My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 777: The Deal Is Closed

After learning the truth of the world and more secrets, Chen Fan also realized that the Sand Clan might also be one of those hidden clan forces that survived the catastrophe!

On the surface, the strength of the Sand Clan is not strong enough, but the real background may not be just like that...

Just like the leader of the Sand Clan.

The fact that he was able to hold back the Hongmeng sword that he had shot with all his strength, and that he was able to take out a special stone that made him feel extremely dangerous at this time, was enough to explain everything.

Of course, the person did not directly use the power of the gray stone, but chose to apologize to himself and show weakness, but it can show that he is not willing to use the gray stone lightly...

Chen Fan's eyes flashed a touch of subtlety, but he restrained his whole body, "Say something quickly!"

Seeing Chen Fan like this, the leader of the Nasha clan was also relieved, and he said again:

"Human friends, my name is 'Mipa', the current patriarch of the Sand Clan... We don't intend to have too many disputes with you, but just want to know what happened two years ago? After all, the desert is the place where our clan lives. If you are willing to tell our clan, our clan will regard you as the best friend of the Sha clan, and we are willing to pay a certain price!"

"If it was like this earlier, why did it get to the point where it is now?"

Chen Fan sneered.

In fact, Chen Fan has never been a ruthless person who cannot communicate and insists on killing people.

But the problem is that the Sand Clan will always negotiate normally only when they are afraid of being beaten.

If it weren't for Chen Fan's concern about the strangely shaped stone in Mipa's hand, Chen Fan would really have the idea of ​​killing all the Sand Clans, and then rushing into the Sand Clans to grab the treasure.

Chen Fan will not have any sympathy for people who are not of my race!

It's just that the matter has come to this point, Chen Fan will not take his own life to test the power of the special treasure in Mipa's hand...

He turned his thoughts and said:

"I might as well tell you that it was the special movement caused by this thing two years ago!"

He flipped his hands over and took out the jasper scepter again.

With the self-destructing of the Gate to Heaven, this thing has lost its greatest effect.

Mipa's eyes widened immediately, and his eyes were burning: "This thing... seems to be a 'treasure' handed down from our Sand Clan!"

Chen Fan nodded:

"I was brought into a special place by this thing. Although it caused a lot of commotion, I didn't gain anything. It took a lot of effort to see the light of day again."

The leader of the Sha tribe frowned, but there was a subtle emotion on his face.

No matter how stupid the Sand Clan is, it is impossible for them to believe Chen Fan's one-sided words.

And Chen Fan naturally saw this from his eyes, he shook his head, and said:

"I can swear by the way of heaven that the accident that happened two years ago was caused by this scepter. It is the 'key' to enter a special place!"

As soon as this remark came out, Mipa's eyes became even hotter.

He didn't think that the oath of heaven made by a master like Chen Fan would be false.

The higher the cultivation level, the higher the comprehension of the Tao, and the harder it is to violate the oath of the Tao of Heaven.

What Chen Fan has shown is definitely a master of the third level of longevity and above, who has set foot in the Dao. Such a person swears by the way of heaven, and the constraints he is subject to are extremely exaggerated!

In fact, Chen Fan did not lie, he just hid many key points...

Mipa took a deep breath, staring straight at the jasper scepter in Chen Fan's hand:

"Since your Excellency, you can't find out the function of this thing... I wonder if your Excellency can return this thing to our Sand Clan?"

"Of course, our Sand Clan is willing to pay a certain price!"

Waiting for this is your sentence!

Chen Fan sneered in his heart, but his face did not reveal anything, and said:

"Actually, at the very beginning, I didn't mean to occupy this thing. I even made a deal with your clan's 'Jumi'. You provided me with an item with sufficient wind element dao charm, so I took this thing Return it to you. Unfortunately, you Sand Clan..."

As he spoke, he shook his head and sighed.

Now the price is not so low!

Mipa was also taken aback for a moment, but turned around and yelled.

