My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 927 The Eye of Thunder

Several masters of the immortal series related to Chen Fan.

The person he has been with the longest and is most familiar with is actually Bei Ming.

After all, the two have practiced the sword together for a hundred years in the secret realm of time.

The problem is, this is Chen Fan's best unilateral relationship.

With Bei Ming's strange personality, even if Chen Fan is his true apprentice, he may not respond to Chen Fan when he senses that Chen Fan is deducing himself.

"Judging from the personalities of the few people, it's the Sacred Emperor of Extreme Ice, who is most likely to talk to me... But the question is, how should I convey my thoughts and ask him for help..."

He deduces the Holy Emperor of Extreme Ice, and he can indeed get the induction of the Holy Emperor of Extreme Ice, but the problem is that Chen Fan can only deduce it, but he cannot convey his consciousness and ideas.

How can I convey the message that I am facing a predicament only by deduction?

Chen Fan racked his brains, but he couldn't find the answer.

In fact, even if he could deliver this information, how could the Holy Emperor of Ice Extreme help him?

From Chen Fan's point of view, the kindness of the Bingji Sage Emperor towards him was just for fun.

Does he really value himself?

Not necessarily.

Chen Fan fell into deep thought and entanglement again.

He looked at the huge thunder beast statue in front of him, and a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in his heart.

He took a deep breath, but his eyes gradually became hot.

"Who said that I have to deduce the three of the ice emperor... maybe I have a better choice..."

According to Bo Langfeng, the ancient thunder beast is the ultimate of the former thunder.

After the death of the ancient thunder beast, under the deliberate choice of the will of heaven, a new ultimate of thunder appeared, and this person was still a human race.

"I can completely deduce this ultimate of thunder!"

Chen Fan didn't need to communicate with this person at all.

With the personality and strength of that person, I just deduce it, even if I only perceive the slightest breath of that person, it may become the key to breaking the situation for me.

How terrifying the ultimate existence of the thunder light will be, if I just see or sense even a tiny bit, it may have an unimaginable huge touch on the improvement of my way of thunder!

Of course, all of this is based on Chen Fan's own guesses.

Whether he can sense it, and what he will encounter after sensing it, Chen Fan is uncertain.

Even if that existence was disrespectful, a burst of consciousness descended and wiped itself out, it is also possible.

"However, the will of Heaven tells me that my way of life lies in the sun-shattering mirror...Thinking about it, I can only deduce such an existence, who may help me get out of the predicament in front of me..."

"It can become the ultimate, mostly because of the favor of the will of heaven, and I am the 'son of destiny', even if it doesn't give me face, it should give face to heaven..."

His eyes flickered and his thoughts twitched, but he didn't think that he would be wiped out directly.

Of course, everything is just Chen Fan's personal guess.

Although the sun-shielding mirror is strong, it is impossible to talk to Chen Fan and tell Chen Fan the best choice like Lord Bai.

There is a limit to the occultation mirror, and under the premise that the result of the deduction is vague, Chen Fan only needs to think of a more accurate answer.

"In the absence of a better choice, maybe, I have to do this..."

The worst result is nothing more than being wiped out by a lightning bolt.

In fact, if he can't meet the standards of the ancient thunder beast inheritance, the thunder curse will also destroy him.

Deducing other existences may be able to be sensed by them, but they may not be able to perceive and solve Chen Fan's predicament at this time.

I have no other more suitable choice.

His eyes were firm, and his heart made up his mind.

It's just that Chen Fan was not in a hurry to deduce such an existence immediately.

Instead, he still practiced quietly and penanced, comprehending Lei Fa.

"The higher my level of lightning, the stronger my resistance to lightning. If I really offend that existence, I need stronger resistance to lightning... In this case, let me wait until I reach my own" When Leifa reaches its limit, let's do the deduction again!"

Although the sooner one can improve, the better, but if one's resistance to lightning is not enough, it would be a pity to die directly because of the deduction of that existence.

