My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 841 Pressure

"Genius in the Demon Realm..."

Chen Fan nodded, picked up the projection stone, and quickly activated the projection.

However, what appeared on the screen on the projection made Chen Fan startled.

What appeared was not a monster, but a human warrior in black.

Holding a black gun in his hand, it only took a few breaths to pierce through all one hundred floors of the Ascension Tower.

Monster beasts can transform when they reach the tenth level, and this person did not transform into a prototype until the end, which shows that he did not use his full strength at all!

No matter how many enemies there are on each floor or what kind of strength they are, the black light around them can instantly kill them all.

"This speed is too exaggerated. Ordinary longevity warriors, even if they don't have any enemies, can't reach the top of the tower in the counting time..."

Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness activated the "Nightmare Prayer", and it took ten breaths of time to go from the first floor to the eightieth floor.

The stairs to the next floor will only appear after the enemies are dealt with on each floor. There is a certain interval between them. Although this interval is very short, it would be an exaggeration to add up to a hundred floors.

The speed of this black feather is too fast, too outrageous!

Not only to kill enemies, but also to go up the tower faster!

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched:

"Even if my deity makes a move, it is impossible to break through the tower so quickly... Although this guy has not changed his original form, but with the strength he has shown, I may not be an opponent..."

Monsters have a great advantage over humans.

And although the specific race information of this "Black Feather" has not been exposed, Chen Fan guesses that it is most likely a powerful race that ranks at the top of the Shanhai Ranking!

Whether he can win or not can only be known after the actual fight, but it has to be said that the existence of this black feather puts Chen Fan under a lot of pressure.

Shaking his head, Chen Fancai looked at the second projection stone again.

The second is not to become.

His strength is equally terrifying, when he broke through the level, he didn't show his Dao domain at all, and he didn't even have the tendency to make moves, all opponents automatically exploded into minced meat.

It didn't take him ten breaths of time to break through the one hundred story tower.

"Wu Cheng's killing speed is no slower than Hei Yu's, but his own speed is not as exaggerated as Hei Yu's, so he is slower..."

Of course, to say it is slow is an exaggeration.

Chen Fan shook his head, and continued to check the specific information about Wu Cheng.

Chen Fan frowned tightly.

The information only records that the person is a living Demon God King and the holy daughter heir of Wuliangzong, and there is no specific name information about that Demon God King!

There is not even any record of what kind of Tao he comprehended, or the characteristics of his moves.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan narrowed his eyes: "The Wuliangzong is one of the Four Great Sacred Sects, so this is not only the heir of the prince of the Demon God, but his mother is also related to the Four Great Sacred Sects..."

The more I looked at Chen Fan, the more I felt that it would be difficult for me to win.

"Compared to these two guys, my power level may not be weak, but my realm is too far behind... Both of them have already stepped into the Dao level, and I haven't even comprehended the ordinary way..."

With such a huge difference in realm, it would be very difficult for Chen Fan to win against such a level master unless his strength level was crushed.

He shook his head and continued to check other projection stones.

There are more than 20 projection stones that have broken through the full floor.

Luofu of Naluotianmen, Togo, Zhushan of Bingjizong, and Molten Core, whose names Chen Fan had heard before, were also included.

In the Yuhua Tower, Molten Core entered the tower in the image of a bald human man, and did not transform into his real body until the last ten floors, but he ranked eleventh, two ahead of Chen Fan.


"Hey, this person is..."

When Chen Fan saw a projection screen, his eyes suddenly flickered.

Above the projection is a handsome man dressed as a monk.

This person's whole body was shining with golden light, and he used a pair of fists to forcibly penetrate the 100-story Ascension Tower. Although the speed could not be called too fast, it was quite stable, and there should be a lot of strength left.

"Isn't this person... that wise monk?!"

When Chen Fan entered the Kunwu Secret Realm, the person who was with Lan Ruo was this wise monk!

"Lan Ruo said that this person practiced closed-mouthed meditation, so he didn't say a word the whole time. At the beginning, he was only a beginner at the tenth level of cultivation, but now he has already cultivated Daoguo..."

