My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 916 Lightning Law, Thunder Curse

The words of Marquis Yunyuan

The faces of all the people around are awe-inspiring.

"Huh?" The woman glanced at Yun Yuanhou indifferently: "Oh, you actually know me, yes, I am Ye Hua."

Hearing his honesty, Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

A king-level master came unexpectedly!

Chen Fan has never seen a master Feng Wang make a move.

But he had seen Hou Chuanjiu, a demon sword that was just a hair away from Feng Wang, make a move.

In the past few years, Chen Fan also competed with Chuan Jiu several times.

Of course, it is not so much a competition, Kawajiu really only showed less than one percent of his strength.

Compared with ordinary sixth-level longevity, Fenghou has a gap in strength, but it is greater than ordinary sixth-level longevity and fifth-level longevity.

As for the higher king...

Although Chen Fan has never seen such a series of masters.

But he knew that even if he had the White Emperor Armor, he couldn't stop such a random move from his opponent.

But as he admitted his identity, the originally harmonious atmosphere changed instantly...


The ninth statue also lit up at this moment.

Accompanied by the nine statues all light up.

A beam of purple light rose up.

The nine statues shone with a faint purple light, extending a line of light to point at the nine people respectively.

Chen Fan didn't feel any abnormality in his body. He stretched out his hand, and the purple light seemed to exist in a different space.

He looked at the statue pointing at him in surprise, not knowing what was going on now.

And just when the nine statues respectively extended their light to save people.


Accompanied by the flickering spiritual light, a loud roar came from the ground.

Then, in the empty square, a gigantic statue of a strange beast suddenly rose up!

This statue is hundreds of feet tall, and its whole body is purple.

However, the appearance of Lei Xianggui is a bit similar to that of the outside world, but no matter the demeanor and temperament, or the coercion of people, Lei Xianggui is not comparable.

The statue of the alien beast showed a pouncing movement, and its huge claws were facing where Chen Fan was...

Just seeing this statue, countless thunder lights bloomed in front of Chen Fan's eyes, and his thoughts turned rapidly.

His comprehension of the way of thunder and lightning has suddenly increased a lot.

At the same time, just looking at the Thunder Beast statue, he comprehended a special kung fu...

at this time.

A illusory spirit body emerged from the huge statue of a strange beast.

The incomparable weakness of this spiritual body seemed to dissipate soon, but it was impossible to ignore.

It's just that its true form is hidden in the purple light, making it impossible to distinguish clearly.

A long sigh sounded:

"After hundreds of millions of years, I never thought... Thunder Beast Temple would have a chance to be born again."

With this voice sounded.

That Ye Hua's pupils also constricted, a look of astonishment flashed across his face, and then he laughed loudly:

"It turned out to be the Thunder Beast Temple that is said to hide the 'Thunder Beast Inheritance'? I, Yehua, have such luck?!"

She obviously looks like a girl, but her voice is full of arrogance, as if the so-called "Thunder Beast Inheritance" has already belonged to her.

The other people present also had different expressions.

"So it's not the Thunder Beast Relic, but the Thunder Beast inheritance..." Chen Fan's thoughts turned.

His eyes were also looking at the unusually low-key Bao Langfeng in the corner.

Although his strength is the weakest, he should be the one who knows the most information, but at this moment, his complexion is not very good. Obviously, the scene at this time is beyond his expectations...

The illusory figure glanced at Ye Hua faintly: "Shut up, don't make any noise in the Thunder Beast Temple."

Ye Hua immediately closed her mouth, but the corners of her mouth were still twitching with excitement.

"The purpose of my establishment of the Thunder Beast Temple is to prevent the inheritance of the 'Thunder Beast' from being completely cut off. All those who are destined can obtain this inheritance..."

This Thunder Beast Temple was not left by the Thunder Beast, but built by this unknown being!

To be able to trap Ye Hua, who is at the level of a king, is definitely a master at the level of a demon king!

The figure turned to look at the huge statue of the alien beast:

"This statue contains Lord 'Thunder Beast''s lifelong painstaking efforts. The original law of the Dao of Thunder can be called the "Lightning Law"... All nine of you rely on this statue to comprehend the "Lightning Law", but in the end only the most An outstanding person may inherit the inheritance of Sir 'Thunder Beast'."

