My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 846 Horned Demon Race

Even after leaving Daqian, the increase of Tianzi Qi is not that strong, but the Seventh Prince does not have the strength of longevity, and can match Daoguo. The fourth rank is stable, and there is still a high chance of entering the top three ranks!

With his talent, even with the blessing of the Son of Heaven, it is still extremely difficult to achieve longevity, but if he can enter the top three ranks of the "Sacred Hall", the probability of breaking through longevity will also increase a lot!

As a pure egoist, the Seventh Prince still chose to give in even when facing Lin Lei, who nominally had a blood feud with him.

He took a deep breath:

"Yuanjing, Yuanjing is the resource I have the most. I can give you five million, no! Ten million!"

Chen Fan frowned and sneered, "Are you kidding me?"

To be honest, whether it is 10 million yuan or 5 million yuan crystals, it is definitely an astronomical figure for ordinary people.

But now, not to mention the resources on Chen Fan's body, the income brought to him by the future projection stone alone is more than five million a year...

What he lacks the most is Yuan Jing.

A look of helplessness flashed across the Seventh Prince's face:

"Besides Yuan Jing, I have two Taoist artifacts in my hand, both of which I can give to you!"

Chen Fan sneered: "How many stars?"

Embarrassment flashed across the Seventh Prince's face: "One two-star, one three-star."

Chen Fan rolled his eyes:

"Two low-star Dao artifacts, aren't you the emperor, why are you so poor?"

The Seventh Prince laughed at himself and shook his head helplessly:

"I'm just the puppet emperor of the Lingshen Dao Sect. There are many people in the Daqian who don't recognize me. I can have two Dao weapons, and they are gifts from the Wu Family and Yichan Palace..."

In fact, the Seventh Prince's father didn't have many resources and treasures in his hands.

It's better to say that the dynasty that worked hard in such a corner of the land was originally relatively poor.

Speaking of which, the Seventh Prince sighed, and his face was full of helplessness:

"With your current talent and strength, there should be no shortage of resources or treasures, and you may even have more than what I have..."

"I really can't think of what I can give you..."

Chen Fan smiled:

"Then you go to die."

The Seventh Prince waved his hand quickly: "Wait, I can remove Dagan's arrest warrant for you and relieve you and all your family members, relatives and friends of all crimes. Is that enough?"

Chen Fan sneered again: "Do you think I care about this?"

Rather, when the Meihui is over and he enters the holy hall, Dagan and Lingshen Daozong dare to target him, that would be really bold.

The Seventh Prince smiled sarcastically: "Don't you ever have the idea of ​​going back to your hometown in your life?"

Chen Fan shook his head:

"I can go back whenever I want, and I don't need anyone's permission."

Considering Chen Fan's current strength, he does have the confidence to say such a thing.

Even if Chen Wudao didn't shatter the golden core himself, Chen Fan wouldn't be afraid anymore, let alone now.

Hearing Chen Fan's answer, the Seventh Prince was also speechless.

"Then you can kill me."

He is also very speechless.

He didn't have much hatred or resentment towards Chen Fan, but the problem was that he didn't have any treasures that could buy Chen Fan...

The sword in Chen Fan's hand swung halfway, but stopped abruptly: "I suddenly thought of something..."

The Seventh Prince looked up at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and he said bluntly: "The Vientiane Pot, if you can find a way to help me win the Vientiane Pot, I will spare you."

Even from Chen Fan's current perspective, the Vientiane Pot is definitely not an ordinary Taoist artifact.

It is definitely a high-level Taoist weapon!

The Seventh Prince's eyes flickered when he heard the words, but he said helplessly:

"I don't really care, but the Wanxiang Pot is always in the hands of that old fellow Yan Shoudao, the head of the martial arts academy, and this old fellow is also extremely dissatisfied with my ascension to the throne, and always gives me a look..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered: "It's okay, as long as you promise me, it will be enough to help me in the future."

Yan Shoudao no longer recognizes him, he is already the new emperor of Daqian.

However, Chen Fan knew that the Vientiane Pot was a Taoist artifact of the Seventh Prince's grandfather Liu Gang.

It's a pity that the tiger father and dog son, Liu Gang didn't have any powerful sons under his command, and Liu Gang himself was infected with an incurable disease for some reason, so the Vientiane Pot was handed over to Yan Shoudao for safekeeping.

Speaking of which, the Daqian royal family is the real owner of the Vientiane Pot, and Yan Shoudao can only be regarded as the guardian and user!

The Seventh Prince nodded decisively: "I promise you!"

For the Seventh Prince, it was very difficult for him to be recognized by Yan Shoudao in his life, and to truly control the Vientiane Pot.

For him, the big loss is nothing compared to his personal actual interests...

Otherwise, he wouldn't have brought the hungry wolf of the Lingshen Dao Sect into Daqian for the sake of the throne.

The two immediately made the oath of heaven and the oath of demons.

Only then did the Seventh Prince heave a sigh of relief, and then "coughed":

"If there's nothing wrong, brother Chen Fan, then I, I'll go first... We will see you by fate."

Seeing his appearance, Chen Fan waved his hand: "Let's go."

The Seventh Prince immediately plunged into the lush jungle and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chen Fan watched the Seventh Prince disappear from his field of vision, then shook his head and turned around, but before taking a few steps, his steps suddenly froze.

Directly in front of him, within a range of about ten feet, a figure was leaning against a towering giant tree, looking at Chen Fan quietly.

There was a clapping sound.

"As expected of a genius who was able to reach the thirteenth place in the second round, your strength is probably not inferior to ordinary second-tier longevity, Chen Fan."

This is a thin man with two horns on his head and wearing a red armor.

His eye sockets seemed to be painted with eyeshadow, showing a purple color.

Sharp light is scattered in the two eyeballs, and there are two pupils in each.

Double pupils!

Although he didn't show any great strength, Chen Fan felt an indescribable sense of threat and pressure from him.

"Being able to achieve such strength with the cultivation base of the triple dao domain, you can be called among the top geniuses of the human race."

"If there are no accidents, in the next round of finals, you may have a certain chance to enter the second rank, ranking in the top 20 of this Meihui—"

The man stepped forward with a smile on his face: "Unfortunately, you met me..."

"Are you...?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

He didn't know the person in front of him at all.

What he paid attention to was, apart from himself, those twenty geniuses who broke through the 100-story Ascension Tower.

Although he guessed that there might be geniuses with hidden strength among the others, but there were too many people, and it was difficult for him to identify them.

He didn't pay attention to anyone else.

And the person who can be in the same fantasy scene as himself will certainly not be the top 20 experts in the previous round.

It's just that the terrifying aura of the person in front of him made Chen Fan feel a lot of pressure.

The young man smiled:

"I'm from the Horned Demon Race, and my name is Rui Chi."

"Oh, I forgot to mention, I am the second level of the Demon Emperor, which corresponds to the second level of longevity of your human cultivation!"

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