My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 795: Cang Shenghua

Chen Qingru's face showed joy:

"Being able to condense the false fruit shows that, junior brother, your realm comprehension has reached the standard... I didn't expect that junior brother, you have only broken through the third level of the sword domain for a few years, and you have found your own way. Realm, it should not be difficult to defeat ordinary Dao fruit, maybe you can really break into the third sequence!"

Chen Fan was stunned.

Just now, he had a heroic fighting spirit in his heart, wanting to enter the top three and first ranks in Meihui, where there are many masters, and his belief is firm, so he has a breakthrough in the sword domain.

Thinking of what his master Chen Tianqian once said about "faith", he also has a complicated face.

To break through the Dao Fruit, one needs sufficient realm comprehension, and the other requires sufficient faith support.

Chen Tianqian also suggested that Chen Fan set some goals with strong emotions for himself, and when the goals are achieved, he will be able to break through.

Unexpectedly, the idea of ​​rushing into the first sequence became such an emotional goal.

In the Sun God Court, with the gift of "Yang", plus the Sword Realm and his party, Chen Fan's Sword Domain and the Four Dao Domains have already reached or even surpassed the critical point of Dao Fruit comprehension!

And if he can really fulfill his wish, achieve the first sequence, and break through his mind, with his current comprehension, his earth, fire, water, wind and the way of swordsmanship, he can condense the Dao fruit!

At that time, he will be the power of five fruits, needless to say his strength.

"With the continuous comprehension of the scene of the 'Hongmeng Sword' in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, my own realm is higher than ordinary Dao Fruit, and after condensing Dao Fruit, I can also take Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill, which can drastically shorten the time to advance to longevity... "

His eyes grew hotter.

But, I have to say.

In the face of more than one heir of the devil prince and descendant of the immortal, even with Chen Fan's current strength, it is extremely difficult to break into the top three.

He has no bottom at all.

Rather, it is precisely because there is no bottom line that this matter can help him break through the Dao Fruit and serve as the goal of his inner strong emotions!


After chatting with Chen Qingru in detail to understand the general situation of the Meihui, Chen Fan regained his composure and bid farewell to him.

I went to see Chen Tianqian again.

After disappearing for several years, Chen Fan came to see this cheap master.

And he also had questions to ask Chen Tianqian.

"You scare me."

When Chen Tianqian saw Chen Fan again, his expression was also very subtle, "You are the number one seed of our Sword Sect, if something happens, all the investment and training that the teacher invested in you at the beginning will be in vain!"

Chen Tianqian started a small stove for Chen Fan alone, so that he could directly obtain the opportunity to enter the sword realm, and also reforged two Dao weapons for him, which was a lot of investment.

Chen Fan coughed lightly, but also had no choice but to explain: "I went to a special place, I didn't expect that even the soul lamp would be isolated..."

The master and apprentice exchanged pleasantries for a while.

Chen Tianqian said again: "By the way, since you have been away for the past two years, Jianzong has already preliminarily laid out the 'cinema', and your share has already been in my hands."

"Oh?" Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but he said, "The business has just started, and it should be difficult to pay back in a short time. You probably won't make much money in the first two years, right?"

Chen Tianqian shook his head and said with a smile:

"With the support of Quan Jianzong, the cost of the projection stone has been reduced to less than one Yuanjing, and the cost of other manpower and material resources is not much higher! In Jianzong's words, the following small forces can only obey orders honestly... ..."

After all, the world of warriors is different from Chen Fan's previous life. The majesty of Jianzong is still quite exaggerated in Yuan Shenzhou.

This also leads to an exaggeration of work efficiency.

Of course, it has only been two years. With the great changes in the world, the hidden world sect is slowly emerging, and the authority of the sword sect may not last long.

Speaking of which, Chen Tianqian waved his hand, and a large number of Yuanjing appeared in front of Chen Fan.

Chen Fan also stared round his eyes, "This..."

The Yuanjing that Chen Tianqian took out was at least four to five million yuan, and it was filled with strong vitality.

"There are so many?"

Chen Fan's face was also full of surprise.

Although he imagined it very well at the beginning, in theory, he could get tens of millions of shares every year, but in fact, he didn't even think about getting back the money in the past few years...