Soon, in the wind and sand, the extremely tragic Sand Clan rushed forward one by one, even that "Jumi" was among them.

These people just endured the aftermath of Chen Fan's moves, and they became like this.

Mipa chatted with other Sha tribes for a while, and then looked at Chen Fan again:

"On behalf of the Sand Clan and Mipa and the Sand Clan, I apologize again, honored guests..."

As he spoke, he flipped his hands over and took out a blue bead: "This is a symbol of our sincerity, and as an apology from the Sha Clan, I will present it to Your Excellency. I also hope that this object can appease Your Excellency's anger!"

As soon as he waved his hand, the blue bead slowly floated up and floated towards Chen Fan.

"This is……"

Chen Fan swept out his consciousness, but found a strong dao rhyme on it. Even with Chen Fan's comprehension of the Dao of Wind at this time, it is inferior to the Dao Rhyme of this thing. This is the complete "Wind of the Wind" A treasure of the "Tao" level!

"Good stuff!" Chen Fan's eyes were burning.

Of course.

Even though it belongs to the same Dao, the rhyme of the Dao of Wind contained in this round bead is still subtly different from the Dao of Wind comprehended by Chen Fan himself.

But there are always similarities.

Although Chen Fan can now visualize the scene of the "Hongmeng Sword" in the sea of ​​knowledge at any time and comprehend the power of the five ways, this object can also play an auxiliary role!

You must know that what he and Zhumi agreed at the beginning was only to let the other party provide items that contained the Dao Rhyme of Dao Fruit Level Wind.

But now, even though it has only been upgraded by one level, the actual value has been multiplied by an unknown number of times, and it is even far more precious than ordinary Taoist artifacts!

Chen Fan shook his head with a subtle smile on his face, but said to Mipa again:

"I want to remind you that even with this may get nothing, I hope you will not regret it!"

Seeing Chen Fan's attitude, Mipa also nodded with a smile: "Please rest assured, we will never regret it!"

Chen Fan put the stone away with a smile:

"Since your Excellency has expressed such sincerity, then I will return this item to you."

Chen Fan also threw the jasper scepter over!

Mipa took the scepter, checked the things carefully, and confirmed that it was true, with a happy face.

For the Sha Clan, although the value of items containing Dao Yun is high, they can still be found!

In their view, the secrets that the jasper scepter may contain will only be higher!

Of course, the reason they were really willing to pay such a high price was because they couldn't beat Chen Fan...

Mipa took a deep breath and looked up at Chen Fan again:

"Your Excellency will always be a friend of our Sand Clan. If you come to the desert again and show that round bead in front of the Sand Clan, you will be treated with the highest standard of courtesy by our Sand Clan."

Chen Fan also nodded with a smile, and his heart was also complicated.

In the final analysis, I still showed enough strength to be afraid of Mipa, otherwise I would have been captured alive and returned to the Sha Clan, tortured and tortured, and even searched for souls. .

He glanced at Mipa, turned his head and turned into aura and walked away into the distance.

And the surrounding Sand Clan did not dare to intercept them at all.

Following Chen Fan's departure, a group of Sand Clan rushed towards the Devil's Gap with eager eyes.

However, even if they know the approximate location of the vision, it will take a lot of effort to reach the exact location.

And even if they actually got to that place, they would only see an abandoned "gate" that had lost its function.

But that has nothing to do with Chen Fan.


After breaking through his spiritual consciousness, Chen Fan's eyes were no longer so dark in the South Cloud Desert.

And he kept in mind the road he came from, but it was a smooth one.

Soon they left Nanyunmo.

Chen Fan also immediately took out the real summons and contacted Chen Qingru.

Soon, Chen Qingru's projection appeared in front of Chen Fan.

"Junior Brother, you are still alive?!" Chen Qingru was also surprised.

Chen Fan was taken aback, raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Why did my sister say that?"

Chen Qingru gave a wry smile: "Junior brother, your soul lamp suddenly went out two years ago, my father and I thought..."

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