My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 934 Leave a Name on the Eighth Floor

The eighth floor of Tongtian Tower.

An incomparably empty fantasy space.

"I haven't seen you for several years, and you are finally here again!"

The opponent on the eighth floor was a human master of the sixth level of longevity with standard strength, a strong man holding a long spear.

Although the person is just a phantom, he has wisdom and memory, but he remembers that he once fought against Chen Fan.

Although this person can be called the sixth level of longevity at the most common level, compared to the fifth level of longevity, he is far too powerful.

Chen Fan held a long sword in his hand, his eyes swept over him, and a sharp look flashed across his face: "Come on!"

The big man let out a "hum", and pushed the spear forward in his hand.


At the same time, he also stimulated the power of the mind world, trying to pull Chen Fan into it.


If it was before, Chen Fan would not have any ability to resist in the face of the pull of the mental world of this level of master.

And now.

For Chen Fan, who has already comprehended the world of mind, although this pulling force is strong, it is not enough for him to resist.

Of course, he was barely resisting the pull of the opponent's mental world, and there was still a big gap between him and others in terms of the strength of the real mental world.

"Hey, you kid, in just a few years, you have realized the world of mind!"

The big man laughed, but he didn't seem to care at all.

The last time Chen Fan entered the eighth floor, he was pulled into the world of mind.

In the mind world, Chen Fan is suppressed, and his people can get boosts, one goes up and down the other, Chen Fan was completely crushed last time, and he was defeated in a few moves!

But this time, on this first step, Chen Fan did not have the disadvantages he had before.


The spear in the big man's hand was flying like a long dragon, and rushed towards him with a surging and heavy gun light.

Chen Fan's face was serious, but he felt the terrifying pressure.

At the same time, streaks of lightning light spread from his body, and at the same time his body disappeared in place instantly, turning into a phantom light of thunder and lightning, and rushed straight towards the big man.

The way of thunder and lightning is good at speed, but Chen Fan not only practiced "Lei Peng's Illusory Body" in the Thunder Beast Temple to perfection, but also absorbed all of Lei Peng's memories, but his own body skills are extremely exaggerated.

And while urging the extremely fast identity.

He also decisively inspired the Immortal Vajra Body plus the double rage.

Blood light and thunder light spread and intertwined, and amidst the aura of aura, the sword in his hand was also chopped off.

"The third form!"

This move is naturally his strongest move at this moment.

But after witnessing Bei Ming's sword strike against "Black God", Chen Fan had already completed the same move, but he had a completely different perception.

"Hahahaha, good!" the big man shouted excitedly, waving the spear in his hand, and the gun light passed, and the rhyme of the road flowed endlessly.

The Dao practiced by this big man is the Dao of Earth. Although its power is not the strongest, it is the thickest. It is good at overwhelming people with power. Even without the blessing of the world of mind, the power of this spear is still quite terrifying.

The sword energy collided with the gun light, and the power of the avenue circulated and spread.

Amidst the roar, the power of heaven and earth surged endlessly.

But the sword energy faintly overwhelmed the gun light, but the difference in the distance between the winner and the loser was more than a line.

"Amazing..." Even with Chen Fan's current strength, he has not been pulled into the world of mind by the other party, but he has to sigh how powerful he is.

To be more precise, it is the strength of the six masters of longevity.

The light of the sword in his hand circulated again, and at the same time, the thunder and blood all over his body flickered together, and he swung the sword again.

The big man also had twinkling eyes as he raised his gun to meet him.

As the aura surged, Chen Fan's eyes became brighter and brighter.

In the blink of an eye, the two exchanged hundreds of moves.

Although Chen Fan had the upper hand, it was extremely difficult to completely defeat him.

Of course, this is because Chen Fan didn't use his Heavenly Abyss power.

But he is unwilling to use this kind of "reckless" power easily.

Anyway, I don't want to win quickly, but playing slowly, and being able to see the power of the Dao of Earth up close, is also an excellent opportunity for Chen Fan.