I can get four to five million yuan, which means that Jianzong has earned at least forty to fifty million yuan crystals!

Just thinking about how big Yuan Shenzhou is and how many warriors there are, it feels normal again.

Chen Tianqian narrowed his eyes slightly:

"When you become more proficient in the industry, you will earn more money. This is just a trivial matter. But you must not reveal this matter. Your kid is not strong enough. It is not a good thing to have so many crystals."

Chen Fan smiled, and put away all the Yuan Jing.

For him, these Yuanjing cannot be said to be completely ignored, but it is indeed not too much.


Chen Tianqian seemed to remember something, "During your disappearance, people from Ziyue Sect once looked for me..."

"Purple Moon Sect?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, not surprised.

After seeing the warrior from the Free League, Chen Fan was mentally prepared.

However, the Ziyue Secret Realm should be the same as that of the Freedom League. Only some warriors can come out to the outside world at this time!

Chen Tianqian nodded:

"The person who met me in the Ziyue Secret Realm was a woman named Ziyan, who claimed to be the deputy head of the Ziyue Sect... I have talked with the head of the Ziyan Sect, and two contracts of cooperation and mutual assistance have been made. I also reached a preliminary agreement with the master of the Ziyue sect, and when the Ziyue sect is born, I will hand over the entire area from the east of Canghai City to Beiyuan Prefecture to the Ziyue sect's jurisdiction..."

The reason why Ziyun didn't come out is probably because the world has not changed enough, and he still can't leave him.

Chen Fan also nodded.

Even if Ziyue Sect has no ambitions, it is impossible for Jianzong to show no signs of ambition.

As the world undergoes great changes and more hidden sects are born, Jianzong also needs a strong ally.

"By the way, the Purple Moon Secret Realm also received an invitation from the Yuhua Sect, and they also sent their disciples to participate in the Meihui! The Ziyue Sect's residence is not far from our Sword Sect..."

"I'll visit Ziyue Sect later!" Chen Fan nodded, but couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, but couldn't help but think of Xiao Xi, Yun Xin and others.

These people are not very old, if they sign up in the name of Ziyuezong, they may be able to participate in the Meihui.

It's just that Chen Fan didn't feel that these people came to Longyuan Island through the Star God Seal.

What happened in Lingyunmen, Chen Fan also needs Ziyuezong to help deliver the news.

Shaking his head, he temporarily put these thoughts out of his mind. He looked up at Chen Tianqian, and his expression froze slightly: "I have a question, I want to ask the master..."

Chen Tianqian nodded: "You said?"

Chen Fan: "Master, have you ever heard of the Freedom League?"

"Freedom League?"

Chen Tianqian raised his eyebrows: "This time at the Meihui, the Yuhua Sect's list of directly promoted warriors has the name of this faction, and the strongest person selected has also reached the Dao Fruit level, so it shouldn't be a small sect! "

"It's just that I don't know the specific information about this organization. You might as well ask the leader of the Purple Moon Sect, the leader of the Ziyan sect..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and nodded.

Then the spiritual light in his hand gradually turned into a faint blue flower, and he said again: "Master, do you recognize this flower?"

Chen Tianqian's complexion changed slightly, but he waved his hand, and a wave of spiritual light rose, covering Chen Fan: "The Holy Flower?! Did you get this flower?"

Chen Fan shook his head and smiled wryly: "It's not that I got this thing, but that I need it! Master, do you know where I can buy Cangshenghua?"

This sacred flower is the key material for his Immortal Vajra Body to break through the seventh level.

With his current strength, it is too difficult to break into the top three without being able to use external objects.

His cultivation has no way to break through, and the only thing that can break through in a short time is his body.

And the seventh layer is another heavy layer of the Immortal Vajra Body, if he can break through, his power will be blessed a lot.

"You can't buy this thing!" Chen Tianqian frowned, and then said:

"The Cangsheng flower is an innate treasure. It is extremely rare and precious. Whether it is used for alchemy or body refinement, it is the most precious treasure... I have lived for ten thousand years, and I have only seen it once. That was when I was about two thousand years old. At that time, I visited the Yuhuamen once, and saw it in the Yuzhimen of the Yuhuamen..."

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