My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 869 Don't Speak Lightly

At the same time, in the auditorium where many bigwigs gathered.

Bingji Shenghuang looked at Chen Fan on the crystal ball, his eyes flickered, nodded and said:

"Seeing it again, I can be sure that this sword is the magical sword technique of the 'Shenting' back then!"

A stream of chaotic air currents rippling on Xingjun's body, and a voice came out as the rhyme flowed:

"I did some calculations. This kid was born in the southeast region and used to be in the territory of the 'Zi Shang'. It's normal to know this trick."

"Southeast Region?" Bingji Shenghuang looked at Blood God, his eyes were dark, but he said "Hey": "So that's it..."

The Blood God nodded, but he didn't hide anything: "In order to resist the 'big catastrophe', the God Court will of course leave seeds."

"It's a pity that with such supernatural powers, if you want to be successful in practice...but it's not as easy as achieving the ultimate."

"Compared to this son's swordsmanship, what is more special is actually him..."

The Blood God's words stopped abruptly and did not elaborate.

"Oh?" The Bingji Sage Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, looking thoughtful.

The Xingjun next to him had Dao rhyme stirring again, and then he let out a "heh" suddenly, as if he had counted something:

"So that's the case. I'm still wondering how this child's cultivation base can have such a powerful force. It turns out that he is also half an 'anti-god'."

In the midst of the flames, the Yangyan Demon King also said:

"It's interesting. With the 'Blood against the God' and the supernatural power of Shenting, this kid may have a chance to enter the top three."

Blood God shook his head:

"His 'Blood Against God' is not released enough, and his own swordsmanship realm is also quite insufficient. It is possible to fight against those few, but it is very difficult to win."

"His cultivation base is too poor. It is not so easy to make up for the gap in the power of the Dao."

All the bosses also nodded their heads, and didn't say much else.

In fact it is.

Everyone is a top talent, you have something special, and everyone else has it too.

But your cultivation base and realm are far behind others, but it is the difference between your foundation and hard power, and it is difficult to rely on other things to make up for it.

Suddenly, Yang Yan Demon God laughed and pointed at the crystal ball.

"Hey, look quickly, the boy from Master Lan's family has appeared, and the opponent is my unfilial son?"

"Hahaha, interesting, my son is very conceited, he never gets close to me, and he doesn't know how powerful Master Lan's son is, if he loses this match, he will die of anger!"


at the same time.

Chen Fan, who returned to the private room, also looked at the screen above his head with a subtle expression.

The two sides in the battle are Yuhu and Wucheng.

These two top talents are going to fight so soon.

"Although Yuhu has been winning consecutively, the opponents he has encountered are at most ordinary Changsheng, so the evaluation of his strength by Yuhua Illusion is still not high, which is why he met Wucheng so quickly."

The battle arrangement of Feathering Illusion is based on the past performance of each player.

That's why the two met so early.

And Chen Fan believes that after this battle, Yuhu's true strength will naturally be known, and he is afraid that he will not easily meet other seeded players.

Chen Qingru looked at the huge crystal wall above his head, shook his head and said: "This Yuhu is really extraordinary even though he has been able to win consecutive victories with his Daoguo strength, but unfortunately he doesn't seem to be a disciple of any powerful race and influence, so he will definitely lose in this match! "

"Not necessarily." Chen Fan shook his head.

Chen Tianqian frowned slightly: "Why, Chen Fan, you think what your senior sister said is wrong. Is there something wrong with this fish and tiger?"

Chen Fan nodded subtly with his eyes: "Master, have you heard of the 'Blue Demon God'?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Tianqian's eyes flickered slightly, his fingers stood in front of his lips, and his expression became serious:

"Shut up, remember not to call the Demon God King's name casually in the future, even if it's just a title!"

"Existence at that level has already understood the Dao and started to work on the Dao of Heaven. Some people call it able to sense everything."

"If the existence you mentioned is dissatisfied with you and punishes you slightly, then you will be in trouble!"

Chen Fan was also taken aback when he heard the words: "This..."

He really didn't know about it.

