My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 779 Killing Intent

Seeing the appearance of Master, Ye Wushuang and others, Chen Fan also frowned deeply:

"Master, what happened? How did Lingyunmen become like this..."

Dong Guzhi smiled wryly:

"Half a month ago, before three people suddenly broke into our mountain gate, they said they wanted Ling Yunzong to surrender to them..."

"Sect Master Zhongli argued with him for a few words, and then he attacked outrageously, sealed off the surrounding area, and summoned a lot of monsters to break the sect's formation... I don't know how many people lost their lives!"

"Sect Master Zhongli couldn't bear this, and was willing to surrender. Although those three stopped the monsters from attacking, they imprisoned the rest of us...and even treated us as food for those monsters..."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed fiercely: "Do they know that I am a disciple of Jianzong? What is the relationship between Lingyunmen and me?"

Dong Guzhi smiled wryly:

"I know, Sect Master Zhongli said it, but they don't seem to be afraid of Jianzong at all... and they have sealed off the surrounding area, so our communication news cannot be transmitted, so..."

"Not afraid of Jianzong..."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

Yuan Shenzhou is the territory of Jianzong.

Even if people from the Yuhua Sect came, it was impossible to say that they would not give Jianzong face.

Judging from the actions of these three people, Chen Fan had a vague guess in his heart.

The murderous intent in his heart is also constantly accumulating.

Half a month has passed.

If I come out of the court later in the day, I am afraid that the master may not be able to guarantee the safety of his life!

He took a deep breath, suppressed the murderous intent in his heart, and then temporarily took the master and others into the Hall of Stars.

Only then did he follow the Xingshen seal to find Bao Tianyou, Lin Shiyu and other people who were still in Lingyunmen and had a good relationship with him.

Bao Tianyou and others were relatively weak, but they were detained in a large hall.

There are also many disciples from Feiling County in the main hall.

And these people are also extremely bleak, all of them are covered with injuries, and some even have missing limbs, so bleak.

They are too weak.

And at this moment.

The door of the hall opened abruptly.

A three-foot-tall ape monster bared its teeth and crawled in.

Between the sharp fangs, streams of saliva continued to flow down.

But as the monster ape entered, all the warriors around were in a panic and scattered in all directions.

The monster ape gazed around, with a ferocious smile on his face:

"Hey, human, don't worry, I won't eat you without the master's order. I just want to chew on a few legs and arms to relieve the itching of my teeth."

As he spoke, his eyes passed through the crowd, but he looked behind the crowd.

"Do you think you can cover it up so that I can't see that brat?"

It instantly turned into a phantom and rushed forward.

The surrounding figures followed the throw and flew up.

One by one sprayed blood, and soon they came to a half-grown boy.

The boy's face was full of panic and fear, and he turned his head to run away, but he couldn't run away from this monster ape.

The demon ape came to the boy in an instant and stretched out his hand, but he didn't wait for the boy to be caught.

There was indeed a flash of spiritual light surging from the boy's body, and the huge body of the demon ape was sent flying.

It slammed into the huge wall on one side of the main hall.


The huge monster ape dripping with blood turned over angrily and stared at the aura on the boy's body furiously.

"Eat! I want to eat you! No one can save you!"

Amidst the angry roar, the monster ape turned into a phantom again.

And the next moment.

A ripple flashed in the air, and Chen Fan's figure suddenly appeared in the hall.

And the body of the monster ape suddenly froze in the middle.


With a flick of Chen Fan's fingers, flames rose from the monster ape's body, and it crumbled into ashes amidst constant wailing.


When the boy saw Chen Fan appearing, he also cried out in surprise.

Chen Fan stepped forward with a smile and touched the boy's head.

This son is Bao Tianyou's son.

"Master Chen Fan!"

"Senior Brother Chen!"

The people around were also excited one by one.

Chen Fan nodded, but his eyes turned to the dying man lying by the wall.

The man was Bao Tianyou.

"Godfather, save daddy!" The boy looked at Chen Fan pleadingly.

Chen Fan left a lot of life-saving items for Bao Tianyou, although Chen Fan didn't dare to keep precious treasures because his cultivation base was too low, logically speaking, it would not be a problem to resist a seventh-level demon ape.

It seems that the man left his treasure to his son.

"Don't worry." Chen Fan nodded and stepped forward, walking towards Bao Tianyou by the wall.

"I knew, Chen Fan, you would come over..." Bao Tianyou pulled a wry smile from the corner of his mouth.

History repeated itself again. At this time, Bao Tianyou's injury was not serious, but he only had one arm left.

Seeing Bao Tianyou's appearance like this, Chen Fan felt even more murderous in his heart.

With a thought, Yuanzhu summoned out.

"Everyone come to me!"


The spiritual light scattered, but the source energy rippled around with Chen Fan's thoughts, and then merged into the bodies of these people.

The powerful power of Genesis Qi is more useful than any heaven-level elixir, and it can quickly help these people recover from injuries and regenerate their severed limbs...


Above the grand hall.

A man in a gorgeous robe was lying halfway on a huge golden chair, holding a jade pot in one hand, and holding a civet cat-like pet in the other.

He yawned, looking at the middle-aged man who was tied up in front of him, his face was full of disdain:

"Zhongli Hongyi, it would be better if you did this earlier... You have to force the deity to use your real strength to be honest. Are you cheap?"

"Subordinates dare not." The corners of Zhongli Hongyi's mouth twitched, and the veins on his face were bulging, but he lowered his head and dared not lift it up.

"Hmph, I think you still don't give up... Do you think that a mere true disciple of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect would dare to offend me?"

The man stands up:

"Hehe, the entire Sky Splitting Sword Sect is no more than two or three kittens in front of my master... That kid named Chen Fan dares to appear in front of me, I don't care if he is a disciple of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, he will kill him with a single knife." killed him!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhongli Hongyi's body froze.

The majesty of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect was terrifying in Yuan Shenzhou, and he had heard about it, but in the mouth of this young man, the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect seemed not worth mentioning. What is his identity?

When Zhongli Hongyi was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a terrifying shock surge from his face, a tragic wail, and blazing flames shot out in all directions, and he was thrown flying away!

And when Zhongli Hongyi saw the scene in front of him clearly, a look of astonishment and joy flashed across his face.

"Master Chen Fan!"

At some point, the surrounding area was completely covered by a layer of translucent barrier, and at the same time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the young man...

It was Chen Fan.

At this moment, the Leng Feng sword in Chen Fan's hand was piercing the young man's chest.


The whole body of the young man was covered by flames, and the blazing flames were burning, and his wailing and screams resounded through the hall!

This person is at the second level of longevity.

It's a pity that when Chen Fan used "Concealing the Void" and "Hiding the Sword Technique in the Void", the young man couldn't detect Chen Fan's concealment at all, and was directly pierced by Chen Fan's sword!

In fact, there were defensive treasures on his body, but they were all destroyed by Chen Fan's sword!

And Chen Fan did not use the buffs of Berserk and White Emperor Armor at all, relying solely on his own strength and the sharpness of Leng Fengjian!

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