The residence of the Yuwu family.

in a room.

Iroha is holding a projection stone, the image on it flickers, and her face is full of worry:

"Miss, did you see that Chen Fan... He actually killed Rui Chi from the Horned Demon Clan, that sword was too exaggerated..."

"I heard people say that Rui Chi himself is already the second rank of the Demon Emperor. If you meet him, miss, you must be careful..."

The petite girl in a windbreaker and a hood nodded lightly:

"Compared to the preliminaries, this Chen Fan is much stronger. He should have kept his hands back..."

"Don't worry, if I had met Chen Fan before, I would have had nothing to do with it. When his physical strength was out of touch, he would no longer be able to use that style of swordsmanship..."

"But now, against him, I have a 90% chance of winning... I have fought alongside him, and apart from that sword and the method of concealment, he has no other great strengths!"

The girl's tone was indifferent, and there was a lot of confidence in it!

Caiyu nodded, and took out another projection stone: "Miss, the next person is..."


The immeasurable resident.

The holy and beautiful young woman in white gauze was fiddling with projection stones one by one.

"How about it, Cheng'er, which of these people deserves your attention?"

Wu Cheng said lightly:

"As far as the strength shown, except for Heiyu, who can be called my strong enemy, Togo and Naluofu will slightly threaten me, and the others are nothing but local chickens and dogs."

The young woman raised her eyebrows:

"What about Chen Fan? He even killed Rui Chi from the Horned Demon Clan. He shouldn't be weaker than Togo and the others. He also has the strength of the third level of longevity, right?"

Wu Cheng shook his head:

"Rui Chi is just a waste, then Chen Fan and his strength are actually about the same..."

"It's nothing more than a successful sneak attack by relying on a special breath-holding method, which is no match for Togo."

"On the contrary, the young monk from the King Kong Temple has not shown any strength so far. It is impossible for the King Kong Temple to send out a waste, so pay attention..."

Seeing that Wucheng looked so confident, the young woman couldn't help but said:

"Cheng'er, don't underestimate other geniuses—"

"There is news from your father that this Meihui seems to be attended by heirs or descendants of some of your father's old friends..."

"Your father said that this Meihui, the strength is not weaker than you, at least five people, except for that black feather, the others are likely to be hidden among those ordinary people..."

Wu Cheng's eyes flickered, but the surprise in his eyes was quickly replaced by coldness:

"That man is not my father!"

He clenched his palms tightly, his eyes were extremely firm, and a flame rose in one of his eyes:

"And how does he know my true strength?"

"It doesn't matter if it's Kuroba or anyone else."

"I will use my own strength to prove to everyone that I am the strongest!"


At the same time, Chen Qingru approached Chen Fan again with a jade slip and projection stone.

"Senior Sister, have you found information about the Blood God Sect?"

Chen Qingru nodded, and handed over the jade slip and projection stone:

"The news and information about the Blood God Sect's participation in the Meihui are all here... I remember, junior brother, are you from the southeast region, and you even know about the Blood God Sect?"

Chen Fan nodded with a smile.

On the surface, the Blood God Sect is a power in the Southern Region, but in fact it spans both the Southeast Region and the Southern Region.

Chen Fan picked up the jade slip and raised his eyebrows slightly.

There are quite a few people from the Blood God Sect participating in the Meihui, but only one person made it to the final.

This person is called Xisai, but with Daoguo's cultivation base, he should be the person I saw before.

In the second round of the competition, he was ranked in the thirtieth place by relying on the third level of Daoyu.

Among the masters of Daoguo strength, they are all in the extremely powerful row.

The warriors of the Blood God Sect are all descendants of the "Ni-God" and their true combat effectiveness does not depend on their cultivation, but on how liberated the "Ni-God's Blood" is...

Chen Fan picked up the projection stone, and he was able to see the scene of the Xisai competition.

He is not a star player, and there is no corresponding projection screen for the third round.

However, there is a relatively clear record of his battle in the second round of breaking into the Ascension Tower.

After reading it, Chen Fan's eyes were subtle.

