Think of Star Gate.

Chen Fan also admired Protoss's operation back then.

Very good at reading people.

When I was weak, I invested in myself, and my strength at this time is probably not weaker than that star demon lord, and it is not a problem to re-establish the star gate!

Even relying on his own talent, his future achievements will far exceed that of the Star Demon Lord. Not only can the Star Gate be able to recast its glory, but it is also possible to reach a higher level.

Shaking his head, he also shifted his thoughts to the battle just now.

Although the final perspective could not be transferred to Yuhu's mental world, Chen Fan could see some problems from Wucheng's last words, Yuhu's final body state, and his expression.

His guess was right, Wucheng might not be as good as Yuhu, but his strength was not as weak as Yuhu imagined.

"Wucheng is absolutely not to be underestimated!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and also looked at Chen Tiangan beside him.

"Master, you also control the mind world. If the master who masters the mind world hides in your own mind world, how can you break it?"

Chen Tianqian narrowed his eyes, shook his head and said, "If you are also at the fourth level of longevity and master the mind world, you will be able to perceive the spatial fluctuations in the mind world, and even directly enter the other party's mind world."

"But this is very dangerous. If you enter the other party's mental world, you can only forcefully kill this way."

"You can understand the mind world as an upgrade of the Dao domain. In the mind world, the bonuses received by the owner are extremely terrifying, and some special magical powers can only be activated through the mind world."

While Chen Fan was stunned, the fear in his heart became even worse: "If I don't grasp the world of mind, how can I resist others from pulling me into the world of mind?"

Chen Tianqian shook his head: "It's difficult, unless your strength level is far superior, or even crushed by the opponent... But in fact, if your strength level crushes such a master, your own cultivation base, realm It can't be worse, and nine out of ten have already mastered the world of mind..."

Chen Fan frowned and nodded.

He is confident that under the premise of erupting double rage, he can match or even surpass Yuhu in terms of strength, but he dare not say that he can crush the opponent.

He is the descendant of the demon prince of the fourth level of longevity, and his blood against the gods and the body of the immortal vajra may not be able to make up for this gap.

He shook his head, and there was nothing he could do.

Yuhu knows his level of strength, so it is impossible for him to take the initiative to bring himself into the world of mind, and relying on the advantages of the world of mind, he is almost naturally invincible.


Another few days passed, and Chen Fan defeated another immortal-level opponent and returned to the private room.

As the aura flickered on the nameplate in his hand, Chen Fan's pupils shrank sharply when he saw the name of his next opponent.

"Wisdom... let me meet him so early..."

Chen Fan's points at this time have reached more than 170, which also means that there are nearly 30 opponents he has never compared to!

Although the remaining opponents are basically at the longevity level, not even at the ordinary longevity level, it has to be said that wisdom is one of the people he least wants to meet in advance among the remaining people.

Even Chen Fan would rather meet Wu Cheng or Zhou Bolan in advance than Zhi Zhi.

He also hoped that other seeded players would meet this person ahead of time and be able to force out this person's strength, but now...

I am the first "seed player" Wisdom meets...

Chen Fan took a deep breath.

He also knows that, on the surface of wisdom, the cultivation base of Dao fruit, plus the strength he has demonstrated in the past.

Among the nearly 30 people, they are already considered the weakest one. It is actually quite normal to be encountered by a "seed" player like myself.

After all, the matching mechanism of the Feathering Illusion does not add to the person's background.

Feathering Illusion doesn't care if you are a member of the Four Great Sacred Sects or not.

Through the battle scenes of his past, Chen Fan only knew that he was good at some kind of body training technique, and his body was extremely powerful, but he didn't know anything else.

"Husband, you will definitely win!"

Not knowing if she sensed Chen Fan's emotions, Ye Yunxin suddenly stretched out her palm to Chen Fan, and squeezed Chen Fan's hand.

