My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 857 Blood God?

Yuhu looked at Chen Fan with a smile:

"Actually, at this level of strength, the outcome may not necessarily be certain. Your strength is already enough to destroy me."

"However, your realm is too low. It's just a pile of power levels. For masters who have really entered the Dao, the threat is not as great as you imagined. Especially for people like me who have comprehended the world of mind... "

"However, if the strength is strong to a certain level, any gap between realms and means is nothing but a joke. The so-called breaking all laws with one force, if you have the right opportunity and scene, you can defeat me!"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, and he shook his head.

He was able to reach his current level thanks to the three-day emergency tutoring by the ancestor of Jianzong, but compared with these top geniuses, there is still a big gap.

These gaps are gaps in background.

His strongest kendo barely reached the realm of ordinary immortality.

But others have already touched the avenue.

No matter how powerful the way of the sword is, there is nothing comparable to the ordinary way compared to other people's Dao.

His own strengths lie in the "Hongmeng Sword" and the blood of Nishen.

In fact.

Under Chen Fan's double berserk, his power is indeed terrifying to the extreme, but to bridge the gap in realm and cultivation base, it needs more power to crush the series...

The current self is probably not enough.

Yuhu said:

"By the way, I want to remind you that it's just a trivial matter for you to defeat Rui Chi and prevent Rui Chi from entering the top four sequences. The horned demons will not trouble you for what has happened."

"With Richie dead, things are different."

"As a genius of the Horned Demon Race, Rui Chi is highly valued. If you kill Rui Chi, it doesn't matter if you are in the 'Holy Church' in the future, but you must be careful when you leave the 'Holy Church'."

This Yuhu is an interesting person.

It was obviously Rui Chi's help, but at this moment he took the initiative to remind Chen Fan.

Chen Fan nodded: "Don't worry, the horned demons may not be able to find me."

With the sun-covering mirror, he still has a certain degree of confidence in covering up the secrets of the sky.

"It's better to be careful."

Yuhu shook his head, and took a deep look at Chen Fan:

"I'm leaving first, see you in the last round!"

Speaking of which, his body also condensed into a puddle of blue, then gradually turned into a point, and then disappeared completely.

Chen Fan took a deep breath, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a look of complexity flashed across his face.

"My realm is indeed my weakness in the face of these real geniuses, but the problem is that if I can't make it into the top three, I can't break through the Dao Fruit, let alone longevity..."

"After entering the 'Sacred Hall', I may have the opportunity and time to slowly catch up to the realm, but now, I can only continue to accumulate my own strength... to increase my chances of winning against these people."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

If the existence of Hei Yu, Wu Cheng and others just made him feel pressured, and he might not be able to enter the first rank, then the fish and tiger he met today really made him feel a strong sense of crisis!

It's not that I may not be able to enter the first rank, but if I maintain my current strength, I may not be able to enter the first rank!

Without the White Emperor Armor, Leng Fengjian, and Yuanzhu, my own strength has been checked too much!

"I don't know if there are any wise monks among the two or three people Yuhu mentioned. If there are, it's fine, if not..."

There may be more hidden masters.

The most critical question is.

These two or three people are not as high-profile as Wu Cheng and Hei Yu.

Chen Fan didn't know who the two or three people Yuhu was talking about, so he couldn't make targeted preparations. When they actually met, it might be too late.

At this moment, a stream of light flashed across the sky, galloping towards it from a very far away.

"Chen Fan, are you okay!"

The person is none other than the head teacher of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, Chen Tianqian.

Chen Fan pulled a far-fetched smile at him: "It's okay."

He raised his eyebrows: "Master, the person who stopped you is..."

Chen Tianqian shook his head: "The man hid his aura and whereabouts, and trapped me with a special Taoist weapon. He didn't fight me hard, but just entangled me..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Are you from the Horned Demon Clan?"