"This person did not rely on 'violence' to break into the top 40 of the Ascension Tower, ranking higher than many Dao fruits. His blood fusion technique has at least reached the sixth level..."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, he was able to achieve such strength before the age of fifty, even stronger than most of the warriors in the ten sects, which is already quite powerful.

If the person arouses berserk, he may be able to fight ordinary longevity, and if he arouses double rage, he may even threaten double longevity, but it is almost impossible to defeat double longevity, unless he has another hole card.

The progress of "Blood Fusion" at this level is already very high. If you can get the human blood, you can definitely fill up the final progress of the sixth level "Blood Fusion" by yourself!

And the blood god sect has talented warriors participating in the Meihui, which also means that there must be other warriors who lead the team!

"The question is, how to find a way to lure people from the Blood God Cult to leave Longyuan City..."

With the lessons learned from Lingshen Dao Sect, Chen Fan was foolish to act in Longyuan City.

"The Blood God Sect has a special method to lock the 'Blood Against the God', and I have sinned against the Blood God Sect, killing many of them, and causing their leader to suffer heavy injuries."

"If I use myself as a bait to leave Longyuan City, they should probably attack me..."

Of course, it is Dagan and Lingshen Daozong who are more likely to make a move.

He raised his eyebrows:

"After the third round of the competition, these people know about my general strength. If they are really attracted by me, they will send out stronger masters, and even the son of the spirit god will make a move himself..."

His eyes flickered.

In fact, he is not afraid of attracting masters from the Lingshen Dao Sect and Dagan, and even if the horned demons attack him, he is not very afraid.

With the help of the Lengfeng Sword and the White Emperor Armor, as well as various Taoist weapons, his personal self-protection ability is also terrifying!

Not to mention that Lingshenzi might not be stupid enough to make a move, even if he did, he would not be afraid at all.

Unless there is a hidden sect or a foreign venerable, it is possible to threaten Chen Fan.

But in fact, the great changes in the world have only just begun, and the masters of that level will not be born yet!

He is not afraid of how strong his opponent will be. What he is afraid of is that he will not be able to attract people from the Blood God Sect.

Although he had killed many members of the Blood God Sect, and even the leader of the Blood God Sect escaped because of his physical breakdown, relying on the true spirit, the treasure left by the Blood God, it stands to reason that the Blood God Sect should hold a grudge against him.

But the problem is, when Chen Fan learned from the "Ji" of the Sun God Clan what the Yuan Shang Emperor "Zi Shang" did in the past, and the secret behind the Blood Demon Secret Realm...

He also realized that behind the "distorted blood demon" he had obtained, it might not be that simple.

It is not enough for Simo alone to get it...

It should also be the default of the Guardian of the Gorefiend Secret Realm.

And between the Blood God Cult and the Blood Demon Secret Realm, there is also a relationship that is constantly being cut and messed up...

Since I left the Southern Territory and arrived in the Central Territory, I did not encounter any continued attacks from the Blood God Cult.

On the one hand, it may be because the distance is too far, and his deity hides in the Star Palace most of the time. On the other hand, Chen Fan speculates that the Blood God Sect may not really regard him as an enemy!

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, and he shook his head:

"Whether it is possible or not, we still have to try it."

"If the leader of the Blood God, Sang Ning, leads the team, I'm afraid he would want to cramp and strip me. If he knows my whereabouts, he will never let me go..."

Instead, he picked up the token and sent a message to Zhan Jianming, "Senior brother Zhan, I have something to do, so I want you to do me a favor. Please send a message for me..."

Many people knew that Chen Fan and Zhan Jianming had a rift.

However, very few people knew that Zhan Jianming offered treasures to Chen Fan for peace.

Only Chen Tianqian knew about it in Jianzong, let alone outside of Jianzong.

If Zhan Jianming revealed the information that Chen Fan was going out at such a critical moment, it would naturally attract those who had special thoughts about Chen Fan.

It's just that Chen Fan is not sure whether he can attract people from the Blood God Cult...

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