Deep in the woods.

Ripples flashed in the air, and Luo Yingtian's body resurfaced.

Feeling the rejuvenated body, the corners of Luo Yingtian's mouth twitched, and red and black eyes flashed.

He was naturally unwilling to fight hard with Chen Fan, but the situation couldn't help him. For the sake of his treasure outside, he had to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.

Shaking his head, he paused in place, waiting silently.

But between breaths, a black streamer pierced the sky, and Chen Fan came to him again.

At the same time, Chen Fan held a big knife in his hand, which was the weapon Luo Yingtian used before.

After a person dies, the equipment and pills collected in the fantasy world will also drop.

"Shaodi Luo, let's come again!"

Luo Yingtian stared straight at Chen Fan, took the big knife, spread out the killing field around him, and slashed towards Chen Fan with one knife.

The blood dragon roared and roared everywhere.

Chen Fan laughed loudly and raised his sword to return the attack.

Half an hour passed.

Luo Yingtian once again used a magic killing eye, this time severely wounding Chen Fan, and he himself was beheaded by Chen Fan with a sword.

Chen Fan tried not to use the "Four Holy Swords" and other Dao domains, but his overall strength was still slightly stronger than Luo Yingtian.

Even if Luo Yingtian had the ultimate move of "Magic Eye Kill", it would be difficult to defeat Chen Fan in the same state.

However, as long as Chen Fan retains his strength, it is impossible to beat Luo Yingtian with one life.

Anyone who is hit by the "Magic Killing Eye" will be affected by special rule power, and there is no way to recover from the injury.

In the third fight, Chen Fan was seriously injured, and his body was directly destroyed by Luo Yingtian.

And if he didn't take the initiative to activate the divine action, he would naturally die directly...

After the resurrection, the battle to the death continued...

In the days that followed, Chen Fan continued to fight Luo Yingtian.

Therefore, he died many times.

Probably Luo Yingtian would die three or four times on average, while Chen Fan would die once.

Chen Fan's Slaughtering Dao Domain and Devil's Killing Eye also became stronger in the repeated exchanges and deaths...

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, the two sides were still fighting fiercely. Suddenly, a stream of light pierced the sky in the distance, and a voice suddenly sounded: "Brother Chen Fan, the time has come."

It was the voice of Nightmare.


Seven Saints Alliance resident.

Within a pavilion.

Chen Fan held the nameplate and walked in the corridor.

The past few days.

After all, he killed Luo Yingtian more times, and the number of points increased steadily, but he improved a few places again.

At this time, he also discovered that Iroha's name was on the top 100 list again.

But in a few days, the person has already scored tens of millions of points.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan was not surprised. He put away the nameplate and stepped into a certain room.

Apart from Nightmare in the windbreaker, there were two other people in the room.

One of them was a human warrior who looked like a young man in a white feather coat, and his aura was as cold as ice.

On the other side, it was indeed the prince of the Raksha clan, Dorodo.

"You are the human being who was with Luo Yingtian that day!" Dorodo stared straight at Chen Fan with a pair of green eyes.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded and said, "My name is Chen Fan."

But he turned his head to look at the boy in the white feather coat next to him: "I don't know if this is..."

Nightmare nodded and said:

"This is Zhu Shan from the Extreme Ice Sect, who is also Togo's fellow apprentice. I met him by chance in the past two days. He is in a competitive relationship with Togo, so I invited him to come with him."

Chen Fan frowned, but his heart moved.

This Zhu Shan had surpassed Togo for a few days to be number one in points, but was surpassed by Togo later, but now he is ranked third at the moment, and he also has more than 500 million points, although it is far less than Togo, however, is no ordinary person.

What made Chen Fan even more subtle was that the goal of himself and others was Togo. He never expected that there would be someone from the Ice Sect as his assistant.

Thinking about it, the incentive policy of the Ice Extreme Sect should be extremely exaggerated, so that Zhu Shan would not hesitate to attack his senior brother...