In fact, not only the power of Tianyuan, but also his powerful mystical powers such as "Thunder Law", "Eye of Thunder and Lightning", etc., have not been used at all.

In the past, he never had the chance to fight this person for so long.

And as the two fought against each other, it became more and more difficult for the big man to deal with it.

At the beginning, Chen Fan's strength was not weaker than the sixth level of longevity. At this time, he not only improved his cultivation base, but also improved his comprehension of swordsmanship, and he also gained an extra comprehension of the Dao of Thunder and Lightning. , naturally can achieve positive suppression.

"That's right, kid. In just a few years, your strength has improved a lot. If you fight head-on, I'm definitely not your opponent..."

The big man was billowing with qi and blood, and his whole body was seriously injured, but there was still no trace of panic on his face.

"However, although you can resist the pull of my heart to the world, can you still resist... I enter the world of my heart?"

As he spoke, his body suddenly disappeared in front of Chen Fan.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly. After he also mastered the mind world, he was able to sense the spatial fluctuations in the air. If he wanted, he could use his own power of mind to forcibly enter the other party's mind world.

But getting in is easy, getting out is not so easy.

With the level of Chen Fan's mind world at this time, after entering, there are only two ways to defeat the opponent or forcefully break the world of mind.

In the mind world, the opponent's strength will be greatly enhanced, but Chen Fan himself will be suppressed by the mind world. Compared with his opponent, he is not much stronger, and it will be difficult to win.

He was also speechless for a while.

As a tower guard, doing so is a bit reckless.

"Since you're playing with me, don't blame me..."

Chen Fan did not hesitate at all, and followed him closely, entering the world of his mind.

The world of his mind is a vast brown land.

"I knew you, little brat, would definitely follow in!" The big man laughed and raised his gun forward. With the light of his gun, the surrounding ground trembled, and countless brown soil and rocks flew up. The gun in the big man's hand surrounded Chen Fan who was in it.

The big man's goal is to be undefeated, and Chen Fan's goal is to win. The goals of the two battles are different, and the choices will naturally be different.

In fact, it is easy to enter the world of his mentality, but difficult to get out.

"You're playing around, then don't blame me."

Chen Fan's eyes were extremely sharp.

If the big man fought against Chen Fan honestly, Chen Fan would naturally not bully him with "the power of the abyss", and since he played tricks first, Chen Fan would naturally not be polite.

His eyes froze, and suddenly a huge eye of lightning gathered in front of him.

The greater role of "Thunder Eye" is not to attack, but to deter and paralyze others.

For King Yehua, the Eye of Thunder is hardly effective, but it is enough to affect the general Longevity Sixth Layer.

The big man's eyes showed a hint of horror, and his body suddenly froze in place.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but streaks of black energy surged up from his blood-red body.

The edge of the sword in his hand moved forward sharply.

The earth, fire, water and wind melted into one body, and turned into a sword qi, which was instantly cut out.

Facing the big man's Dao of Earth, Chen Fan's Hongmeng Sword has a more suppressive effect.

The brown soil and stones all over the sky were constantly twisting and twisting, like a huge worm, and then disappeared under Chen Fan's sword light in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the effect of the power of the abyss made this sword even more unpredictable and powerful.

"you you you……"

The big man's body trembled, and the shout stopped abruptly halfway through, and his body collapsed completely under the turbulent sword light in the blink of an eye.

In fact, the power of Chen Fan's sword is not enough to break through his mental world.

Not to mention that he is a cultivator of the Dao of Earth who is good at defense, even if he is just an ordinary sixth-level longevity, the degree of toughness of his mental world is not something Chen Fan can break through.

But Chen Fan didn't need to break open the opponent's mental world at all, just kill the opponent directly, and the mental world would naturally be destroyed by itself.

After defeating the big man, Chen Fan's name was naturally engraved on the eighth floor Tongtian Pagoda.

Thank you for this week's rewards from where to start, chubby wearing sunglasses, book friend 20200210105012782, Guang Han_籴茌, Qinghan Fu my home, book friend 2022020615

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