He continued to observe the statue of Thunder Beast and comprehend Thunder Law.

Three months later, his Lei Fa broke through to the thirty-ninth floor.

Five months later, he ushered in the thirty-ninth round of Thunder Curse.

And even though he had been prepared for a long time and had amplified his consciousness to the limit with the Star God Seal, this time the thunder curse attack still made him quite painful.

The true spirit and the split spirit also suffered a lot of damage.

Fortunately, he still has a lot of Soul Accumulation Pills in his hand.

In addition, Lei Peng still sealed a large amount of unowned soul power in his Star God Seal, but it can also help Chen Fan recover.

Although for him, if he directly absorbs the power of other people's soul, the state of soul will be extremely unstable, but at this time, Chen Fan can't care less about being picky.


And then, in the blink of an eye, years passed.

After Chen Fan endured the forty-fourth thunder curse and his true spirit almost collapsed, Chen Fan also understood that his limit had been reached.

At this time, his lightning method has reached the forty-third floor, and it is impossible to break through before the next thunder spell.

However, he had already exhausted his soul-absorbing pills, but he didn't have many pills left in his hand to restore his soul, but he had to ask the medicine king to take out almost all the medicinal materials for restoring his soul from his medicine field.

After planting medicinal materials for so long, it is natural to use them in key places.

It's just a pity that with Chen Fan's current state of mind and soul, the level of medicinal materials in his medicine garden is a bit lower for him.

After eating all the relevant medicinal herbs at once, coupled with the power of Lei Peng's soul in the seal of the star god, he finally regained his peak.

After that, he meditated and adjusted his breath, and prepared for another half a year to adjust his state to the best.

Only then did he finally start to continue to deduce the Ultimate of Thunder.

"Compared to a few years ago, the number of layers of my "Thunder Law" has increased a little, my understanding of the Dao of Thunder has increased, and my ability to resist thunder and lightning has become stronger..."

Of course, before activating the solar occultation mirror, he first activated the Star God Seal to amplify his own consciousness to the limit.

At the same time, the White Emperor Armor is also summoned to superimpose the defense to the highest level.

Then he took a deep breath and picked up the sun shield.

Let's play!

There was an aura of spiritual light on the mirror, and in an instant, the sacrifices arranged by Chen Fan disappeared abruptly in place.

At the same time, Chen Fan's consciousness changed, but he seemed to have entered the special state when he deduced the Heavenly Book again.

His vision swivels, stretches, changes.

In the blink of an eye, he entered a certain alien space.

The lingering purple lightning spread across the boundless and wide world.

Between the turbulent thunder and light, there is a lot of avenue rhyme. Just watching this scene brings Chen Fan a lot of understanding and touch.

And at this moment.


A huge lightning eye suddenly opened in the void, stretching across the void, accompanied by countless arcs of lightning.

That eye looked at Chen Fan.


Just being seen, Chen Fan felt his brain thump.

The sea of ​​consciousness roared unconsciously, as if the end of the world was coming.

His consciousness suddenly plummeted, everything in front of him changed suddenly, and his perspective instantly zoomed out and disappeared.


He opened his eyes suddenly, and fell to the ground uncontrollably.

My whole body is numb and I can't control myself.

He couldn't even move his fingers now, and the severe pain continued to spread all over his body.

And at the same time.

In his field of vision, the world seemed to be covered with a layer of purple lightning.

The eye of thunder he saw just now seemed to be deeply imprinted in his mind.

Needless to say, at this moment, there are also characters flickering and jumping in front of his eyes.

After a glance, Chen Fan comprehended a special supernatural power from it.

Not only did he comprehend a magical power, all the magical powers and secrets related to the way of thunder and lightning that he unlocked, as well as his personal way of thunder and thunder method, were all touched, and the progress jumped.

Although he was only glanced at, not only his will was affected, but his body was also affected a lot.

The power of the Thunder and Lightning Eye, but the White Emperor's Armor did not have any defensive effect.

However, the important thing is that he is still alive, and that is enough.

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