King Xingye looked down at Chen Fan, and his voice was extremely hot:

"My rules, little things should have told you... What do you want to practice?"

Chen Fan nodded, and then took out the Leng Feng sword: "I want to ask my senior to refine this sword for me, and try to improve the level of this sword..."

A ray of light shot out of King Xingye's eyes, but he suddenly let out a "huh".

As soon as he waved his hand, a surge of force rushed over, enveloping Leng Fengjian.

Chen Fan adjusted his brows slightly, but he didn't resist, allowing King Xingye to sweep Leng Fengjian away.

King Xingye rubbed the Leng Feng sword, his expression changed back and forth: "Rough, too rough... With a sword embryo in such an excellent embryo, it is impossible to refine a high-star Tao weapon. Which rookie's handwriting is this?"

Chen Fan's expression was slightly subtle.

His master Cheng Chen Tianqian, although his strength doesn't look very good now, but his level of crafting is still very powerful in his opinion.

Unexpectedly, King Xingye didn't notice it so much.

But think about it too.

Chen Tianqian may not be able to practice high-star Taoist artifacts, but King Xingye is a master who can refine nine-star Taoist artifacts. It seems that he is only three stars behind, but in reality, the difference between any one star for this three-star Taoist weapon is greater than the previous six-star Taoist artifact. Both are bigger.

"How can such a good embryo be suitable for matching with these junk materials..."

King Xingye's eyes flashed with intense interest, and then he looked up at Chen Fan:

"If you want me to help you re-smelt this sword, I can only tell you that this sword is not worth re-smelting... Except for the sword embryo, these materials are rubbish!"

Chen Fan looked weird, but he said: "If you can refine a better Taoist weapon, you can take it apart."

If it weren't for the sword embryo, these materials would be great enough to produce a four-star Dao weapon, but it would not be able to reach the six-star level. In the eyes of an expert like King Xingye, it is normal to think that these materials are rubbish!

King Xingye nodded, then flipped his hands over:

"What materials do you have in your hand, bring them to me to see..."

Chen Fan didn't mean to hide it, but he took out all his extra materials and useless Taoism tools.

Among them are one eight-star Taoism artifact and four seven-star Taoism artifacts.

All five Taoist artifacts are attack-type Taoist artifacts.

"If you want, seniors can also disassemble all these Dao artifacts and convert them into ordinary materials for refining..."

As far as he is concerned, these extra Dao artifacts are useless in his hands, no matter how high the level is, they are useless.

King Xingye looked at the Taoist artifacts all over, but couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly: "You little brat, you have a lot of high-star Taoist artifacts in your hands... and there are also a lot of usable materials..."

Dismantling and re-transforming the already refined Dao artifacts is naturally not something that can be done just by talking.

Refining equipment is quite complicated, even if King Xingye can do it, there will inevitably be a lot of loss.

But to Chen Fan, it doesn't matter if there is wear and tear on useless things.

Feng Jiaojiao beside her couldn't help but look sideways: "Where did you get so many Dao weapons?"

As the heir of the Demon God Prince, Feng Jiaojiao naturally has no shortage of high-star Dao artifacts, but she can't produce so many various Dao artifacts at once.

Before Chen Fan could answer, King Xingye's expression froze slightly, and then he waved his hand, a piece of ore flew up from these materials and floated into King Xingye's hand.

"This thing is the 'Star Silver Mine'?"

Chen Fan also nodded.

He got a lot of star silver ore, Master Bai didn't refine it completely, and left two pieces for Chen Fan.

"Chen Fan, have you finally found the Star Silver Mine? Is it related to that Fang Fang?" Feng Jiaojiao also knew that Chen Fan was looking for this kind of ore everywhere.

Chen Fan nodded: "Indeed."

"Oh, it turns out that you are the one Jiaojiao said was looking for the Star Silver Mine..."