Chen Fan's eyes were burning, and the information provided on the jade slip showed that he was from the Vajra Temple!

"Four holy sects?!"

"The one who gets together with Lan Ruo is really not a simple person. A few years ago, he was just an ordinary ten-fold man, but now he is a Dao fruit..."

In Chen Fan's heart, he didn't underestimate this person because he was just a Daoist.

Not to mention that the Yuhua Tower's investigation of the cultivation base may not necessarily be correct.

Even if the person is just Dao Fruit, Chen Fan is still afraid.

"Zi Yan said that Lan Ruo didn't participate in this plum meeting because she disdained to bully the weak. This wisdom can work with Lan Ruo, and she can come and go to the hidden sect at will a few years ago. I'm afraid it may not be worse than Lan Ruo's background!"

Chen Fan even speculated that this wisdom might also be a reincarnated and rebuilt master.

Chen Fan continued to check other people's projected combat records and jade slip information, but quickly read them all.

Seven or eight of them are alien races, but humans account for more than half.

Although normally speaking, the average talent of the human race is not comparable to that of other races, but there are too many people, and there are also special physiques in the human race. Some top physiques may not be worse than the top races in the mountains and seas.

"I almost forgot... Nightmare is not in it, is this girl deliberately hiding her strength..."

Chen Fan shook his head.

But I don't feel surprised.

During the preliminaries, Nightmare herself controlled such a large alliance and kept attacking other warriors, but she herself didn't have many points, and she was hiding in the dark almost all the time, obviously not a high-profile person.

Seeing that Chen Fan had watched all the projections, Chen Qingru asked tentatively:

"How about junior brother, with your strength, it shouldn't be difficult to break into the top 20 and enter the second rank?"

At this time, Chen Fan was ranked above the thirteenth place in the second round, faster than half of the twenty-one people.

Chen Fan shook his head.

If his goal is only the second rank, as long as his luck is not too bad, and he is not eliminated by some masters in advance, naturally there is no problem at all.

But when the target is the first sequence, the difficulty is still not low.

In the second round alone, among the twenty people, he couldn't see through, or he didn't have the confidence to defeat three people——

Hei Yu and Wu Cheng who are first and second, and the wisdom of King Kong Temple, Chen Fan has no confidence that he will win.

In fact, the strength shown by wisdom is not outrageous, and the ranking is also at the bottom of these people, but because of Lan Ruo, Chen Fan listed him at the same level as Hei Yu and Wu Cheng.

In fact, if it is the strongest opponent, there are only these three people.

Although Chen Fan did not dare to say that he would win, he still had a good chance of winning.

As long as you beat one person, you can guarantee to enter the first sequence...

But the problem is, who knows, how many of these remaining people are like that nightmare, and have not shown their true strength.

If it's just Togo's strength, it's fine, Chen Fan thinks he can win relatively easily...

What he is most afraid of is that among those who hide their strength, there are still people who are not weaker than Wucheng, or even stronger than Wucheng!

Among the hidden sects, there are only the four great holy sects, which have the power of immortals.

But there are absolutely no four existences in the world who are equal to immortals and demon kings!

The ghost knows which casual martial artist, or some unremarkable alien, may be the heir of a certain demon prince, or the descendant of an immortal.

He took a deep breath and turned to look at Chen Qingru:

"Has the competition system for the third round come out?"

Chen Qingru nodded:

"The third round is the knockout round. The top two hundred warriors will be selected to enter the final round and the top four sequences!"

"As for the other 4,800 fighters who are ranked outside the 200, they will compete in the loser's bracket...the specific rules and what to compare, but they haven't come out yet."

Chen Fan was stunned: "Two hundred people are selected to enter the final round... that means the third round is already the penultimate round of Meihui, how could it be so fast?"

Chen Fan thought that the selection of fighters in the elite sequence would be done slowly one by one, but the top four sequences were directly selected, but this speed was a bit too fast!

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