My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 876 Molten Core

Chen Fan shattered the resurrected molten core body again and again, and as the number of resurrections increased, his mood became obviously more anxious.

After Chen Fan killed the molten core seven or eight times, accompanied by gravel flying all over the sky.

Once again, a flame spread out from the void.

It's just that this time, the cluster of flames did not condense into a molten core body, but turned into a fiery red crystal core.

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth grinned: "Have you finally revealed your true face!"

"Chen Fan, you are proud enough to push me to this point."

The sound of the molten core rose from that firelight.

Then, Chen Fan suddenly looked sideways.

I saw countless dust and gravel scattered around, moving with the wind, flocking to the position of the fire in the blink of an eye.

But as these crushed stones and powder surged, a magnificent and powerful aura surged from the molten core.

Dazzling, dazzling flames rippling from the molten core.

The palpitating terrifying power kept accumulating, and his body kept expanding, expanding, and expanding again.

Every time the molten core was revived before, the body was no more than a hundred feet high, but in the blink of an eye, his body had already exceeded four or five hundred pieces, not to mention, his body was still continuously condensing.

"it turns out……"

Chen Fan also looked at this scene in astonishment.

"The molten core...what the hell is it?"

At the same time, he also realized that the reason why the molten core did not directly stimulate this state was probably to consume his own strength.

It's just that he obviously underestimated the number of times Chen Fan could activate the "Hongmeng Sword".

"Sure enough, the winning streak up to now is not just due to good luck."

The moment the thoughts in his heart turned, his body suddenly turned into a bright blood red.

Indestructible Vajra body plus berserk!

The sword in his hand slashed down again, and the same swordsmanship exploded with a roar that was dozens of times more terrifying.

The blood-colored sword energy blasted towards the new body of the still-gathering molten core at a speed far exceeding that of before.

In the roar.

A large amount of flaming rubble was torn apart and exploded violently.

More stones were directly turned into powder.

It was just that Chen Fan was disappointed.

Even after cutting out the "Hongmeng Sword" in such a state, it still failed to destroy the current body of the molten core.

His body is too big, even the "Hongmeng Sword" slashed violently cannot completely destroy such a huge body of the molten core.

What made Chen Fan even more helpless was that the body parts he had finally chopped off from the molten core could still be replenished even after being turned into powder.

"Is this molten core really invincible?"

Chen Fan also didn't know what to do for a while.

No matter how powerful his attack was, Chen Fan didn't know how to deal with this kind of opponent.

"No! If this molten core is truly immortal, it wouldn't be possible to waste so much time before. It must be in such a state that it cannot be easily maintained, and it is even extremely limited!"

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

"I can't kill him, it's purely because my strength is not strong enough, in this case..."

He also no longer suppressed himself, and decisively inspired the double rage.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chen Fan's whole body is more bloody, and it seems that he hasn't changed much.

But the molten core in front of him felt a palpitating aura coming from Chen Fan.

With Chen Fan's current level of liberation from the "Blood Against God", after the outbreak of double rage, the tyrannical aura is enough to cause some warriors who are not strong enough to collapse.

And the next moment.

The sword in Chen Fan's hand was also cut down again.

Sixfold Hongmeng Sword!

The sword light exploded with a bang.

The incomparably huge body of the molten core disappeared and collapsed with the blood color little by little...

But in the blink of an eye.

Its body, which had swelled to nearly a thousand feet, shrank by half, and its speed of melting other gravel and resurrection also dropped by half.

"Sure enough!"

Immediately afterwards, Chen Fan's eyes were cold and sharp, and he slashed out the second sword again!

In the roar.

The body of the molten core is still falling off, gravel and dust are dancing all over the sky, and the speed of self-recovery is far behind the speed of destruction.

And Chen Fan uninterruptedly cut out the third sword.


After this sword, everything completely returned to calm, and the body of the molten core collapsed like a mountain.

Among the countless smoke and dust blown by the wind, his body continued to fall off, and the fiery spar was exposed again.


Chen Fan's body approached in an instant, and the sword light in his hand cut down four times.

Take the fire ruby ​​crystal and shatter instantly.

With the complete shattering of the spar, its manic aura stopped abruptly, and the resurrection power no longer existed.

The stones and debris flying all over the sky also collapsed.

But this time, a ray of light flew out from the debris in the sky and flew towards Chen Fan.

competition is over.


This battle is over.

All the audience venues are full of discussions.

To be honest, Chen Fan's victory did not surprise too many people.

But this battle did shock and amaze many people.

Dao rhyme and breath cannot be seen.

As far as the naked eye can see, the size of the body is the most exaggerated feeling of oppression.

What is the concept of a body of hundreds of thousands of feet? If you look up from the bottom of your feet, you can't see the top of your head.

Compared to other people, Chen Fan is more exaggerated than humans are to ants.

And Chen Fan was able to win against such a "creature", which really surprised others.

Chen Fan's victory over wisdom and Togo's shock to ordinary audiences are far less exaggerated than this one.

In fact, although the strength and body of the molten core are terrifying, they only show a terrifying and strange vitality from beginning to end.

It was the last move that brought Chen Fan a certain sense of oppression.

In fact, the remaining masters who hadn't encountered the molten core were all amazed. Fortunately, the molten core was forced to use its full strength in front of Chen Fan, and they could cope with it.


After winning.

Chen Fan and the molten core were teleported out of the tower.

Chen Fan did not leave, but looked at the molten core, curious: "How did you do it?"

He still hasn't figured out what's going on.

Molten once said during the battle that if he defeated him, he might have the answer.

Molten Core's eyes shone with light and subtlety, shaking his head and saying:

"You promise not to tell others what I told you, and I will tell you..."

Chen Fan nodded resolutely, "I swear by the law of heaven, I will never reveal to anyone the secret that the molten core told me..."

Following Chen Fan's oath, streaks of aura surged in the sky, and golden lotuses were formed in the void.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan couldn't help but be amazed: "Are you also an innate spirit?"

Chen Fan had seen the same scene in the Sword Realm before, but this scene was far worse than before.


Molten Nucleus sneered: "You have some knowledge, and you know the innate spirit. Yes, I am a kind of innate spirit."

"I participated in the Meihui as a member of the 'Lava Giant' family. In fact, I am not a 'Lava Giant' at all, but the innate spirit 'Molten Core'..."

When Chen Fan thought of the spar he finally smashed, he also came to his senses.

"But you...why can you act in the form of a 'magma giant', and you can be resurrected again and again?"

Molten Nucleus snorted coldly:

"This is related to my innate supernatural powers. I can't tell you the specifics, I can only tell you..."

"My deity controls a special 'core space', where I can hide my complete 'lava body'."

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