In fact, what he knew, whether it was the "Silver Demon God", the "Original Demon God", and the "Purple Moon Immortal", were all fallen, reincarnated, or sleeping existences.

What Chen Fan knows for sure still exists in the world and is not harmful, except for the Blue Demon God, and the "Ice Extreme Sacred Emperor" of the Ice Extreme Sect, of course, he has only heard about it.

Chen Fan nodded solemnly: "I will definitely pay attention in the future!"

Chen Tianqian nodded, and also said: "It's because I'm a little nervous, so it won't be so just because of other people's concerns."

"But a master of this kind of series will inevitably have some temper, you'd better be more cautious."

Chen Fan also nodded heavily.

Chen Tianqian cleared his throat, with a delicate expression: "According to what you mean, does this fish tiger have any special connection with the adult you mentioned?"

Chen Fan nodded: "This fish tiger is the son of the demon king I mentioned! His strength is equivalent to the fourth level of longevity of our human race!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Both Chen Tianqian and Chen Qingru were stunned.

"This this……"

Chen Tianqian sighed quietly:

"I didn't expect that the existence of the third level of longevity is not the upper limit of these people?"

Chen Tianqian, who has lived for ten thousand years to become powerful now, heard that at the Meihui, there were people whose cultivation levels were not weaker than his own, and the complexity in his heart was beyond words.

In fact, such a person not only has a high level of cultivation.

The real strength and means will also be quite outrageous.

Facing Wucheng, Chen Tianqian still has the advantage of the world of mind, so he may not necessarily lose, but when dealing with Yuhu, who is also at the fourth level of longevity, he has a high probability of not being an opponent.

The heirs of demon god princes like Yuhu, even if they have just broken through to the fourth level, must be able to have the strength of a venerable.

Chen Tianqian did not ask how Chen Fan got the news, he took a deep look at Chen Fan: "You must not disclose this to outsiders!"

Chen Fan also nodded.

Speaking of which, Chen Tianqian also turned his head to look at Chen Qingru, as well as Chen Xi and Ye Yunxin, and the three of them nodded one after another.

"Then this match, doesn't it mean that the yuhu is going to win?"

Chen Fan raised his brows slightly: "From the perspective of cultivation, Yuhu has a higher winning rate, but in fact, it may not be... In this kind of duel between geniuses, whoever loses can win."

Although Yuhu thinks that he has a high winning rate against Wucheng, in fact, Yuhu has never dealt with Wu, or even had any dealings.

Naturally, it was impossible for Chen Fan to conclude that Yuhu would definitely win just because of Yuhu's self-confidence.

Wu Cheng is also the heir of the Demon God King and a disciple of the Four Great Sacred Ancestors, so he may have some unknown and special hole cards!

Chen Tianqian looked at the jade cards in the hands of Chen Qingru and Chen Fan: "Anyway, you two may get rich this time."

Chen Fan nodded with a smile.

As a matter of fact, Yuhu participated in the competition as a chaotic sea and a small clan, and very few of them knew the strength of Yuhu.

On the bright side, his person is a Dao Fruit, nothing more than a Dao Fruit with ordinary longevity power.

But who is Wucheng, the heir of the demon god prince, the heir of the Four Great Sacred Ancestors, and the triple cultivation of longevity.

Therefore, Yuhu's odds soared to an extremely exaggerated level in a very short time, and soon exceeded 50, and it continued to rise!

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, but he didn't invest all the remaining 500 million yuan in crystals to Yuhu, but kept 100 million, and only invested 400 million yuan in crystals.

Of course, even for the current Chen Fan, 400 million crystals is a huge number.

Enough to consume him for quite a long time.

And as Chen Fan invested 400 million yuan in crystals to Yuhu, his odds naturally plummeted.

The amount of 400 million crystals is too big, Chen Fan's betting alone exceeds the betting of tens of thousands of people.

After that, there may be some people who knew the specialness of this fish tiger, and their odds fell several times in a row, almost falling below double digits, but they also slowly recovered in the follow-up. In the eleventh position, finally stopped.

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