When he opened his eyes again, he returned to the side of "Xing Jun".

Chen Fan wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, rubbed his aching head, feeling the chaotic and unspeakable emotions, but only smiled wryly.

At this time, when the consciousness returns to the body, it still makes him feel so uncomfortable. It can only show that the personality of the worm he saw earlier is much more terrifying than he imagined!

"Xing Jun" stood next to him, and while the dao rhyme was flowing, Chen Fan heard the subtle voice of "Xing Jun": "Your luck is really good!"

"Projecting consciousness into the fantasy world, although it has only started in recent years, but it is also unknown how many people have projected consciousness... This is the first time you have encountered this kind of existence, and you are the first..."

Xingjun's body was flickering with spiritual light, and Daoyun flowed: "After calculation, you can get a total of five hundred and twenty battle orders for this projection, and the battle orders will be directly issued to your identity nameplate."

Chen Fan couldn't help but startled: "More than five hundred battle orders?"

In the normal "Heavenly Sword Secret Realm", he can enter one day with one battle order, but these more than 500 battle orders are enough to support him for more than 500 days, and he can stay in it all the time!

In the past year, including the Tongtian Tower and his own hunting, the total number of battle orders he has obtained is far from that much.

And you know, he has only entered the fantasy world for less than three days!

In fact, the battle order has other uses, and there are not too many applications for exchanging various magical powers, secret methods, and special resources.

Xingjun is also full of sighs:

"I didn't expect that after leaving this world, your luck is still so good."

"The vast majority of people enter the fantasy world, and even if they don't die early, most of them get lost in the fantasy world. In ten days, at most, they encounter some special beasts in the fantasy world!"

Chen Fan held his head with a wry smile, not knowing whether he was lucky or not.

Until now, he felt a slight pain in his head.

This is not physical pain, but mental pain.

His emotions are still not completely calmed down.

This influence is no worse than the "Power of Heavenly Abyss".

Xing Jun waved his hand, and a glowing elixir floated from his hand and flew straight to Chen Fan.

"This pill can help you restore your emotional calm, so let it be my gift to you."

Chen Fan also took the pill unceremoniously: "Thank you, Senior Xingjun!"

Naturally, the gift from a master of the Immortal series is not too bad.


"The fantasy world is completely different from what I imagined. No matter how much I improve my personal strength, it won't be of much help in that world... Next time, there is no need to wait until the end of the year to go."

Chen Fan thoughtfully walked towards his palace.

After returning to the palace, Chen Fan quickly refined the elixir bestowed by Xingjun, and his mood quickly stabilized.

After a few days.

The annual quiz is here.

The twenty-one geniuses of the first sequence gathered together for the first time.

Even in the quiz, not everyone has to compete with each other.

Instead, the ranks are simply divided according to the number of floors of the Tongtian Tower they have entered, and then the talents of the same floor of the Tongtian Tower need to compete with each other to divide the specific rankings.

Before the first sequence, below the eighth floor of Tongtian Tower, there were only three people including Chen Fan.

Chen Fan and Yuhu broke through the seventh floor of the Tongtian Tower, and Zhou Bolan has not broken through the seventh floor so far.

Therefore, the three of them didn't need to compare with others at all, and they were directly ranked in the top three from the bottom.

The gap between the three of them and other geniuses cannot be bridged in one or two years.

The improvement of the Dao is a thousand times, ten thousand times more difficult than before.

Don't you see how many people have lived for countless tens of thousands of years, and have been stuck in the fifth and sixth levels of longevity for several catastrophes.

Zhou Bolan was the last one, and he didn't even break through the seventh floor, so he didn't have to fight anyone.

"With Zhou Bolan's strength, before the century-old secret realm, not to mention being able to break through the seventh floor, it's not too far behind..."

"He has been in the Time Secret Realm for a hundred years, so it's impossible that he hasn't made any progress. How could he fail to break through the seventh-floor Tongtian Tower?" Chen Fan doubted that Zhou Bolan had reservations.

