My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 802 Neutral Zone

"It's not impossible for an ordinary seventh-level warrior to kill ten seven-level fierce beasts in a row in one day, but it's extremely difficult if he has no spiritual consciousness and is likely to be attacked everywhere."

Chen Fan has a subtle expression

This person is hiding around the neutral zone, so naturally it cannot be the points obtained from killing monsters. It seems that he often sneaks up on the warriors who are going to the neutral zone.

Even if the proportion of warriors who came to the neutral area on the first day was very small, the huge base number would make this number not small.

Most of these people are not strong enough, and 99% of them are below the seventh level. Even if they only have a few hundred points, they can be killed casually. It is definitely much easier than hunting ferocious beasts.

Killing dozens of them a day is definitely easier than killing monsters...

"Although shameless, he is a smart man..."

Chen Fan licked his lips, looked at the neutral area in front of him, and had a wonderful idea in his heart.

If you use your own strength to stay around the neutral area and kill one by one, your points may increase extremely quickly, and you don't have to run around...

But soon he shook his head.

With his strength, if he wants to score points, it is better to find a monster with a longevity rank. A monster can equal the points of thousands of weak people.

It's much easier than wasting time here.

He quickly entered the neutral zone.

The neutral area is not that big, and there are quite a few castles and palaces in it. Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness swept it, but it completely covered the entire neutral area.

Most of the fighters in it are fighters below the seventh level, and occasionally one or two masters.

Although everyone's true energy is suppressed at the sixth level, the difference between different warriors can be seen in terms of physical fitness and the degree of resonance with the power of heaven and earth.

"Huh, there is actually a tenth weight?"

A tenth-level martial artist must have comprehended the divine consciousness, and if he is placed among ordinary people, he should not pay too much attention.

Of course, this is also when Chen Fan's spiritual sense is strong enough, ordinary people may not be able to discover it.

Chen Fan also did not expect that there would be a tenth-level warrior who would choose to come to the neutral area so early.

"When the strength reaches the top ten, unless one is extremely unlucky, one can basically pass the preliminary selection..."

This person is probably someone who wants to be lazy in the front, and then start hunting other warriors and accumulating points...

Working hard to hunt and kill monsters now is not as good as going out to kill a few ninth-level fighters with more points in the future...

In fact, Chen Fan also thought the same way.

Now it is the pig raising stage, and it is in the last few days, which is the harvesting stage...

He shook his head with a smile, but he didn't stop, and walked towards a hall next to him.

But at this time, there were a few warriors on the side of the road, with smiles on their faces, they leaned forward.

"Brother, please take a step slowly..."

"Huh?" Chen Fan turned his head and looked at several people.

Four or five warriors came to Chen Fan under the leadership of a young man dressed in black.

"What's the matter?"

It is impossible to fight in the neutral area. These people seem to have something to say to themselves.

The black-clothed warrior looked to be in his twenties, with a well-proportioned figure and a decent aura. Chen Fan swept his consciousness and found that this person was an eighth-level warrior.

In this neutral area, he stands out from the crowd, and he is one of the strongest people in the group. The warriors behind him are slightly weaker, but the lowest is the limit of the sixth level, and the half step is the seventh level.

Elite in the neutral zone.

The warrior in black looked at the black sword in Chen Fan's hand, his eyes were shining:

"My lord, Song Qingyun, these are my temporary allies...Your Excellency must not be an ordinary person to get a weapon so early. I wonder if you would like to join our temporary alliance?"

Chen Fan shook his head: "I'm not interested."

Song Qingyun hastily said again:

"If I see it well, brother should not be promoted to Grandmaster yet, right?"

He couldn't sense Chen Fan's grasp of the power of heaven and earth, so he naturally thought that Chen Fan's cultivation base was less than seven levels.

