My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 811: Demon Eye Killer

In the outside world, each of these top geniuses must have a Taoist weapon for soul defense, but in the fantasy world, there is nothing.

No matter how strong Luo Yingtian was, he had no temper at all when he met Chen Fan, a master of mind and soul attacks, and his own spiritual consciousness was not as good as others.

Don't say that my strength may not be stronger than Chen Fan, even if I am really stronger, if the opponent uses the soul attack at a critical moment to make myself slightly sluggish, I may lose my life directly.

He also has no confidence now.

Chen Fan smiled: "Don't worry, I won't use soul attack on you."

In fact, Luo Yingtian, as a master of the Slaughter Dao Domain and the peak of Dao Fruit, willpower is much stronger than ordinary Dao Fruit, and it is even more difficult for Chen Fan's "Nightmare Prayer" to have the same effect on him.

When I heard Chen Fan's words.

Luo Yingtian was startled, instead of showing any joy on his face, he clenched his hands into fists, his face flushed red, but a look of unwillingness flashed across his eyes:

"If you don't use all your strength, you...will regret it."

Being able to achieve this strength at this age, Luo Yingtian naturally has the arrogance of a genius.

Chen Fan's behavior aroused the unwillingness in his heart.

The next moment.

In his eyes, blood began to splash!


The red Dao domain around his body also shrank suddenly, and a blood-colored beam of light rushed to the sky.

"If it wasn't in the 'Dream World', I wouldn't use this move easily, because the cost is too high...Chen Fan, can you stop it?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, his eyes popped open, and a beam of red and black intertwined shot at Chen Fan.

"Magic Eye Kill!"

With the use of this move, his hair turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his whole body was like a dead branch that had lost water.



Chen Fan's face changed slightly, and the back of his neck felt cold, but he felt extremely uneasy, and his body reacted extremely quickly, but it was still a step too late...

The Dao Domain in the four layers of agitation was instantly pierced by a bloody light.

Chen Fan was stunned on the spot, looking down at his completely pierced chest, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

"It turns out that there is such a way to use the Devil's Killing Eye?"

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, with a subtle look on his face.

This move, both in terms of speed and strength, was so powerful that it was pierced through Chen Fan's body without even trying to resist.

"If it were my body, even if I couldn't avoid it, I should be able to resist this move..."

He glanced at Luo Yingtian, his expression was also very subtle.

He still underestimated the masters in the world.

Although this Luo Yingtian itself is only Dao Fruit, but this move is enough to kill the first level of longevity, and the second level of longevity may be hated if he is not paying attention.

Feeling that the vitality of his body continued to dissipate, Chen Fan also knew that with the strength of his avatar, this body could not be saved at all!

The injury from this move involved the use of extremely clever methods of killing, and with the physical strength and resilience of Chen Fan's avatar, it could not be recovered at all...

It's just that as a master of infinite spiritual consciousness, he who still "masters" the spiritual movement, will not die so easily.

With the help of "divine action", he instantly separated the spirit from the body.


His body fell to the ground.

On the other side, Luo Yingtian's head was covered with white hair, his eyes were blurred, although his aura had weakened a lot, but looking at Chen Fan who had fallen down, his face was full of excitement.

"Hahahahaha, Chen Fan, this is the price of arrogance... No matter how strong you are, you will still be defeated by me!"

It's just that his maniacal laughter stopped abruptly because...he found that Chen Fan's body hadn't collapsed.

"How could this be?" He widened his eyes suddenly.

"not good!"

He didn't dare to stop at all, he turned his head and ran away.

Although the aura has weakened a lot and consumed a lot, as a Dao fruit master, the vitality of his own body is also extremely strong.

Instantly turned into a phantom, rushing towards the distance.

Just in an instant, his body froze suddenly, frozen in the void.

An invisible force restrained his body.

This is exactly the power of Chen Fan's "spiritual consciousness".

Chen Fan appeared in the void like an illusory figure.

