My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 919 The Promise of the Marquis of Six Ears

When a normal person reaches the cultivation level of longevity, his lifespan will be so long that it can be calculated in tens of thousands of years.

And the fifth level of longevity, especially the horned demons, a special demon that is good at physique.

Shouyuan will even use 100,000 years as the calculation standard.

For a master of this level, the probability of dying of old age is far lower than the probability of dying in a catastrophe...

And such a person, actually aged so quickly because of a pill, this alone is enough to show that this pill is not simple...

Chen Fan didn't know the specific division of holy-level elixir, but he could guess that the quality of the elixir he just had was extremely high. If it was a holy-level elixir, it would definitely be of the highest quality!

Not only Chen Fan, but also all the strong people around him looked at him with complicated expressions.

The embarrassing thing is that even if they guessed Rong Jin's purpose, they couldn't take any action. The special restrictions of the temple made it impossible for them to prevent any actions of others.

No matter how unwilling, no matter how curious, you can only swallow it into your stomach.


On the third day of Ming Xuanguang's death, the ordinary immortal six-layered dragon also ushered in his ninth round of Thunder Curse.

It's just that he had more preparations and forcibly survived, but his breath was also greatly weakened, and he obviously suffered a lot of damage.

Chen Fan shook his head when he saw this scene.

Although he survived, he was too reluctant. He may not be able to recover to the complete victory stage before the next thunder curse arrives, let alone block the next round of thunder curse.

If there is no accident, the possibility of the person wanting to survive is not great.


Another few days passed.

The first level of Chen Fan's "Xuanwu Sword", after his hard work, finally reached perfection ahead of schedule!

It is several months faster than simply hanging up.

And he finally vacated an idle slot.

However, he hastily relied on himself and practiced to the seventh floor of "Lei Fa" to hang up.

Reaching the seventh floor of the "Lei Fa", he relied on observing the statues, but he had already had eight or nine epiphany triggers.

The on-hook efficiency has also been improved eight or nine times.

With his current level of cultivation, his comprehension ability is extremely exaggerated, and his hang-up efficiency is already very fast based on his own comprehension ability, let alone the hang-up efficiency that has been improved so many times.

Originally relying on himself, it would take at least a month to reach the eighth level of Leifa, but he had already reached it on the third day after hanging up.

And after breaking through the eighth layer of thunder, he himself watched the statue of the thunder beast again, and naturally he had other comprehensions and improvements, and he was able to continue to touch the epiphany.

And half a month later, his Lei Fa reached the ninth floor.

After the first form of "Xuanwu Sword" was completed, his other three spirits were also free, and they could comprehend the thunder method together.

Although it is far inferior to the speed of hanging up, it is still a considerable improvement...

But it was still almost a month before his next Thunder Curse came.

"In a short period of time, it is impossible for the number of thunder curses to catch up to my "Thunder Law" layers, but I can breathe a sigh of relief."


A few days later, Lei Peng, who was at the fifth level of longevity, also ushered in his ninth round of lightning curse attacks.

It's just that this thunder curse attack, which has undergone a qualitative change, still hasn't brought it too much damage.

His body was trembling slightly, and he survived in a moment, but his breath did not weaken because of this. Instead, his eyes shone brightly, as if he had comprehended something under the "Thunder Curse".

"Lei Peng is really suppressing species, this is too unfair..." Chen Fan couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this scene.

In fact, he just said that others are unfair, but it is really unreasonable.

Half a month later.

The Horned Demon Clan Rong Yi, who was at the fifth level of longevity, finally ushered in his ninth round of Thunder Curse.

He managed to resist it successfully, and his breath didn't decrease significantly, even easier than resisting the thunder curse for the eighth time.

"it turns out……"

"It seems that that elixir has brought him a lot of improvement..." Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, but he didn't feel too surprised.

After sacrificing so much lifespan, it is naturally impossible for Rong Yan not to improve.

I just don't know if the resistance of the true spirit has been improved, or the speed of comprehension has been improved?

Seeing this scene, the eyes of Bie Long who hadn't fully recovered so far flickered, but he took the initiative to find Rong Yan.

As the sixth level of longevity, he didn't show any airs, with a kind smile on his face:

"Rong Yan, you should know me, your family and I grew up in the last era, so we are old friends..."

It turned out that this Bielong was also the one who survived the catastrophe.

Rong Yan sneered: "Don't say it, I know what you mean, don't say that I don't have the banned drug like before, even if I did, I wouldn't let it out!"

Because of the special restrictions, the nine people are on completely opposite levels.

Only you live and die.

Concession is equivalent to giving up the opportunity to live, Rong Yan could not agree.

Bielong blushed, but gritted his teeth and said:

"I am willing to exchange all the treasures on my body. I have two high-star Taoism tools, and I will give them all to you—"

Rong Chen still sneered:

"Only one of the nine of us will survive. If I can survive to the end...everything you have is mine, why should I let you?"

In fact, the reason is very simple. Everyone present understands that Bielong, as a master of the sixth level of the Demon Emperor, would not understand, but the desire to survive and unwillingness in his heart made him want to try even though he knew it would be futile.

The corner of Bielong's mouth twitched, he took a deep breath, and continued:

"With your strength and talent, even if you take the forbidden medicine, it is unlikely that you will survive to the end, and your lifespan should not be able to support taking the second one. If you still have the second one and are willing to give it I……"

"If I can survive to the end and leave successfully, I can promise you that I will leave all the harvest and treasures to your fellow clan, or anyone you want me to give to!"

As soon as this remark came out, Rong Yan narrowed his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then shook his head:

"If so, why don't I give the pill to other people who are more likely to survive to the end?"

After saying these words, Bielong's face turned completely pale.

But the eyes of the other masters who heard this remark became sharper.

This also includes Chen Fan.

If Rong Yan really had the same forbidden medicine, he might really give the medicine to other people for the sake of his own family or his descendants when he must die...

After all, in his state, his lifespan has dropped so much, even if he has a second one, he can't still take it.

But in fact, Rong Yan's words made all the masters realize that Rong Yan might really have a second such banned drug in his hand.

Following these words, Liu Erhou stood up resolutely and looked at Rong Chen from a distance.

"Rong Jing, if you are really at the end of the road, you are willing to give me the pill, and if I can live to the end, I am also willing to give up all the harvest this time, as well as all my own treasures and resources. Your loved ones in the outside world, and protect them forever!"

"I swear by the way of heaven!"

This statement is powerful and sincere.

In fact, this kind of existence that is close to the complete Dao series of enlightenment, the binding force of the oath of heaven will be terrible.

But when Liu Er's words came out, golden lotuses appeared in the sky, and the vision was formed.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched: "The innate spirit..."

Liu Er turned out to be an innate spirit, so his oath to heaven is naturally more powerful than ordinary people!

And as a powerful Marquis.

The frequency with which he was attacked by thunder curses was no less than that of King Yehua, and his cultivation level was not bad, which also made his ability to resist thunder curses not low.

Not to mention the specialness of being an innate spirit.

On the whole, Liu Er is one of the people most likely to survive to the end!

And his willingness to conclude the oath of heaven in advance also shows his sincerity.

After all, even without this elixir, the person might survive to the end...

When Rong Yan heard this, complex and delicate eyes flashed: "Hmph, let's talk about it when I'm about to die!"

His attitude is naturally more recognized, he still has extra banned drugs in his hand!

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