Chen Tianqian shook his head again: "Probably not, this is completely different from the fighting style of the horned demons."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "Not from the Horned Demon Race..."

Chen Fan was thoughtful.

Either Rui Chi or the Longevity Quadruple Master of the Zizai League, or the Lingshenzi of the Lingshen Dao Sect.

It's just that with the strength of Lingshenzi, it may be a bit difficult to pretend to intercept the master.

shook his head.

"Leave him alone, master, let's go back."

Although no masters from the Blood God Sect were attracted, but seeing the strength of such masters as Yuhu, it was not in vain to come out.

And the fact that he was so high-profile did not cause the blood god sect to take action, which is enough to show that it is probably what he thought.

The Blood God Cult doesn't have that much hatred towards him!


Return to Longyuan City again.

Chen Fan also immediately took out the solar occulting mirror.

First, he carried out a secret cover-up, and then his eyes flickered.

"With the strength of the Blood God Sect, it doesn't make sense to catch the news that I'm leaving the city..."

"Either, as I expected, the Blood God Sect may not have the intention of retaliating against me, or, the Blood God Sect saw that there was a problem behind this incident and deliberately did not take action..."

Chen Fan shook his head: "In that case...then I'll go to the Blood God Cult's resident to find out the details, maybe I can find an opportunity."

Infighting is not allowed in Longyuan City, but wandering around is not prohibited.

Chen Fan sent out his avatar, and after changing his appearance, he quietly came to the vicinity of the Blood Demon Cult's residence.

Then urged "Nixu" to slip in.

With his current "concealment" progress, even a master of the fourth level of longevity may not be able to discover it.

"Unless the Blood God Sect is in person, no one will be able to find me!"

Chen Fan is also very confident.

After he slipped into the Blood God Cult's residence.

Also started wandering around.

Here the consciousness is greatly suppressed, but he can't sense the situation hundreds of meters away, so he can only search slowly.

There are not many warriors in the Blood God Cult's resident, and it is very empty.

Suddenly, at the location of a pavilion, a stream of light flashed, and a figure came straight to Chen Fan's hidden location.

Chen Fan also stopped temporarily, not daring to move, and pushed "Hidden Void" to the limit.

In the static situation, the hidden effect is the best when the "hidden void" is activated.

If you move at high speed or make a shot, you will directly escape from the "Hidden Void" state.

Moving slowly can also maintain "concealment", but the hiding effect is far less than that of standing still.

Seeing that person getting closer and closer to him, Chen Fan had a strong confidence on his face:

"In Longyuan City where the consciousness is greatly restricted, even the fourth level of longevity cannot see through my 'hidden void'! This person should just pass by by coincidence!"

What surprised him was that the figure stopped abruptly when it came within a few meters of him.

"Come out." This is a very young looking man with a fair face and a red mole between his eyebrows, which looks quite strange.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

At such a close distance, the other party was still staring at his position, so it couldn't be a coincidence.

Ripples like water flashed in the air, and Chen Fan's figure appeared.

Of course, it was Chen Fan's appearance after he changed his face through the "Heavenly Heart Invisible Judgment".

Seeing Chen Fan's true face, a subtle smile flashed across the man's face: "So it's you, Chen Fan... I don't take the initiative to find you, so forget it, you dare to find me, Blood God Sect, you forgot Did it cause Sang Ning to almost lose his life back then?"

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched when he heard this.

Not only did he change his appearance in disguise, but he also wore the star god seal to cover up his soul aura, but even so, he still couldn't escape this person's eyes.

Think about it too, people who can directly see through their "concealment" are definitely not ordinary people.

It may be a master who is above the fifth level of longevity...

"I actually met a master of this level..." Chen Fan's heart was also extremely complicated.

Sang Ning, the leader of the Blood God Cult, seems to be not even in the fourth level of longevity. Could it be that this person...

His eyes are shining:

"Is your Excellency the Blood God believed by the Blood God Sect?"

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