King Xingye also looked at this ore with twinkling eyes, and then shook his head: "You dwarf, you have a bit of a chance, this kind of ore is not common..."

"However, although this star silver mine is indeed very rare, it does not match your sword embryo..."

A contemplative look appeared on King Xingye's face, then he raised his head:

"Look at this, I have some suitable matching materials in my hand, and this star silver mine will be used as a reward for me. I will also provide equivalent ore for you to refine the sword, plus your other materials, it is at least It can refine a Taoist weapon at the peak of eight stars!"

A look of joy flashed across Chen Fan's eyes, and he nodded immediately: "Of course it couldn't be better."

No matter how precious the extra star silver mine that Master Bai doesn't need, it is meaningless to him.

If the Leng Feng Sword can be promoted to the eight-star level, plus the bonus effect of the sword embryo, the effectiveness of the Leng Feng Sword can be increased by another star!

To what extent will the power of the cold front sword and its bonus to himself be increased? Chen Fan just thought about it, and his heart was extremely excited.

"However, a Dao weapon of this level may not be able to fully exert its effect with my cultivation base..."

Although Chen Fan himself is powerful, his cultivation is only at the third level of longevity.

Relatively speaking, it is still somewhat weak.

But even if it can't perform perfectly, it is definitely much stronger than the original six-star Leng Fengjian.

Seeing Chen Fan's appearance, King Xingye let out a "hum" with a haughty face:

"Using your sword embryo as the embryo, if it wasn't for the lack of materials you provided, I might even have a chance to create a nine-star..."

Chen Fan also knew that although the materials he took out were precious, the most precious star silver mine was too little.

Among the other Dao artifacts, there is only one eight-star Dao artifact, which is still far from the materials needed to gather the nine-star Dao artifact.

The difference between eight stars and nine stars is quite outrageous.

King Xingye waved his hand, and a huge scroll appeared in front of the two of them.

"If you have no problems, then we can sign the oath..."

Such precious materials and Taoist artifacts are involved, and the two naturally need certain oath constraints.

Even if King Xingye didn't mention it, Chen Fan would still ask for it.

Even to him, the value of these things is immeasurable.


After the agreement.

That scroll was divided into two, one for Chen Fan and one for King Xingye.

"Do you want to wait for me to forge it directly and give it to you, or do you want to watch me forge it with your own eyes?"

King Xingye looked at Chen Fan.

"Let's say it first, if you choose to watch me forge, you can't interfere with my actions at will... If I don't take the initiative to talk to you, you can't say it."

Chen Fan couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard the words, and then asked, "Dare to ask senior, how long does forging take?"

King Xingye raised his eyebrows slightly: "Up to three years, almost two depends on my state."

This time is not too long.

Chen Fan nodded, "Then I'll just watch senior refine the weapon."

It's not that he is worried about King Xingye.

With the help of the oath made in advance, Chen Fan still trusts King Xingye.

As a master of the king, and as a master of forging, he must also be a super master of the road of flames.

For Chen Fan, watching him forging weapons is also beneficial to the improvement of the way of flames.

Forging that lasts for several years is more important than any teacher's lectures.

And what he came here at this time is also a clone, but he is not worried about delaying the practice of the deity.

In fact, at this moment, his other five branches of spirits are also enlightened and practiced in different secret realms of cultivation.

Although the cost of the battle order is not small, but for him, it is the most cost-effective way to improve the realm.

As soon as King Xingye waved his hand, Chen Fan felt a terrifying pull.

"Don't resist." King Xingye said lightly.

Chen Fan nodded.

In fact, even if he resisted, it was impossible to resist King Xingye's power.

During the space transition, Chen Fan found himself in a lava world.

The restless fire spread and rose.

In front of him, a black iron castle like a forging furnace stands on the lava land.

As far as he could see, Chen Fan could also see a lot of fire elemental spirits scattered everywhere.

"This is my mind world, and also where my forge is located." King Xingye said lightly.

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