My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 923 The tug of war and the final opponent

On the wide square.


Above a small statue, purple lightning began to swell and spread, and then blasted towards King Yehua.

King Yehua's expression was solemn, and after the body trembled, blood overflowed from all seven orifices.

This is the twenty-eighth Thunder Curse cast by King Yehua.

"Next time, I won't be able to hold back..."

Combined with the previous experience of thunder curse.

There must be changes every nine.

The twenty-ninth Thunder Curse will also have some changes.

This is what everyone can guess.

But King Yehua turned his hands over, took out the pill that Rong Yan gave her, and swallowed it resolutely.

Just as she swallowed the elixir, a moment later, a look of astonishment and anger flashed across her face.


The breath on her body has not changed much, and her face has not become old.

Seeing this scene, the other three looked at King Ye Hua in astonishment.

At this moment, King Yehua's small face was twisted together, exuding a chilling aura all over his body.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan's mouth twitched when he thought of Rong Yan's behavior before.

No matter what, he never expected that the second elixir of Rong Yan turned out to be a fake!

Judging from King Yehua's attitude, for this pill, he should have promised corresponding conditions to Rong Yan...

But Chen Fan shook his head.

King Yehua probably won't be able to stop the next thunder curse, so these things are meaningless at all.

But recalling the behavior between Rong Yan and King Yehua, Chen Fan frowned slightly. He always felt that King Yehua would not die so easily...

In fact, although he was a little out of breath at this time, he quickly recovered his calm, his face was extremely cold, but he didn't look at the Thunder Beast statue in front of him anymore.

His eyes swept over the three of them repeatedly, but he didn't see how desperate they were.

"Wait until this person's next Thunder Curse comes, we will know the result." Chen Fan frowned.

Time flies, and several months passed in the blink of an eye, and the twenty-ninth thunder curse of King Yehua finally came.

The majestic thunder light fell, and his body was trembling.

The breath completely dissipated in a moment.

No accident happened.

"King Ye Hua died just like that?" Chen Fan was also a little puzzled by the result.

Rong Yan agreed to give the medicine to King Ye Hua, it must be because of what King Ye Hua said, which made Rong Yan believe that King Ye Hua could live to the end...

The problem is, the aura of King Yehua has indeed begun to decline, and it doesn't look like he is still alive at all.

There must be something wrong.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan was too lazy to think about it.

But the others looked at the dead King Ye Hua with different expressions.

In addition to the same strangeness as Chen Fan, there is still a sigh.

This is a strong king!

The ultimate powerhouse at the sixth level of longevity is a peerless master who is only one step away from enlightening the Dao and stepping up to the level of the Demon God King.

Even if you don't advance in your life, you are still a rare master in the world.

Surviving a catastrophe is by no means a problem!

But at this moment, Liu Er suddenly got up and walked towards Chen Fan.

"Chen Fan."

"Huh? Brother Liu Er, what's the matter?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Liu Erhou sighed: "You and I are both members of the Holy Church, if... you can live to the end, I would like to ask you to do me a favor?"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Liu Er, however, was a bit noble, and this was the first time he had a proactive conversation with him since he came in.

Seeing Chen Fan's attitude, he also hurriedly said: "Of course, if I can live to the end, I can also agree to your request..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows. He still had his avatar outside, but he didn't need Liu Er's promise.

But he naturally didn't take the initiative to say this, he said lightly:

"Brother, please tell me, what do you need me to do?"

Six Ears took a deep breath:

"I am in the Demon Realm, but I have a son who is still young. He is not talented, and he is nourished by relying on my shade... But if I die, he will definitely become the target of public criticism. I just ask you to help me take care of him a little... ..."

Yaoyu is also one of the nine wonderlands.

The degree of danger is slightly lower than that of Chaos Sea and Demon Prison, but it is the place where the most monsters gather, which is not comparable to Wanyao Ridge in Xihuang.

Chen Fan had a strange expression: "Senior Brother Liu Er, your son's cultivation base is probably not weak, right?"

Liu Er is an innate spirit, and he is also a master of the Marquis level. The children of such people, even if they rely on resources, their strength will not be bad.

Liu Er shook his head: "He is not my own son, his talent is not very good, he is over two hundred years old, and he is not even immortal... If Chen Fan is willing, you can also accept him as a registered disciple..."

Chen Fan suddenly nodded.

As a master of Fenghou, his son is not immortal after two hundred years old, this talent is indeed not good.

You know, in the Meihui, there are dozens of immortals under the age of fifty.

Most of these people may not be able to have a father or master of the sixth level of longevity.

For this kind of progression master, there are definitely more than one or two ways to help comprehend the ordinary way.

Six ears continued:

"I still left some treasures and resources in the Demon Realm, but they are no less than mine... Let it be Chen Fan's condition for your help!"

Chen Fan's eyes flickered when he heard this, and then he nodded heavily: "Don't worry, brother, if I live to the end, I will definitely help take care of it."

Everyone is smart, and there is no friendship, no conflict of interest, Chen Fan naturally cannot agree to him casually.

Liu Er showed an ugly smile on his face, and then told Chen Fan the location of his treasure house and how to open it.

"Junior Brother Chen Fan, if there is anyone who needs my care, or who needs my can tell me."

Chen Fan waved his hand: "No need."

He still has a clone outside, even if he dies, he doesn't need Liu Erhou's help.

Liu Er frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, turned around and walked towards Lei Peng again.

Looking at this scene, Chen Fan also understood that he was not the only one who bet on himself.

In fact.

Among the three, there must be someone who will survive to the end. Liu Er's promise of his treasure house outside also has a certain attraction for several people. With the promise of the two, he can naturally ensure that his son will be taken care of.

Two years after the death of King Yehua, Liu Er also died under his twenty-ninth thunder curse attack.

Seeing Liu Er's true spirit collapse under the thunder curse.

Chen Fan sighed in his heart, raised his head and looked at Lei Peng, the only one who was still alive besides himself.

Lei Peng stared at Chen Fan with his lantern-like eyes.

Lei Peng never thought that it would be Chen Fan who would compete with him for the last place.

In fact, the two of them can be regarded as the two weakest among the nine.

However, although they are weak in strength, they each have their own advantages.

In fact, even now, neither is far from reaching its limit.

The real tug-of-war is only now beginning.

Two years later, Lei Peng ushered in his twenty-ninth Thunder Curse.

It's just that although the strength is far inferior to King Yehua and Liu Erhou and others, he still easily blocked the twenty-ninth thunder curse.

Another half year later, Chen Fan ushered in his nineteenth Thunder Curse.

Although the progress of Chen Fan's follow-up lightning practice has been slowing down, it is much more difficult to improve the level than before, but the interval between each time he suffers the thunder curse is also much longer, although the number of layers of his lightning has not improved in the past few years Too much, but still a few layers higher than Thunder Curse.

And because of the attacks of thunder curse again and again, his true spirit and sub-spirit are continuously sublimated and become more pure during tempering. He even has a feeling that he has almost reached his limit and is about to break through a new limit.

"If this continues, after a few more rounds of Thunder Curse, my spiritual consciousness may really break through the limitless third level!"

Chen Fan was also very excited.

If you can break through the limitless triple, your overall practice speed can also rise again.

It's just the breakthrough he expected, but it hasn't arrived after waiting for a long time...

Ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past ten years, Chen Fan endured another nine rounds of thunder curses, but his true spirit still failed to break through the final limit.

And the number of layers of his "Thunder Law" is only the thirtieth layer, which is only two layers more than the number of Thunder Curse!

He already felt that the limit of himself was coming soon...

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