My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 883 Opportunity

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

The mind world is not invincible.

According to Chen Tianqian.

Even if he is outside, if Chen Fan's realm and cultivation base are sufficient, and he also masters the mind world, he will be able to forcibly enter the fish and tiger's mind world from the outside world.

But with Chen Fan's state and cultivation at this time, it is impossible to break the possibility of the world of happiness from the outside world.

If Yuhu didn't know Chen Fan's power and brought him into the world of mind, Chen Fan might be able to solve Yuhu and break the world of happiness. Such an opportunity!

Therefore, when Chen Fan fought against Yuhu, who controlled the mind world, the initiative was completely in Yuhu's hands from the very beginning.

If Chen Fan wants to win, he can only wait for Yuhu to make a mistake!

With the end of the roar, the power of the Primordial Sword Qi gradually disappeared.

A blue spot of light bloomed in the sky, but it gradually condensed into a human entity.

And when he saw the blue light spot, Chen Fan turned into a bloody light, rushed over, the rainbow light around him flickered, and the sword in his hand cut out.


Another sword "Hongmeng Sword"!

The sword energy carrying terrifying power, under the blessing of the elimination of primordial power and the blessing of assimilating power, instantly devoured the blue figure completely.


Chen Fan frowned slightly, but he didn't think it was that simple.

And at the next moment, he suddenly felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, and a terrifying threat between life and death suddenly descended. He turned his head suddenly, only to see a blue brilliance in the void approaching at some point. his side.

The blue light condensed into a huge animal claw and smashed towards Chen Fan.

When Chen Fan turned around, the sword in his hand was full of dazzling brilliance, but he didn't cut it out.

The blue animal claws in the void suddenly jumped over the void and slammed into Chen Fan's body.

An indescribable and irresistible terrifying force spread down from the beast claw.

At this moment, Chen Fan's body seemed to freeze, the blood in his whole body seemed to stop flowing, and the sword in his hand could no longer be cut off.


His body was eroded and covered by surging blue light in the blink of an eye.

Everywhere in the body, there was once again the severe pain of killing people spreading to the top.

Even Chen Fan's seven-fold "Indestructible Vajra Body", plus the seven-fold "Blood Fusion Technique", such terrifying physical strength, plus the terrifying recovery and resistance power of "Origin Technique", can't stop that blue Guanghua's attack.

Without the White Emperor Armor, Chen Fan, not to mention facing Yuhu, even if he was an ordinary fourth-level immortal, he would not be able to resist it so easily.

It was just at the moment when the animal claws were about to fall, as if they were about to tear Chen Fan's body apart.

call out!

A pair of translucent wings suddenly rose up behind Chen Fan, but his body suddenly moved and disappeared under the terrifying beast claws, appearing on the other side.


The blue light in the void gradually formed the body of Yuhu.

At the same time, the corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched as he looked at the huge animal claws not far away, as well as the figure of the fish and tiger. He took a deep breath, moved his body slightly, and regained his ability to move.

If it weren't for the Wings of Escape, I'm afraid I have already lost.

Although the body is destroyed, relying on "Godliness", maybe the true spirit can still hold on for a while.

But Yuhu is not Caiyu and Luo Yingtian, he only has Wuliang first level himself, even if one true spirit and two separate spirits are tied together, it is impossible for Yuhu to be an opponent.

And if the protection of the body is lost, the true spirit and the sub-spirit will be extremely fragile, and they will definitely not be able to stop the fish and tiger.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and it was a pity in his heart.

He has never used the wings of escape in front of outsiders. Originally, if it was a critical moment, this move might have a chance to defeat the enemy.

It's a pity that Yuhu's method is too weird, beyond Chen Fan's imagination, so he can only use this move in advance.

"Your means are really exaggerated. You deserve to be a human race that loves heaven."

Yuhu was amazed.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "The human race is in love with Heaven? What does this mean?"

However, Yuhu was not in a hurry to fight Chen Fan, and said: "My father once told me that the future of this world is in the hands of your human race, and most of the existences that Tiandao has 'watched' in recent years are human races... For the specific reason, I But it’s not clear.”

"However, your human race is able to become the undisputed largest race among the small races in the past, so there must be something special about it."

Chen Fan frowned, but his mind jumped even further.

In fact, when communicating with Lan Ruo at the beginning, Chen Fan felt strange why he chose to become a human race after being reincarnated as the Demon God King.

Shaking his head, he put aside his miscellaneous thoughts and looked at Yuhu: "Let's do it again."

Yuhu smiled, and his body turned into blue light again and disappeared.

And Chen Fan took a deep breath, his gaze shifted, and his attention was fully concentrated, so as not to let the accident just now happen again.

Yuhu knew about the existence of Chen Fan's Wings of Escape from the Sky. If he followed this person's way again, it would be difficult to have another chance.

And at the moment when Chen Fan raised his full attention and was fully on guard against the appearance of fish and tigers, suddenly a surging gravitational force came from all directions.

He also found that his body was pulled by some kind of abnormal force.

Everything in front of him suddenly changed.

He appeared in the blue world in the blink of an eye.

As far as the eye can see, everything is blue.

And not far in front of him, a giant blue unicorn exuding a suffocating breath was staring straight at Chen Fan with dark golden pupils the size of lanterns.

"It's the mind world of fish and tigers!"

Chen Fan was stunned, he never expected that Yuhu would take the initiative to pull him into his mind world.

Yuhu didn't dare to collide with him head-on. It stands to reason that he should avoid pulling himself into the world of mind, and use the high mobility of the world of mind to constantly guerrilla with Chen Fan.


The faint blue brilliance rushed towards Chen Fan like the sea.

The moment Chen Fan appeared, that giant beast stretched out its huge blue palm and slapped Chen Fan down.

Needless to say, the blue beast claws from the outside world should have come from this beast.

"This beast should be the real body of Yuhu!"

This idea popped up in Chen Fan's mind instantly. At the same time, his wings spread out behind him, and at the same time, he swung the sword in his hand.

However, what surprised him was that although Chen Fan's Wings of Escaping the Void were activated successfully, his body didn't even move a single position, and his body was still within the attack range of the huge beast claw.

Yuhu dragged Chen Fan into the world of mind, giving Chen Fan a chance, but the manifestation of his true strength must also be in the world of mind!

He dared to do this, naturally he had enough confidence in himself.

"not good!"

Chen Fan didn't dare to have any hesitation anymore, and decisively activated the "power of the abyss" in the depths of his blood.


Amidst the blood on his body, streaks of black lightning flashed endlessly.

And with the urging of this "power of the abyss of heaven".

His skin seemed to be formed by black scales, and there were invisible tentacles extending from his body.

A breath of suffocation and fear suddenly descended on the mind world.

At this moment, the blue light that filled the sky also began to distort.

It seems to be infected by the power of "Heavenly Abyss", exuding a disgusting abnormal atmosphere.

And at the same time.

The palm of the giant beast in front of him was also surrounded by heavy black air, and after a pause, a touch of surprise and surprise flashed in the dark golden pupil of the giant beast.

Even an existence as strong as a fish and a tiger, which is equivalent to the fourth layer of human longevity, will still be greatly affected when facing the "power of the abyss".

But it was such an instant meal, but Chen Fan seized the opportunity, and the sword light in his hand slashed out violently.

The distorted earth, fire, water and wind gathered together.

Double berserk plus the power of Tianyuan, this "Hongmeng Sword" is also a sword that has reached the peak of Chen Fan's personal strength.


He believes that even in Yuhu's mind world, it is impossible for him to block this sword.

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