"And for others, there is only one way, death."

But the phantom figure said this sentence.

All nine people present were shocked.

The corners of Bo Langfeng's mouth twitched, but he couldn't help but say:

"It's not fair! Our cultivation bases are too different, and the comprehension ability is even greater. People with high cultivation bases are naturally more likely to comprehend "Lei Fa"!"

"Not to mention, there are people who are masters in practicing the Dao of Thunder..."

He couldn't help but glance at that Lei Peng.

In the presence, needless to say, everyone knew that Lei Peng practiced the Dao of Thunder.

Chen Fan's eyes were also twinkling, but he also strongly agreed with Bo Langfeng's words.

The sixth level of longevity means that there is at least an immeasurable sixth level of spiritual consciousness.

Not to mention the masters of the Marquis and the King, the spiritual consciousness will only become stronger.

At this moment, Chen Fan is still only in the realm of infinite double-level spiritual consciousness, and his thinking speed is tens or hundreds of times different. Even if Chen Fan has the talent for hanging up and has more than one spirit, he may not be able to compare with these people.

As for Bo Langfeng, who is also at the second level of longevity, he is far inferior to Chen Fan, so naturally he cannot accept such a result.

The illusory spirit body said to Bao Langfeng:

"You don't have to worry about this. People of different cultivation levels will naturally have different requirements."

It went on to say:

"These nine irregular figurines will be connected to your true spirits, and thunder curses will be cast down at regular intervals. Thunder curses are the best attack method of thunder magic, and the attacks will become stronger and stronger."

"The higher the cultivation base, the higher the speed and frequency of the thunder curse."

"Only by practicing the "Thunder Law" has enough progress, can one resist the attack of the Thunder Curse."

"The number of thunder curses corresponds to the corresponding level of "Thunder Law". If the number of thunder spells exceeds the number of layers of "Thunder Law", the more damage you will suffer. And the number of layers of your "Thunder Law" exceeds the number of thunder spells. The more you have, the less damage you will suffer!"

"All nine of you will be continuously attacked by the Thunder Curse, and only one of you will be able to survive in the end!"

As soon as these words came out, the nine people all looked dignified.

That Ye Hua no longer had the slightest bit of complacency on her face, but immediately sat down cross-legged, and cast her eyes on the Thunder Beast statue.

She has the strongest strength and the fastest comprehension speed, but the frequency of being attacked by the thunder curse will also be the fastest, and her advantage is by no means the greatest.

On the other side, Chen Fan also took a deep breath, raised his head, and looked at the Thunder Beast statue with burning eyes.

With the on-hook slot and the five spirits, he still has a great chance of surviving to the end.

It's just a matter of life and death. It would be a lie to say that he has no pressure in his heart.

Several other people also sat down cross-legged one by one, and each started their crazy practice.

And from time to time, some people took various panacea and strange things to assist comprehension.

At this moment, Chen Fan regretted that he had used up the towering spiritual essence too quickly, otherwise, at this time, it would have a lore effect.

Of course, even if he didn't have the towering spiritual essence, or even if there was no hang-up slot vacant for a while, his comprehension speed was still not slow.

With the talent of hanging up, he can touch the progress jump from time to time when he looks at the statue in front of him.

Plus a few spirits to study together.

But it took only half a day to comprehend the first level of "Lei Fa" to perfection.

"I started with the Dao of Thunder, and I have already broken through the Dao Fruit. Practicing this "Lightning Law" naturally has a greater advantage than ordinary people..."

As a matter of fact, he doesn't have any vacant idle slots at all, otherwise the breakthrough will only be faster.

It's just that it's normal to be fast in the early stage. In the later stage, the difficulty of each level of cultivation increases, and Chen Fan's touch from the statue will not always be there, and the speed will inevitably slow down.

The day passes in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, a thunder light flashed on the small statue corresponding to Ye Hua in the sky, and a thunder light instantly shot at Ye Hua's body.

In the roar.

Ye Hua suddenly began to tremble.

The trembling lasted for about two or three breaths before it stopped.

The corners of her mouth twitched, and a subtle expression appeared on her face...

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