My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 940 Fangs and Clues

Time is like running water.

Chen Fan's strength gradually stabilized.

Five years later, Chen Fan's Way of Flame also broke through to the second level of longevity.

Because Lei Dian failed to break through the level, he was not in a hurry to leave the Chaos Sea.

In the past few years, he has also gone out to hunt powerful beasts several times.

The goal is to aim at some beasts at the sixth level of longevity.

For Chen Fan at this time, the difficulty was not too great.

Therefore, even after the consumption of these years of penance, he still has thousands of battle orders in his hand.

And these five years have passed.

Both Yun Xin and Xiao Xi also had perfect artistic conceptions and were promoted to the ninth level of Martial Dao. Even with the help of Chen Fan, they both comprehended the divine consciousness in advance and promoted to the elite rank.

It's just that if you want to break through the tenth level, the difficulty is much higher.

Even with Chen Fan's help, the lack of talent between the two is still more prominent.

Especially after reaching the ninth level, the breakthrough of the Dao domain is much more difficult than the artistic conception.

"If I have the chance, I still have to fuse the Emperor of Elements for them... Otherwise, there is a high probability that the two of them will not be promoted to immortality in this life."

It's a pity that the Emperor of Elements is quite rare.

The church does not.

Even Chen Fan has only seen two of them, one is the Emperor of the Elements he absorbed, and the second is the Water Emperor of the Purple Moon Sect.

He has been in the Chaos Sea for so long, and he has never seen an extra Emperor of Elements.

There is no rush for this kind of thing.

The two can advance to the tenth level and have thousands of years of lifespan, but Chen Fan doesn't believe that he can't find a suitable emperor of elements for them to fuse in a thousand years.


The tenth tower circle.

Enter Yongguan Mansion.

In the phantom spirit.

The aura gathers and the roar stirs.

Chen Fan retracted his sword and shook his head, looking at Hou Chuanjiu, the demonic sword on the opposite side:

"I admit defeat. With my senior brother's strength, even if I suppress most of my strength, it's still too difficult for me to deal with..."

Chuan Jiu said: "Your strength has improved rapidly. It won't be long before you can catch up with me."

Chen Fan is very self-aware: "In a hundred years, I'm afraid it will be very difficult."

Within ten years, he will have the opportunity to advance to the fourth level of longevity with the help of the way of thunder and lightning. After he is promoted to the fourth level of longevity, he will concentrate on the way of swordsmanship. Within a hundred years, he will definitely be able to advance the way of swordsmanship to the fourth level of longevity!

At that time, he will also have breakthroughs in "Blood Fusion Technique" and various swordsmanship supernatural powers, and he may be able to achieve the power of a Marquis!

Of course, even if he reaches the strength of Fenghou, he will probably not be the opponent of Chuanjiu who is at the peak of Fenghou, but he will indeed have the strength to fight.

Chen Fan is self-effacing, but from other people's ears, Chen Fan wants to compete with Chuan Jiu for a hundred years, but it is really a bit arrogant.

Even people like Yong Guan and Feng Jiaojiao who have a good relationship with Chen Fan couldn't help shaking their heads, but they didn't say much.

Chen Fan has successfully broken through the eighth floor tower after ten years in the church, and is still firmly in the first rank. This talent can be called quite proud.

It is normal for geniuses to be arrogant.

In the distance, Chuan Jiu quietly looked at Chen Fan: "Do you want to come again?"

A sharp look flashed across Chen Fan's face, "Of course!"

It is also a very rare opportunity for Chen Fan to have a sword master who is the peak of the Marquis as a companion.

In fact, among Feng Jiaojiao's friends, Chuan Jiu is the only one who has no airs and arrogance at all.

And in these years of gatherings, Chen Fan had also learned several moves of his Supreme Swordsmanship during the sparring with Chuan Jiu.

The most common Taishang, as well as the follow-up Heihua and Kamikaze, have all learned a lot.

However, because there is no original swordsmanship, Chen Fan also relies on his own talent to comprehend the swordsmanship. It may not necessarily be the same as the original version, but it will not be too far behind!

It's just a pity that Chen Fan's strength is getting better and better. Although Chuanjiu has used more strength, he still hasn't been forced to use new swordsmanship...

Chen Fan naturally couldn't learn new moves.

