My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 813 Nightmare

Nightmare is the second level of longevity!

Chen Fan's eyes flashed with sharpness.

No wonder Luo Yingtian, who was able to easily chase and kill Daoguo, killed him so many times.

Longevity 2nd level cultivation base does not mean that there is only ordinary longevity 2nd level strength.

As the descendant of the hidden force, the true strength of this "Nightmare" may only become stronger.

It is still possible for him to defeat this person, but it is extremely difficult to kill him in succession, the possibility is almost zero.

"It's not easy to kill Nightmare with just my avatar..." Chen Fan also realized this.

Raising his eyebrows, Chen Fan also looked at Caiyu again, and said:

"Then next, please tell me the exact location of your alliance base camp...Let me and your lady come and have a chat in person."

Iroha frowned, and a subtle look flashed across her eyes:

"I can tell you, it's points have dropped so much, and the young lady is absolutely aware that she will prepare in advance...I hope you don't regret it!"

Chen Fan smiled: "Of course I won't regret it, but before I leave, I have one more thing to do..."

Luo Yingtian and the three of them were all taken aback.

Chen Fan shook his head, and then dissipated the state of "God Walk".

With the release of "Shenxing", his spirit was directly exposed to the sun, and when the wind blew, it quickly disappeared.

Iroha and the red-haired man stared at Chen Fan who suddenly disappeared in front of him in astonishment, but they still didn't understand what happened.

Luo Yingtian's eyes lit up, seeing Chen Fan's body on the ground disappearing into light spots, but he quickly turned his head to look at the big red-haired man next to him: "Kill me!"

The big red-haired man was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he immediately raised his hand and waved it out.

It's just that he didn't wait for his moves to fall, and his movements stopped, and the whole person fell forward.

A stream of light flashed across the sky, and Chen Fan, who was intact and regained his strength, quickly came to the three of them.

Chen Fan looked at Luo Yingtian's position with a smile, and said with a smile:

"Shaodi Luo, don't make things difficult for me, I don't want to kill you to the point of nothing..."

Luo Yingtian is the strongest among the three. He lives in the Killing Dao Domain and has the strongest will.

If Luo Yingtian was reborn, Chen Fan would not be as easy as Caiyu to kill him instantly.

Chen Fan naturally wouldn't let this happen.

"I understand..." The corners of Luo Yingtian's mouth twitched, but he spread his hands.

Chen Fan nodded, landed slowly, and twisted his neck:

"It feels good to be back to the top."

When Chen Fan had only his spirit body left, activating the "God's Walk" and "Nightmare Prayer" actually consumed a lot of energy. If it wasn't for his spiritual sense far surpassing that of ordinary people, it would be difficult for him to persist for so long.

And since he was going to meet that "Nightmare", it was naturally impossible for Chen Fan to maintain the state of only one spirit body.

Although the Fantasy Realm cannot commit suicide, when Chen Fan's body is destroyed, he is already in a half-dead state, and "God's Walk" just prolongs the process of death infinitely.

When the "Shen Xing" is released, the process is completed immediately.

So his death is also on Luo Yingtian's head.

Luo Yingtian has gained tens of millions of points, and his ranking has jumped a lot.

It's just that these points are meaningless to the two who don't pay much attention to the obvious points.

It's not like the Ice Sect, what kind of rewards are there...


The fantasy world is a big exaggeration.

It took Chen Fan an hour to finally reach the headquarters of the "Seven Saints Alliance".

At this time he was alone.

Iroha and the other three have already been given the "Nightmare Prayer" by him, and they are secretly hiding in a special place.

Since Caiyu is a kind of servant of this "Nightmare", "Nightmare" will never ignore her.

Even if he couldn't beat "Nightmare", having such a bargaining chip gave Chen Fan more confidence.

In the distance is a magnificent city.

Chen Fan's avatar entered the "Hidden Void" state, and approached the city little by little.

From afar, Chen Fan's spiritual sense could sense a petite figure in a heavy windbreaker floating in front of the city gate.

