My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 931 Chasing and fleeing!

"I said, I won't do anything to you, as long as you honestly give up resistance...let me do a soul search!"

King Yehua's voice sounded impatient.

Chen Fan heaved a long sigh, and while clenching the sword tightly in his hand, another black spot like ink rose on his bloody body!

The power of the abyss!

Chen Fan's "Blood Fusion Art" has already reached the eighth level. Although in Lei Temple, he did not put much thought on "Blood Fusion Art" in the past 20 to 30 years, but it accounted for In the case of an on-hook slot, "Blood Fusion" has almost reached the level of eightfold perfection.

His use of the "Power of Heavenly Abyss" is still not round and smooth, but compared to the beginning, it is much stronger.

And with the appearance of "the power of the abyss", Chen Fan's body also spread out a strange phantom again, and the tentacles and scales seemed unreal...

A breath of suffocation and fear lingered in all directions, and along with Chen Fan's sword light, he slashed towards Ye Hua.

And when he felt Chen Fan's ascending "Power of Heavenly Abyss", Ye Hua's originally impatient expression instantly turned into shock and fear.

" could it be?"

The next moment.

Chen Fan only felt that the stars were changing, but he was directly thrown out of the mind world by King Ye Hua.

His surging sword energy slashed far away.

The figure of King Ye Hua disappeared without a trace.

"good chance!"

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and naturally he didn't dare to stay in the slightest. The thunder light spread under his feet, but it carried his body to the distance in an instant. Zuo phantom went to the distance, and at the same time he also took out an escape talisman in his hand.

This talisman seal is an upgraded version of the Wanli Wujing Talisman, called the Great Wanli Wujing Talisman, which has a wider range and stronger effect.

When Chen Fan's Escaping Wings reached the current level, it could resist the effect of locking the air to a certain extent, but the Escaping Talisman could not do anything about it.

After pulling away from King Yehua, he resolutely crushed the Escape Talisman.


Under the sphere of influence of King Ye Hua's mind world, the surrounding space is also locked, so Chen Fan naturally has to increase the distance to activate the Escape Talisman.


Ripples flickered like water in the sky, but Chen Fan's body suddenly disappeared in place.

And as Chen Fan disappeared, without even breathing, King Yehua's body reappeared outside. At this moment, she watched the space fluctuations in the sky gradually subside, but her expression was unusually subtle.


And at the same time.

Thousands of miles away, in the depths of the sea of ​​fog, there is a dilapidated continent floating in the sky.

A spatial vortex flickered, and Chen Fan's body suddenly appeared in it.

And when he appeared here and confirmed that there was no danger around him, Chen Fan heaved a sigh of relief.

Immediately after that, he took out another map, swept the surroundings with his spiritual sense, but quickly confirmed his position.

"Fortunately, I was not sent to any dangerous place..."

The Chaos Sea is full of dangers.

The danger of using the Escape Talisman is also extremely high.

However, Chen Fan had no choice just now.

In the face of a level master like King Yehua, not to mention that Chen Fan can't resist the world of his mind, even if he can, the fastest speed he can push Xiaodie may not be as fast as that.

And recalling how King Ye Hua easily defeated his own sword light, the corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched even more.

The strength of the king master is too outrageous!

He summoned Xiaodie, but he didn't dare to stay for a moment, and went towards the direction of the church.

The reason why King Yehua took the initiative to throw Chen Fan out of the mind world may be an overreaction to the "power of the abyss".

In fact, the "Power of Heavenly Abyss" that Chen Fan possesses is not too powerful.

It's okay against ordinary Longevity Sixth Level, but against Yehua King's level, it's unlikely to be of much use.

When he reacts, he will naturally not let Chen Fan go.

A master of this kind of series may have some special tracking method. Before returning to the holy hall, Chen Fan did not dare to take it lightly.

But for the safety of his deity, he urged Xiaodie to head towards the holy hall at the fastest speed, and at the same time his deity got into the Star Hall.

At this moment, he is about tens of thousands of kilometers away from the holy church.

This distance is not too short, but with Xiaodie present, it won't take too long to get there.

The streamer shuttles through the sea of ​​fog.

After Xiaodie walked out of the range of about 100,000 kilometers.

The sky suddenly turned into darkness, and a big hand suddenly grabbed Xiaodie.


The surging power came suddenly.

Xiaodie was tightly held by the huge black palm, unable to move.

At the same time, Chen Fan, who was observing the outside scene in the Hall of Stars, changed his expression in shock.

"It's King Yehua!"


next moment.

A petite figure appeared in front of Xiaodie.

It is the King of Yehua.

King Yehua raised his palm in vain, a stream of black air lingered and spread towards Xiaodie, but in the blink of an eye, a dust was firmly engulfed.

"Will you come out by yourself, or let me go in and find you by myself."

Chen Fan left the Star Palace, looking at King Yehua with twitching corners of his mouth.

Needless to say, he also guessed that King Yehua had another way to confirm his position.

Hiding in the Hall of Stars, he was able to locate his location unexpectedly.

This kind of power has already exceeded Chen Fan's imagination.

In fact.

To achieve the fourth level of longevity, one can master the mind world, and the king-level masters have already mastered the power of the mind world. Ordinary space treasures are meaningless to such masters.

"It's a pity that I don't have an escape talisman that can be directly sent back to the temple..."

The training mechanism of the church is very wild.

Some powerful sects sometimes distribute directional teleportation treasures, which can be directly teleported back to the base camp, but the Holy Church does not have such a thing.

And in the sea of ​​chaos, the directional escape talisman from outside cannot penetrate the space at all and teleport back.

With the strength of a master like King Yehua, unless Chen Fan hides in the temple, otherwise, it is impossible for Chen Fan to escape his pursuit when he is marked by the opponent.

"I'll give you one more chance at the end, obediently give up resistance and let me search for your soul..."

His voice did not fall.

Chen Fan's whole body was full of blood and energy, but he had already activated the double rage and the strength of his whole body, and he slashed forward with a sword.


King Ye Hua sneered and raised his hand.


The spreading black light turned into a giant hand and grabbed Chen Fan.


However, the majestic sword energy could not break through the big black hand. The big hand easily crushed the sword energy, and then grabbed Chen Fan in the palm of his hand.


Chen Fan could feel an incomparably domineering force that penetrated the protection of the White Emperor Armor and directly acted on him.

Even with his current physical fitness, he couldn't stop this terrifying power explosion at all.

His body was like a red crystal diamond, and countless cracks appeared in the blink of an eye.

At the edge of the crack, blood energy continued to escape outward.

"Why waste time, do you really think you can escape?"

Chen Fan hurriedly urged the "Original Pearl" to heal himself.

At the same time, it also resolutely stimulated the "power of the abyss" in his own blood.


While the blood was surging all over his body, streaks of black energy lingered and rose.

King Yehua's eyes flickered with subtlety.

"Sure enough, I was not mistaken. This is indeed the 'power of the abyss of heaven'... You little brat, why are you able to use this kind of power..."

King Yehua looked serious, but at this moment, he was not afraid to throw Chen Fan away.

She grabbed Chen Fan's big hand, and the black energy continued to spread and accumulate, and then she squeezed it violently.


Chen Fan could only feel the irresistible terrifying power coming from all directions of his body, and the "power of the abyss" that had just been stimulated was crushed to pieces by the terrifying power in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, his body began to crack and twist continuously.

Even the power of Yuanzhu couldn't help Chen Fan recover for a while.

"Grass! This woman!"

The strength of King Yehua is too terrifying.

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