In the neat and clean city, Chen Fan and Luo Yingtian walked in it calmly.

Luo Yingtian had been killed and resurrected at this time, but he was no longer the gray-haired and extremely old man.

"Senior Brother Luo, you're back!"

He saw a man in a black robe approaching him.

Chen Fan squinted his eyes. This young warrior was covered in tattoos all over his body, exuding an evil aura. He could tell at a glance that he was a typical disciple of the Demon Sect.

Luo Yingtian nodded lightly towards him, but led Chen Fan forward.

"Brother Luo!"


Along the way, I met many warriors who greeted Luo Yingtian...

There are quite a few Demon Sect members.

A gloomy look flashed across Luo Yingtian's face, and he said to Chen Fan in a low voice:

"Because of my personal appeal, in this preliminary selection, many fighters from the top ten demon sects 'voluntarily' joined this ghost alliance!"

Luo Yingtian himself is a victim of this "Seven Saints Alliance", and his gang of juniors and juniors are all foolishly helping the "Alliance" for nothing, and enjoying themselves, Luo Yingtian is naturally in a good mood where to go.

Chen Fan looked calm on the surface, but in his heart he just wanted to laugh.

He coughed and said with a smile:

"Young Emperor Luo, don't worry, I have reached an agreement with that 'Nightmare', and Nightmare has already transferred to me the treasure price paid by you, Shaodi Luo... In the days to come, if Shaodi Luo cooperates well with me, It's not impossible for me to lower and exempt you from paying the individual price!"

Luo Yingtian's eyes flashed immediately, "Brother Chen Fan is really capable! You must keep your word!"

Chen Fan smiled and nodded, but suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked forward, "Huh?"

"What's the matter?" Luo Yingtian followed Chen Fan's gaze, but saw a two-storey attic not far away.

Although the attic was not opened, Luo Yingtian could still sense a girl sitting cross-legged in a room in the small building with his spiritual consciousness.

"This is also a junior sister of my Yuan Demon Sect? Brother Chen Fan, do you recognize her?"

Chen Fan frowned, and smacked his lips: "Is this girl called Sikong Qing?"

Luo Yingtian nodded:

"It is indeed Junior Sister Sikong."

Chen Fan's expression was delicate: "If I remember correctly, his father is called Sikong Wei, right? I remember that a few years ago in Guizong, a demon emperor named Zhu Xiang died, and Sikong Wei was Zhu Xiang's right-hand man. Have you ever become the new Demon Emperor of the Yuan Demon Sect?"

Luo Yingtian sneered and shook his head: "How is it possible, Sikong Wei is only a second level of longevity, his own strength is not enough, no matter how powerful he is under his hands, he will not be able to become a devil emperor! After Zhu Xiang died, it was my father's ruthless devil!" Under the command of the Emperor, a Changsheng Sanzhong took over Zhu Xiang's position and became a new Demon Emperor, named Wolf Demon Emperor!"

Chen Fan was also amazed.

The reason why the Yuan Demon Sect retreated so quickly was because Si Kongwei wanted to compete for the new position of Demon Emperor, but he failed in the end.

But thinking about it now, there is a huge difference in strength between the second level of longevity and the third level.

After all, the third level of longevity is the first level of the Dao, unless Si Kongwei himself has some heaven-defying talent, otherwise he is not worthy of competing with the third level of longevity.

"This ruthless devil emperor is still powerful, and he can send out any subordinates at the third level of longevity..."

The thirteen devil emperors of the Yuan Demon Sect are all above the third level of longevity, but this does not mean that the Yuan Demon Sect only has 13 above the third level of longevity...

The fact that the Yuan Demon Sect can cultivate such a genius as Luo Yingtian shows that the Yuan Demon Sect is powerful, not weaker than some hermit sects. I am afraid that there are at least five or even sixth levels of longevity in the sect...

Chen Fan shook his head.

Luo Yingtian turned her head back, and her voice followed the power of heaven and earth into the attic: "Junior Sister Sikong, come out quickly!"

Chen Fan was startled, but realized that Si Kongqing had already stopped his cultivation, and flew out from the window of the room decisively, and came in front of the two of them in an instant.

"Qing'er met Senior Brother Luo!"

The girl's face has not changed much from before, but the blindfold has disappeared from her face.

She was obviously a woman from the Demon Cult, but she carried an air of indifference.

She doesn't look like the witch who made such a mess back then!