"With your strength, relying on yourself alone, the possibility of passing the preliminary selection is almost zero. You may wish to tell your Excellency that I come from the Heavenly Formation Sect in the Northeast Region and know many techniques of joint formations. Your Excellency will join us and wait for us to gather more people." Standing up, you can even defeat Jiuzhong, or even Tenzhong, and then... everyone will have a chance to advance!"

Chen Fan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard the words.

Although it is nothing but a big talk for everyone to advance, but gathering together is definitely much more likely than these people dispersing.

If Chen Fan is really not strong enough and wants to fight for the final victory, maybe he will really agree with the young man in black...

"Sorry." He waved his hand, but didn't say much, and walked straight to the hall in front of him.

Then Song Qingyun followed quickly, with a smile on his face:

"If you are not willing to join our alliance, I don't know if you are willing to cede the weapon in your hand... I am willing to exchange some real resources from the outside world with you. We can make an oath of heaven, or other contracts and oaths... "

Not many people can acquire weapons so quickly.

It's just that these people couldn't recognize it as a Taoist weapon at all.

There is too much difference in vision.

"No need." Chen Fan still shook his head and walked straight into the hall.

Chen Fan still doesn't like the resources given by a mere eighth-level martial artist.

Seeing Chen Fan enter the hall, Song Qingyun shook his head, and a look of helplessness flashed across his face:

"Unfortunately, weapons are extremely rare in the fantasy world. If we can get one, it will be of great help to us..."

The reason why he took the initiative to invite Chen Fan was not because he liked Chen Fan's displayed strength, but because he wanted Chen Fan's weapons.

The woman next to him who is also a master stepped forward and said "humph": "Sooner or later, there will be weapons! People who are not strong enough and have lost their aggressiveness, it is just right not to join us!"

Song Qingyun looked back, but shook his head subtly: "Don't care about him, let's continue to find new teammates!"


In the huge hall, there are only a dozen or so figures here and there.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and Chen Fan walked in with a black sword in his hand.

Almost everyone cast their eyes on Chen Fan, and most of their eyes were on the black sword in Chen Fan's hand.

Chen Fan didn't care, and began to look at the environment of the hall.

On the ground of the main hall, there are futons placed at certain intervals, and there are small tables in front of each futon.

There are some bottles and cans on the table.

Chen Fan took the sword and found a futon in the corner to sit down, and then saw the nameplate in Chen Fan's hand, and a spiritual light rose up, locking the area where the futon was located.

At the same time, a piece of information also appeared in Chen Fan's mind.

The area covered by the futon is the resting place occupied by Chen Fan. Without his permission, others cannot enter.

And the bottles and cans on the table are things like Bigu Pill, you can eat one when you are hungry, but this thing can't be taken out of the range of the futon...

Participating in the Mei Hui, after all, there are still more than half of the martial artists below the masters, and they can't survive without eating.

However, Chen Fan felt even more subtle: "Even though he can be resurrected infinitely, he still needs something to eat..."

This fantasy world is really a rather contradictory place.

Obviously there are extremely real details, but there are also quite illusory places.

Chen Fan felt even more subtle in his heart, but he had a wonderful idea:

"Is starving to death in the dream world counted as suicide? How can the rules of the dream world stop it?"

Although he really wants to try it, but with his cultivation base, even if he is a clone, he can't starve to death without absorbing the power of heaven and earth in the fantasy world, relying on his own physique alone without eating anything for three months!

Shaking his head, Chen Fan sat down on the futon and put aside his miscellaneous thoughts.

"Three months is still a long time, wait until the last few days before going out—"

He closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Because he is not the deity, he cannot observe the scene of the "Hongmeng Sword" in the sea of ​​consciousness. Although he can ponder the "Blood Fusion Technique", it is too inefficient to be separated from the deity, and it is likely to be a waste of time.

He mainly focused on the two special secret techniques of "Nightmare Prayer" and "God's Walk".

This fantasy world is infinitely close to reality, and can be regenerated infinitely, without taboos, it is suitable for testing some secret methods...

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