Chen Fan seemed to have cut off contact with Master Bai.

He couldn't summon Baihuangjia to resist Bai Fengyu's big hand at all.

Extreme resentment welled up from the bottom of my heart.

Chen Fan didn't even have the ability to ask Bai Fengyu "why".

He couldn't move an inch, his mouth couldn't open, and his voice couldn't come out.

He could only watch helplessly as the towering palm fell from the sky.

Even after going through so much, his strength has grown to the point where he could only look up to him, but at this moment, Chen Fan still feels his own insignificance.

He just watched the dark shadow fall.

At this moment, time seems to freeze.

at the same time.

An icy cold breath that made people tremble suddenly descended on the dark red world.

Two figures suddenly appeared in front of Chen Fan.

One of them was a bewitching young man with a face like a crown jade and a mole of blood between his eyebrows, while the other was a tall figure covered in dense dao rhymes, making it impossible to see through his figure.

That icy breath came from another person next to the blood god.

And with the appearance of the two people in front of them.


The huge palm pressing on top of Chen Fan's head collapsed as if encountering some invisible terrifying force.

It was only at this moment that Chen Fan finally regained control over his body.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

His head was drenched with sweat, trying to calm his breath.

The next moment.



Almost at the same time, Chen Fan and Bai Fengyu asked the same question.

Chen Fan's eyes were red, staring straight at Bai Fengyu in the sky.

But Bai Fengyu's eyes fell on the blood god and the figure beside him.

When Bai Fengyu heard Chen Fan's question, he just glanced at Chen Fan lightly, but did not respond at all.

In his eyes, even a genius like Chen Fan is just an ant at this moment.

His gaze shifts:

"Senior Bingji, and Lord Blood God, why did you two stop me from making a move? You should all know what that power means, right?"

Blood God spread his hands helplessly, and looked at Bai Fengyu: "I'm afraid you'll misunderstand, you're too 'young', and don't know what happened in the past... Didn't you realize that this boy didn't even arouse the resistance of Heaven's will? "

A light spot rose from his hand, and rushed towards Bai Fengyu in the blink of an eye.

Bai Fengyu frowned slightly, stretched out his finger, and lightly pointed at the spot of light.

And as the light spot merged with Bai Fengyu, Bai Fengyu closed his eyes slightly, and frowned, as if he was digesting some news. After a long while, a look of astonishment and astonishment appeared on his face:

"There is such a thing?"

The figure next to the blood god said "hey":

"Actually, when the 'Blood God' was born, it also attracted more doubts. Even if the 'Zi Shang' from the 'Sun God Clan' came forward, there was still a lot of trouble..."

Bai Fengyu shook his head, his face was full of puzzlement and disbelief, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes when he looked at the blood god:

"Madman! 'Zi Shang' is a lunatic! You actually think his idea can be successful?"

As soon as this remark came out, the Blood God fell silent.

Bingji beside him sighed:

"This world is already at the end of the road, so what's the point of taking a heavy dose? Anyway, 'Zi Shang' has indeed attracted the attention of 'Outer God', and he is on a feasible path."

Bai Fengyu frowned deeply when he heard the words, shook his head, glanced at Chen Fan, but waved his hand, and the scene between heaven and earth changed again.

The group of people reappeared outside the Yuhua Tower, but Bai Fengyu's figure suddenly disappeared.

Reappear in the outside world.

But Wu Cheng has disappeared, and there is no one around.

Chen Fan clenched his fists.

After listening to what a few people said, he probably understood the reason.

Bai Fengyu of Yuhua Sect, because he was too "young", didn't know the research of the Blood Demon Secret Realm and "Zi Shang", and didn't know that "Zi Shang" wanted to use the "Ni Shen" to melt the power of Tianyuan, because he felt that he used " The power of the abyss", I want to get rid of it quickly.

The Blood God and the existence next to him obviously knew these secrets, and even approved of the behavior of "Zi Shang", so they stopped Bai Fengyu.

Even knowing the cause and effect, the anger in Chen Fan's heart still hasn't dissipated.

Bai Fengyu didn't give him any chance to explain, if it wasn't for the existence of the Blood God and the person next to him, he would undoubtedly have died in Bai Fengyu's hands!

The feeling of powerlessness reminded Chen Fan, and the anger in his heart could not be contained.

He took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart.

With his current level of strength, Chen Fan's state of mind is naturally not bad. No matter how angry he is, he can suppress his emotions.

At least one's own behavior will not be affected by emotions.

He turned his head to look at Blood God, and the white figure next to him, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you two seniors!"

The blood god shook his head, his eyes were extremely complicated:

"I didn't expect you to absorb this drop of blood in such a way, and melt that power so smoothly..."

The Blood God gave him that drop of blood, so he naturally had expectations for Chen Fan, but he didn't expect that Chen Fan would respond to his expectations so quickly.

Bingji also opened the mouth and said:

"'The power of the abyss', as a force that threatens the existence of this world, will naturally be feared by people..."

"It's not just Bai Fengyu, many ancient existences are also dissatisfied with the behavior of 'Zi Shang'."

Chen Fan nodded. Hearing this voice, he had a special sense of déjà vu.

very strange.

And although Chen Fan couldn't see his face clearly, he could see his pair of golden pupils, which became more and more familiar the more he looked at them.

His expression froze quickly.

And the owner of those golden pupils seemed to realize something, and a playful look flashed in his eyes.

"I'm going first, let's talk slowly."

The person blinked and disappeared.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

He guessed that this person might be the powerful existence he encountered when he searched for the broken pages of the heavenly book and urged the sun-covering mirror to deduce it.

"He is the Holy Emperor of Extreme Ice."

The voice of "Blood God" rang in Chen Fan's ears.

"You should thank him. My body does not have the power to stop Bai Fengyu. If he hadn't made a move, you would have died."

Chen Fan turned around and nodded.

In fact, when he heard Bai Fengyu called "Senior Bingji", he had guessed something.

His thoughts turned, but he realized more.

But he knew that the Holy Emperor of Extreme Ice was a master immortal who was equal to the "Demon God King".

Doesn't Bai Fengyu's attitude towards the Blood God and the Bingji Holy Emperor mean that the Blood God and Bai Fengyu exist at the same level?

He took a deep breath.

Whether it is the Blood God or Bai Fengyu, Chen Fan thought that the two were very strong, but he never thought that the two had reached this level.

Blood God sighed and said:

"It's my fault... I didn't expect Bai Fengyu to overreact so much, and I didn't expect you to master this power so quickly from a drop of my blood... Even I was far behind your speed ..."

"I also rely on the blood bestowed by my predecessors, and that 'distorted blood demon' to comprehend such a trace of 'power of the abyss'..." Chen Fan shook his head.

In fact, he actively urged the "Power of Heavenly Abyss" combined with the Primordial Sword, and the effect produced was far stronger than the "Power of Heavenly Abyss" that erupted after the death of the "Distorted Blood Demon".

Blood God glanced at Chen Fan and sighed: "If you still need blood in the future, you can come to the Southern Region to find me... If you really can't win this Meihui, you should try not to use this power anymore '..."

After all, his figure disappeared in an instant.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and he clenched his palms tightly: "Immortal..."

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