Hearing this, Chen Fan also put down the nameplate in his hand, and smiled at Yun Xin.

"Will do."

In fact, the matter has come to this point, and it is meaningless to think about other things.

I just have to do my best to win the game.

His thoughts flickered, but he suddenly remembered a key thing from his past experience.

That was when he was in the Kunwu Secret Realm in the Southern Territory.

At that time, when traveling through the secret realm with Zhizhi and Lan Ruo, Zhizhi never said a word.

Lan Ruo once said that wisdom is in practicing closed mantra.

Chen Fan didn't know the specific power of the closed-mouth meditation he practiced, but he knew one thing, if this wisdom speaks, he can also show extremely powerful power.

"In that case, then I will beat him before he speaks..."

His eyes flashed sharply.

If he didn't have the wish he made at the beginning and rushed into the first sequence, maybe he would have taken the initiative to see the power of the wisdom closed mantra, but now, for Chen Fan, winning is the more important thing for him.

He shook his palms falsely, and silently waited for the time to pass.


In the illusion.

Chen Fan and the wise monk appeared together on the empty white land.

And when he appeared in the illusion, blood light surged from Chen Fan's body, and at the same time, the rainbow-like Dao Domain around him surged at the same time!

His body turned into blood and rushed forward, and the sword in his hand also slashed forward suddenly.

Double Berserk, "Indestructible Vajra Body" plus "Hongmeng Sword"!


Countless spectators could only see blood rising from the sky, and Chen Fan disappeared on the crystal wall.

And the next moment.

A slight astonishment flashed across Wisdom's face, and the dazzling golden light rose and stirred up from his body.

Its entire body also turned into gold.

This is a completely different force from Tianzi Qi.

It gives people a solemn and sacred feeling.

At the same time, behind Zhizhi's forehead, a layer of golden light suddenly formed, and he also had three pairs of arms.


The primordial sword energy of Jin Guang and Chen Fan collided together.


The manic and incomparable power tore the heavy golden light into pieces in the blink of an eye, and then rushed straight to the eight-armed body of wisdom.

Containing destructive power, even in Chen Fan's view, even the fourth-level master of longevity would undoubtedly die if he fought hard, the Hongmeng sword energy spread to Zhizhi's body in an instant...

However, the Hongmeng Sword, which was invincible in the past, failed to swallow and eliminate the body of wisdom.

On the contrary, his body didn't retreat much, his body shone with golden light, and when the primordial sword energy met his body, it was as if water was absorbed by a sponge, and there was not even a big impact.

"How could this be?"

What kind of defense is this?

I now have the seventh level of "Blood Fusion", plus the seventh level of "Indestructible Vajra Body", and the "Star Body Training Art" that I have practiced in the past.

His physique is so strong that even the masters of the third and fourth levels of longevity may not be able to match it.

But just like this, it is impossible for him to block the "Hongmeng Sword" that he slashed out under the second level of rage...

"Do you want to use that trick..." There was a flash of hesitation in his eyes.

And in the next moment.

There was an extremely distinct click sound.

But it made Chen Fan's eyes light up suddenly.

The wisdom in front of him still maintains the original posture, but on his golden body, there are fine black cracks!

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan's face instantly revealed a look of joy.

"Wisdom is not without hindrance!"

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and he raised his sword again. The five-colored red light around him surged up, and the same Hongmeng sword slashed out again.

Facing the terrifying sword energy roaring again, wisdom and hesitation also flashed across Zhizhi's face. He opened his mouth, but he didn't make a sound.

The next moment, a terrifying golden light burst from his body, and the other six arms behind him suddenly began to expand and extend, rushing towards the sword energy that filled the sky.

In the blink of an eye, Zhi Zhi's huge palms like hills were completely swallowed by the sword energy, leaving only the golden light all over the sky.

Amidst the roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth, Chen Fan's body turned into bloody light, he rushed towards Zhizhi against the trend, and raised the sword in his hand again...

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