My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 874 Intuition

Chen Fan's body was like a shattered crystal diamond, with a faint golden light emitting from his body, allowing the terrifying ice crystal storm to rush straight towards his body.

The crisp sound of ding ding ding echoed continuously.

"How could this be?" Togo's mouth twitched.

It was precisely because he had fought against Chen Fan that he had an estimate of Chen Fan's strength, so it was even more difficult to accept this.

At this time, he didn't use all his strength, but he didn't believe that someone could resist his own move only by relying on his own defense without using any moves to resist it!

In his opinion, even Wucheng and Yuhu couldn't block their moves with only physical defense!

But in fact, Chen Fan was not as indifferent as he showed.

Although his "Immortal Vajra Body" did defend against his "extremely cold storm".

But the injuries and pains he endured were not without.

Feeling the terrifying power used by Surging and the Dao Dao Rhyme circulating, Chen Fan could also feel the sharp increase in his consumption of maintaining the "Immortal Vajra Body"!

Togo, who has already set foot on the road to comprehend, has a higher level of strength than Chen Fan imagined.

It is also impossible for him to resist for too long.

He shook his head, and blood suddenly flashed across his body.

Furiously inspired!


The blood light rises.

A tyrannical breath rushed straight to Togo's face.

Seeing the agitated blood all over Chen Fan's body and feeling the tyrannical aura coming from Chen Fan's body, Togo's complexion suddenly changed:

"Against God?!"

If he saw the bloody glow from Chen Fan's body when he was fighting with Zhizhi, he didn't really feel it. He thought that Chen Fan had activated some special secret method.

But when he faced it directly, he really felt the terror of the rage, and instantly recognized the source of Chen Fan's aura!

In fact, Chen Fan didn't think that his bloodline of "Ni Shen" could hide Mei Hui's talent for a few days.

These people may not be very old, and their minds are not as good as some "old people", but their knowledge of some secret knowledge is definitely not too bad.

The sword in Chen Fan's hand also raised at this moment.

At the same time, the flame domain and the sword domain flashed across his body at the same time.


The sword light in his hand slashed out, and the lingering flaming sword energy slashed out horizontally, facing the "extremely cold storm" towards Togo.

In fact, the flame sword energy is far behind Togo in terms of Dao level, so the power of flame has not been able to exert its power to restrain the Dao of ice.

However, the power of Chen Fan's sword burst was too terrifying.

So after the holy sword of fire, Togo's "extremely cold storm" was still completely disintegrated.

Layers of ice barriers flashed in front of Togo, absorbing the rest of Chen Fan's sword energy, and looked at Chen Fan with serious eyes.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

Facing a master of Togo's level, if he wants to win, it is too difficult to rely on the Four Sacred Swords.

Even under the premise of urging berserk, his four holy swords can at most threaten some ordinary longevity triples.

It's not enough to deal with a genius like Togo's Longevity Triple Layer.

He shook his head, not wasting time.

Surrounded by fire, water, wind and sword, the five great realms bloom like a rainbow.

The "Hongmeng Sword" slashed out under the berserk.

Not to mention how terrifying the strength bonus of Chen Fan's berserk self is, the rise in his own kendo level alone has made the "Hongmeng Sword" of the same level far more powerful than what Togo had encountered in the preliminaries.

A deep astonishment flashed across Togo's eyes, and then the ice sword in his hand swung forward.


A huge ice crystal phoenix, surrounded by heavy icy wind, rushed towards Chen Fan's sword light.

This time, Togo did not hide the slightest bit. The strong wind and ice crystals wrapped in this ice crystal phoenix surpassed the "extremely cold storm" just now.

At the same time, an extremely thick ice crystal barrier appeared in front of Togo, one after another.

And his own body kept retreating, and the ice crystal barrier kept spreading and thickening.

"Is it useful?"

The sword energy came vertically and horizontally.

In the roar.

However, the ice crystal phoenix did not stir up any waves and collapsed into the sky, and the remaining thick barriers did not delay the sword light at all.

Under Togo's unwilling and stunned gaze, the primordial sword energy completely devoured his body!

At the end of the battle, Chen Fan scored another point.


competition is over.

Nightmare's master and servant looked at the results of the battle on the projection wall in astonishment, both of them had complicated expressions.

There was a long silence.

Caiyu had a strange expression, and couldn't help saying: "Miss, this Chen Fan..."

Nightmare shook his head: "His strength is much stronger than I expected, and I'm afraid he is not weaker than Wucheng and Heiyu."

In fact, when Chen Fan revealed the seventh layer of "The Immortal King Kong Body", Nightmare realized that Chen Fan had a hole in his back.

And the decisiveness and speed with which he defeated Wisdom also made her hesitate.

But at this moment, when Chen Fan defeated Togo, who was at the third level of longevity, or defeated him in the form of frontal force crushing, Nightmare also realized...

Chen Fan's strength is truly terrifying.

"I want to win...the probability is very low..."

Although Togo had once lost to Zhou Bolan, everyone had heard that Togo himself admitted that he was the third level of longevity, and everyone knew the strength Togo possessed.

After defeating Chen Fan in Togo, more audiences knew his true strength.


At the same time, Chen Fan had already returned to the private room.

"Uncle, as you said, I will bet on you to win, and the money has multiplied several times!"

Chen Xi's face flushed with excitement.

Chen Fan nodded and took the jade card: "I have won enough money, and there is no need to bet so much in the next game."

Togo is someone Chen Fan has fought against before. Even if he has made a breakthrough than before, Chen Fan still knows this person's cards, so he dared to stud directly.

For another opponent, even if it might not be as good as Togo on the surface, Chen Fan might not dare to play like this.

He looked up at the crystal wall.

The next match is Molten Core vs. Zhu Shan.

As a special life, although the molten core itself has not reached the level of longevity, its combat power is also extremely strong.

But among the rest of these people, Molten Core is really not that powerful.

In fact, Chen Fan never thought that he could reach the top 20!

And so far, Molten Nucleus has the same record of victory as Chen Fan, but his battles are not as many as Chen Fan's, and his points are several points less, and his gold content is not as good as Chen Fan's!

"This molten core is not immortality. Relying on its own special but barely possessing the second level of immortality, it should not be Zhu Shan's opponent..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

But Molten Core has a special life-saving supernatural power. After being killed by Chen Fan with a sword, he was still alive.

Chen Fan still doesn't know the reason.

He guessed that this molten core must have other means, facing Zhu Shan, he should also reveal part of his strength.

It's just that the result surprised Chen Fan.

Molten Core won the victory very cleanly, and was not forced to show any hole cards at all.

"Is Zhu Shan so lazy?"

Chen Fan was also a little surprised.

He is also a disciple of the Ice Extreme Sect, Zhu Shan doesn't say he can compare to Togo, but he should be more powerful in the second level of longevity, there is no reason why he can't compare to the molten core?

In fact, even though Chen Fan had met Zhu Shan before, when he dealt with Togo, he was instantly defeated. Chen Fan did not know his strength very well.

shook his head.

Although this molten core has cards and secrets, Chen Fan doesn't think it will be one of the masters that Yuhu said...

It's purely a gut feeling.

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