Seeing him, Chen Fan didn't use his spiritual sense to easily investigate him, but he was worried that he would be discovered.

But Chen Fan was able to find that this woman was extraordinary just by observing, and he raised his eyebrows: "It seems that this woman should be the so-called 'Nightmare'..."

If what Iroha said doesn't work out, this woman is a second-tier immortal.

A person with such a cultivation level, even if he is just entering the second level of longevity, should not be underestimated.

Even if I am now, I dare not say that I can kill Luo Yingtian consecutively. This woman must have a certain strength.

The woman stood above the city gate, as if she was waiting for someone.

Chen Fan guessed that he might be waiting for him...

It's just that Chen Fan didn't show his true appearance at all, and quietly urged the "Hidden Void" to approach him.

"My 'Concealment' has already reached the second level. Before my spiritual consciousness broke through the boundless, the fourth level of longevity couldn't find me... let alone now, a second level of longevity..."

In fact, as Chen Fan kept approaching, the woman on the city gate remained motionless, as if she hadn't noticed anything.

"It's now!"

When the distance got closer, Chen Fan immediately slashed at the woman with his sword.

"Sword of the Predator!"

He didn't get out of the "hidden void" state until he actually made a move.

Under the "Sword Hiding in the Void", the sword in his hand was completely hidden in the void, and his aura was not revealed at all.


The woman was hit by Chen Fan's sword in an instant, and her body collapsed into countless black smoke.

"Dead?" The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, but he suddenly raised his head: "No!"

The countless black smoke recondensed in the blink of an eye, turning into the petite figure in the windbreaker.

"This kind of small trick is useless to me."

The petite figure's body is completely hidden under the windbreaker, and even the slightest bit of face is revealed.

But listening to the voice is a young girl.

"Small means?"

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, but his brows twitched.

I "hidden the void" and hid in the dark, activated the "void hidden sword technique" and added the "Sword of the Predator". If the opportunity is right, it will definitely not be difficult to kill the second layer of longevity.

Especially in the fantasy world, some stressful hole card treasures cannot be used, and assassination is easier than the outside world...

But in this woman's mouth, his confident "assassination technique" turned out to be a small trick?

Nightmare was condescending, looking down at Chen Fan, but she had no intention of making a move:

"You must... be that Chen Fan. I didn't expect you to have such an exquisite breath-holding technique... My maid, Cai Yu, who is not in a good mood, has been taken care of by you."

"I am willing to redeem Iroha, and you can make an offer."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

This woman is indeed a nightmare.

It was not surprising that Nightmare knew his name.

He has shot Caiyu so many times before, and his points have rushed into the top fifty, but Caiyu's points keep falling.

The rankings of the two changed at the same time, and those who are interested can naturally understand what happened.

Chen Fan snorted coldly, but he didn't seem to hear the second part of Nightmare's words: "The 'Seven Saints Alliance' disregarded the wishes of others and killed countless warriors in order to gain benefits. I came today to do justice for the heavens, Get rid of violence and make peace!"

The moral high ground must be occupied first, and it will not be too late to trade after being defeated...

While Chen Fan spoke righteously, his spiritual consciousness surged in the dark, and he threw a "Nightmare Prayer" in the past, and his body rushed forward!

Nightmare didn't dodge, snorted coldly, black smoke rose suddenly behind him, but in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a huge black monster in human form, and rushed forward to completely block Chen Fan's sword light!


Chen Fan spat out blood, and he flew backwards for hundreds of feet under the terrifying force.

"Unexpectedly..." He was filled with fear.

It is true that my level of "Nightmare Prayer" is not enough, but it is not difficult to slightly influence one or two of the immortal masters.

But from his perspective, it was as if he released the "Nightmare Prayer" on a dead person and on the air...

The woman was not affected at all.

And at the same time.

Nightmare's voice sounded again: "Since your Excellency wants to play, then I will play with you..."

Black smoke rose from the hands of the black shadow monster in front of her, and condensed into a long spear, which was swung forward violently.


The entire sky turned black!

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