Nightmare said:

"Let's get straight to the point. I have confirmed the exact location and whereabouts of Togo at this time. Before that..."

As he spoke, streaks of black smoke rose from his body, but they combined into two huge black lotus flowers.

"This is……"

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

There is a sacred, solemn and inviolable aura above the black lotus, but it also has an incomparably evil aura, which gives people an extremely contradictory feeling.

"This is a special secret technique of mine. Don't resist the three of you. If you touch this black lotus, the black lotus will blend into your body, which can greatly increase the strength of the three of you. The time can last for a day..."

"Of course, the subsequent side effects of this thing will be more serious, but in this 'dream world', naturally it doesn't matter."

Chen Fan nodded.

If it was in the outside world, he would not easily absorb this kind of thing into his body if he was killed, but in the fantasy world, these side effects would also be refreshed with death and rebirth.

He stretched out his hand and placed his palm on one of the black lotuses.

The black lotus immediately followed Chen Fan's palm and merged into Chen Fan's body bit by bit.

And Chen Fan also felt that his physical fitness was getting stronger and stronger, and the true energy in his body was also increasing.

A growing sense of comfort spread throughout the body.

"Awesome!" After a long while, Hei Lian completely merged into her body, and Chen Fan couldn't help admiring.

Both physical fitness and true energy have been greatly improved.

You know, this is the fantasy world, and everyone's cultivation will be suppressed to the sixth line.

"With so much true energy, the communication with the power of heaven and earth is far more than before. The number of times I can cut out the "Hongmeng Sword" will also increase..."

Even if it's just a clone, the sixth-level "Hongmeng Sword" is enough to instantly kill a master of the second-level series of longevity.

But with the increase of Hei Lian, he has the confidence to slash more than five or six Hongmeng swords in a row!

But it is enough to deal with any enemy.

On the other side, Dorodo and Zhu Shan also smelted the black lotus, and each of them had a much stronger aura.

Nightmare said: "Let's go!"


above the mountains.

The wind was howling, covered with ice and snow.


The huge Cyclops with four arms was covered in heavy frost, and turned into ice shards in the blink of an eye!

With the annihilation of the Cyclops' body, the wind and snow stopped for an instant, and a figure slowly descended from the sky.

It was a young man in a white slim gown.

His eyes are clear, his eyebrows and hair are silver, just looking at it makes people shudder.

Holding a nameplate in his hand, he raised his eyebrows slightly:

"A monster of the first level of longevity has only ten million points, which is too little. Not to mention the results, any contestant in the third level of the domain has far more than ten million points..."

The closer the time is to the end, the more points the contestants in the fantasy world will get.

Although the points come from monsters in the end, it is quite difficult to earn points simply by killing monsters.

Or kill other contestants with high scores.

The young man shook his head, but suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.


The moment his voice fell.

An icy staircase emerged from the air, Zhu Shan stepped on the crystal-like ice staircase, looked at the young man with a smile:

"Brother Togo, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

A hint of subtlety flashed across Togo's face: "Zhu Shan, you dare to appear in front of me...Even if you know my location alone, you probably wouldn't dare to come to me..."

"Could it be that you found some helper and wanted to kill me?"

Zhu Shan frowned, and stretched his hands forward.


The heavy water light suddenly rose from the void, but it turned into a spherical water prison in the blink of an eye, completely covering Togo's body.

Togo sneered and raised his head abruptly.

I saw a black light in the sky cut through the sky, and arrived in an instant, but it was shot by a black flying sword.

"I got it right...Zhu Shan, you are really crazy."

Togo's eyes flashed.


The huge incomparably spherical water prison around him began to condense in the blink of an eye, and then condensed into ice in an instant, and turned into countless ice chips in the blink of an eye.

Then he raised his hand sharply.

Heavy ice chips flew up and blocked Togo's head.

In the blink of an eye, it condensed into a thick and huge ice wall!


At the same time, the black flying sword shot down violently and slammed into the thick ice barrier.

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