In fact, if Luo Yingtian hadn't consumed too much and was in an extremely poor state, it would be difficult for Chen Fan to directly control the anger by relying on the power of his divine sense.

"What kind of supernatural power are you..."

Luo Yingtian stared at Chen Fan who was not far away in astonishment, but turned around abruptly, and found that Chen Fan's body was still lying on the ground.

His face was full of bewilderment and helplessness.

With a thought of Chen Fan, his body flew uncontrollably in front of Chen Fan's spiritual body.

"just kill me!"

Luo Yingtian's mouth twitched.

Chen Fan snorted coldly, but he didn't move the killer.

If he was killed, he would be reborn immediately and his status would be refreshed, and it would be even more difficult to control him. Naturally, Chen Fan would not let this happen.

He hummed:

"I have some questions, I want to ask you, as long as you answer honestly, I may kill you..."

These words were extremely strange, but Luo Yingtian's eyes flashed, and a look of helplessness flashed across his face:

"What do you want to ask?"

Chen Fan said: "What's the situation with your 'Seven Saints Alliance'?"

"If my guess is correct, Luo Shaodi should also be forced to join this so-called Seven Saints Alliance?"

Luo Yingtian nodded with a complex expression, but he didn't hide it:

"I just entered the fantasy world, killed a few monsters at random, and met a woman named 'Nightmare' before I had less than one million points..."

"She is extremely powerful, and she killed me head-on very easily, and her method is special. After I died, she was able to catch up to me several times..."

"She killed me three or four times in a row, and the last time she severely injured me, and she took control..."

The more Luo Yingtian talked, the more ugly his face became.

Chen Fan also frowned deeply.

Not to mention that if you want to walk such a long distance with your spiritual consciousness, it is not something that ordinary longevity can do.

With Luo Yingtian's strength, the "Magic Eye Killer" broke out, even if it was him, he would be caught if he was not careful.

And every time it dies and is reborn, it can refresh its state, that is to say, every time it is reborn, it also has the strength to use this trick again.

With such strength, even a second-level immortal master can't even think about killing Luo Yingtian in succession, it's too difficult!

In other words, the woman named "Nightmare" is either too powerful or has extremely special means.

"As Daoguo, I am a seed player in the sect. I was willing to be eliminated in the first round, so I made a 'contract' with her and agreed to certain conditions!"

Speaking of this, Luo Yingtian sighed:

"That was the second day after the fantasy world started. I was the first person she met, and also the first person who was forced into her alliance..."

"After that, I was forced by her to make a high-profile move, which attracted other disciples of the Demon Sect to join us. Later, she controlled a few Dao Fruits and continuously radiated power. Some troublemakers called us the Seven Saints Alliance..."

Chen Fan's expression was subtle: "In other words, the so-called 'Seven Sacred Alliance', everyone else is controlled by this 'Nightmare'? Do you know other information about this 'Nightmare'?"

Luo Yingtian shook his head:

"I only know that this nightmare seems to come from a certain hidden sect, but I don't know the name of the specific sect."

"The woman in the colorful feather coat you killed just now is called Caiyu. It seems that she knew 'Nightmare' from the outside world and called her Miss."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.

But suddenly raised his head.

I saw a rainbow in the sky piercing the sky and galloping towards it.

"Luo Yingtian, I'm bringing help!"

It was that Iroha!

At this time, behind him was a muscular man with red hair and a bare upper body!

"Well done!"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, and his consciousness surged.

The black sword lying quietly next to Chen Fan's corpse suddenly flew up and turned into a streamer, rushing to the distance in an instant.

Iroha galloping in the distance and the big red-haired man froze for a moment, their eyes flashed blankly.

At the same time, Chen Fan's flying sword, driven by his spiritual consciousness, had already arrived, making a circle and piercing through their bodies one after another.

Then the flying sword strung together the bodies of the two and flew not far in front of Chen Fan!

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