Chuan Jiu hit the sky with three moves.

In fact, if Chuan Jiu used all his strength, even the weakest ordinary Supreme Sword would be enough to instantly kill Chen Fan.

It is true that there is no need for him to use higher-level swordsmanship.

Seeing that the two were fighting again, Feng Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows and looked at Yong Guan beside her.

"Yu Xuehou, let's have a fight too."

Yong Guan smiled: "Alright, since you broke through the tenth tower, Jiaojiao, it seems like we haven't fought each other yet...By the way, have you decided on the title of Marquis?"

In the past few years, Feng Jiaojiao has already broken through the tenth floor of the Tongtian Tower and has the strength to be a Marquis.

Feng Jiaojiao proudly puffed out her chest, "We'll call him 'Jiaojiaohou'..."

Yong Guan was helpless: "This name is too informal and inappropriate. In my opinion, it is better to call it 'Feng Mohou' or 'Mo Fenghou'."

"Hmph." Feng Jiaojiao said: "This name is too unremarkable. We, the Fengmo clan, can all be called by this name. Or 'Jiaojiaohou' is nice and recognizable."

Yong Guan was speechless.

In the final analysis, Feng Jiaojiao is not a human race, and does not conform to the general concepts and ideas of the human race.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that most of the holy halls are mostly human races, and the common language is also the language of the human race, it wouldn't have taken the name "Feng Jiaojiao" at all...


After another round of sparring.

All the geniuses left Yongguan's Phantom Spiritual Mirror, and gathered together for food, entertainment, and chatting about what happened in the church recently.

It's nothing more than who broke through another floor of the tower, who got some treasure in the Chaos Sea, and so on.

Chen Fan listened to these conversations, but drank in silence and didn't get involved.

Feng Jiaojiao suddenly looked over:

"By the way, Chen Fan, we heard that Zhou Bolan of your human race broke into the first sequence last year?"

Chen Fan squinted his eyes and nodded: "This guy is already a blockbuster if he doesn't make a sound. He even broke through the eighth floor of Tongtian Tower before me a few years ago. It's normal to be able to return to the first sequence."

In fact, in the past few years, Zhou Bolan didn't even take part in the quiz.

I participated once last year, and then succeeded in killing it from the second sequence.

Chen Fan had suspected this kid for a long time, just like himself, he was also a "son of destiny".

As a matter of fact, he is just like Chen Fan in that he is a special case with a low level of cultivation but strong fighting power due to special reasons. Therefore, under the same training conditions, the improvement of cultivation and strength will naturally be faster.

"Tut tut."

Feng Jiaojiao sighed endlessly: "You humans are really talented, amazing, amazing, we are like you at your age, and we are so stupid that we have not opened our spiritual wisdom."

However, Chen Fan shook his head: "If I have the innate conditions of Jiaojiao you, it would be nothing if I opened my spiritual wisdom later."

Feng Jiaojiao, as the heir of the Demon God King, was born with longevity.

Although because of the special race, the intelligence was opened late, but the starting conditions were much higher than the average person.

Feng Jiaojiao shook her head: "That's different, the future will be your human race's era, and it will be far easier for you to comprehend the Dao and become a fairy in the future. Our lower limit is higher, and your upper limit is higher. .”

Chen Fan shook his head.

The upper limit of the human race is high, and it is also the upper limit of a few people in the huge population base.

There are also countless ordinary people who have no talent for martial arts, who have lived, aged, sick and died for decades.

It's just that Chen Fan didn't say these words.

At this moment, beside Feng Jiaojiao, a guy with two horns and blue face and fangs suddenly approached them.

"Chen Fan, I remember that you said a few years ago that you were looking for an ore called 'Star Silver Mine'..."

Chen Fan asked Feng Jiaojiao to help him find the Star Silver Mine, and he got through with these geniuses.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered and he looked at the person who came: "Oh? Fang Fang, do you know the whereabouts of this thing?"

This Yafang looked honest, and said in a low voice:

"I'm not sure if it's the 'Star Silver Mine' you're looking for. I heard about it from a junior... You can see if it's this."

He raised his hand, and a phantom light rose in his hand, but it condensed into a special screen projection in the blink of an eye.

On the projection, it is in a silver cave filled with mist.

Inside the cave, there are scattered silver stones with dreamy brilliance.

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