Luo Yingtian nodded lightly, but then took the initiative to look to the side: "This is my best friend Chen Fan..."

Chen Fan smiled and looked at Luo Yingtian, but he didn't say anything.

Sikong Qing immediately turned her head around, and when she saw Chen Fan, she was slightly stunned for a moment, but she quickly bowed her body and bowed her head, saying:

"Little sister Sikong Qing, I met Senior Brother Chen."

The voice is extremely gentle.

Luo Yingtian raised his eyebrows and said: "Brother Chen Fan is a proud man who is stronger than me... He said he was your old friend. Take a closer look, do you recognize him?"

Sikong Qing was also taken aback, and raised her head to look at Chen Fan again, but her face was full of surprise and astonishment: "You, you, won't..."

Compared to before, Chen Fan's appearance has not changed much, but his aura and strength are vastly different.

When Si Kongqing saw Chen Fan for the first time just now, she felt familiar, but she just felt that if she could become Luo Yingtian's friend, it would be impossible for her to be the person she thought she was!

It wasn't until now when Luo Yingtian said this that Sikong Qing turned the impossible into a possibility in her heart!

"You're the one who did it..."

Chen Fan smiled and nodded: "Saint Sikong, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

After saying this, Sikong Qing was also momentarily stunned, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "'s is it possible, you, how is it possible?"

Sikong Qing had met Chen Fan three times.

The first time Chen Fan escaped from her hands by chance, the second time Chen Fan already had the strength to kill her senior brother, and the third time he was taken down by his own hands.

Now is the fourth time.

When we last met a few years ago, Chen Fan was indeed powerful, but he could only defeat the third level of the Dao Domain by relying on special secret techniques. There are only a few people stronger than her. In just a few years, Chen Fan has become an existence that Luo Yingtian is ashamed of , doesn't it mean...

Does he already possess the power of immortality?

Sikong Qing really found it hard to accept it!

From the time when she was at the limit of the ninth level, to now, she is only in the early stage of the tenth level, and she is still only in the realm of the first level!

Chen Fan was also extremely subtle.

People who were once in a hostile position are now reunited in this form.

It's just that the existence that was regarded as a great enemy at the beginning, at this moment, is a weak person who can be crushed with a wave of his hand...

Seeing that Sikong Qing was out of his mind and with such an attitude, Luo Yingtian let out a dissatisfied "hum":

"Sikong Qing, what's your attitude?"

However, Sikong Qing's body was shaken, a look of confusion flashed across his face, and he quickly bowed his head again: "Senior Brother Luo and Senior Brother Chen, please forgive me, Senior Brother Chen's strength has progressed so fast that I feel ashamed and surprised, so I neglected Senior Brother ..."

Chen Fan waved his hand and gave a "cough": "Young Emperor Luo and I have other things to do, Junior Sister Sikong, let's go back for a while and have a good rest."

Sikong Qing looked at Chen Fan gratefully, and then turned to look at Luo Yingtian.

Luo Yingtian snorted: "Go back!"

Sikong Qing lowered her head in response, and then dared to go back to the previous pavilion.

Luo Yingtian turned to look at Chen Fan: "Brother Chen, please bear with me."

Chen Fan shook his head and turned around: "I heard from Luo Shaodi that the outer city is the resting place for alliance fighters, what about the inner city?"

"Follow me!" Luo Yingtian flew up.

Chen Fan followed closely behind.

After a cup of tea.

Luo Yingtian descended from the sky.

"This is the inner city."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, as far as he could see, there was a mess in front of him.

A roar sounded in the distance, and battles broke out in the surrounding area from time to time.

Luo Yingtian said:

"The center of the inner city is the 'execution area', and some disobedient warriors will be taken there to kill them. After these people are reborn, they must also be reborn in the inner city. There will be powerful warriors in the inner city at a distance Stationed... These people will regularly rotate with the warriors in the outer city, and there will also be someone who will be responsible for hunting other warriors outside."

Chen Fan nodded, as far as he could see, he could see many experts of the ninth level and tenth level.

His expression is subtle.

Unfortunately, the preselection only lasts for three months. If it lasts longer, Nightmare will rely on this "alliance" to win most of the warriors participating in the preselection sooner or later!

Shaking his head, Chen Fan suddenly turned his head.

I saw ripples and flashes in the sky not far away like water, but countless light spots gradually condensed into a person's entity.

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