After all, judging from his past experience, he is a person who is very good at hiding.

After all, no matter how low the ranking is now, as long as it doesn't exceed ten years, it won't lower the rank. Passing through the seventh-floor Tongtian Tower is nothing more than getting a little more battle orders. To Zhou Bolan, it really doesn't have much meaning.

"Chen Fan, let's fight!"

Yuhu looked at Chen Fan with burning eyes.

Chen Fan also nodded heavily.

The two fought immediately. Although Chen Fan didn't condense the world of mind, he defeated Yuhu abruptly by relying on his much stronger hard power.

But even if he wins, he will only win the third-to-last position in the first sequence, which is meaningless.

Of course, it was meaningless to Chen Fan, but it was quite depressing to Yuhu.

On the premise that he has mastered the world of mind, he actually lost to Chen Fan who has not yet mastered the world of mind. The actual strength gap between the two is not small.

in addition.

Because there are less than 33 people in the first rank, Chen Fan and the other three have a ten-year deadline, and they will not descend to rank within ten years.

So in the second rank, the top three masters don't need to challenge the first rank, and directly advance successfully.

And even these three people who were promoted from the second rank are all geniuses who have left their names on the eighth floor of Tongtian Tower, and they will not be able to beat Chen Fan for the time being.


The quiz is over.

Chen Fan had so many battle orders, but he changed a lot of magical sword skills, and then plunged into the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm.

Time flies.

Five years passed in the blink of an eye.

Chen Fan still maintained the previous rhythm.

The deity practiced honestly and enlightened the Tao in the Tower of Ten Realms, and went out to complete the hunting task.

But in the following years, his avatar was never killed again.

The sea of ​​chaos is so big, the chance of encountering a master at the longevity level is still very low.

When the avatar killed all kinds of monsters in exchange for battle orders, it also harvested a lot of special products and genius treasures in the sea of ​​​​chaos.

Although Chen Fan himself did not break through the third level of longevity, his strength has improved a lot.

With the help of the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm, he has made good progress in all the kendo supernatural powers he practiced.

Beiming's third form is not far from consummation.

Several immortal-level swordsmanship such as "Wuwu Sword", "Coiling Dragon Sword", and "Yingxing Sword" have already reached the first level of perfection, but he has exchanged the first form of other immortal supernatural powers and is hanging up.

Other swordsmanship supernatural powers with a slightly lower level have learned more.

The more perfect his Wanjian kendo is, the smaller the gap between him and Dao.

However, there is still a certain distance from the real breakthrough.

"Getting started with the Dao is extremely difficult, and the way of the sword itself is even more difficult than the general Dao..."

In fact, if Chen Fan has other ways to enter the Dao, he can also use it to break through the third level of longevity.

However, the way he used to advance to longevity was the way of swordsmanship.

Sword Dao is his personal fundamental way, and it is also the most critical way for him to improve his strength. If Kendo can break through, it will bring him the greatest improvement!

As for the past few years, after entering the fantasy world several times, Chen Fan has nothing special or rewarding.

Although he has survived all ten days, he has never been able to reap the same harvest as the first time.

And after several years, he finally successfully hung up the phone and finished "Condensation".

It's a pity that Wenbu's mind world was severely damaged, and the power of mind in Wenbo Golden Elixir was lacking. Chen Fan absorbed all the power of mind in Wenbo Golden Elixir, but he couldn't condense his own world of mind. But barely condensed into a prototype.

"Wen Bu suffered a lot of damage to the mind world back then. When I killed him, I broke it again..."

Chen Fan's expression was subtle: "I want to condense the mind world in advance, unless I hunt down an existence of the fourth level of longevity, and add another golden elixir..."

He licked his lips.

In fact, the avatar has wandered around the Chaos Sea for the past few years, and has gained a lot of understanding of some surrounding areas.

He really knew the whereabouts of one of the Four Great Immortal Demons nearby.

That big demon is a primordial chaos demon.

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