stage warriors don't have enough real energy to support this sword, let alone cut it out...

Chen Fan rushed into the main hall and came to "Yang" in the blink of an eye.

The "Yang" mask covered his face, so that Chen Fan could not see his face, but for some reason, Chen Fan could feel the "anticipation" emotion that "Yang" had for him.

As soon as "Yang" came up, he slashed a five-layer Fire Sacred Sword at Chen Fan.

The lingering flames were blazing, but they were far beyond the limit that Chen Fan himself could achieve.

It's just that facing such a terrifying move, this time Chen Fan's eyes did not have the slightest fear, but were full of excitement.

He raised his sword and rose.

Moments later, a terrifyingly sharp sword light condensed on the blade.


The sword shines everywhere.

The lingering fire light completely annihilated the sword light in Chen Fan's hand, without causing any obstruction at all.

After that, Jian Guang rushed straight to "Yang".

The energy golden sword condensed in his hand broke apart with a "click".

And the sword edge in Chen Fan's hand also landed on "Yang" successfully.

Nothing happens.

However, Chen Fan's sword light did not hurt "Yang" at all, and even the subsequent terrifying power in the sword light was completely absorbed by "Yang".


As the power of the Hongmeng Sword dissipated, the middle-grade spirit sword in Chen Fan's hand could no longer support it, and turned into countless pieces.

The power level of the Hongmeng Sword is too high.

And his eyes changed drastically, and he was about to retreat quickly.

But "Yang" shook his head, "There is no need to retreat, our battle is over... Congratulations, challenger."

Chen Fan was taken aback for a moment, then ecstasy appeared on his face, and he coughed lightly:

"I took advantage of the Hongmeng Sword..."

"Yang" said: "The difficulty of the 'challenge' is beyond the limit you can bear. As far as you are concerned, you must either break through the realm of Daoguo, or realize the fusion of the four swords... I just didn't expect your speed to be so fast. The way you humans measure time, I originally thought that it would take you more than fifty years to reach the current level."

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