In the Immortal Mansion, in a Qionglou.

Chen Fan sat cross-legged in the empty hall, holding a rhombus-shaped topaz crystal in his hand, and put his thoughts into it, but it seemed that he had entered a special illusion in an instant.

The so-called supernatural power projection refers to the projection scene of Immortal Pengxuan when he used "Picking the Stars" during his lifetime.

It's just that Chen Fan can only observe the projection when the immortal activates the first stage of "Picking the Stars".

Of course, even if it is just the scene where the immortals activate the first stage of "Reaching for the Stars", there are thousands of different projection images.

Even with Chen Fan's cultivation at this time, observing this kind of scene is a great drain on his spirit.

Each scene contains an explosion of information and content.

However, this is also a rare opportunity.

It can speed up his comprehension and practice of "Reaching for the Stars" extremely quickly.

It took him several months to watch all the projections.

At this moment, his progress has jumped quite a few times, and the efficiency of the hang-up has doubled several times. If he hangs up at this moment, he will be able to practice within a hundred years.

Chen Fan put down the topaz crystal, his eyes were bloodshot, but his eyes were unusually shining.

In the past few months, he has taken a lot of soul accumulation pills to barely maintain the consumption.

Rubbing his slightly aching head, Chen Fan temporarily put away Huang Yu.

Although it may be of great help to him to read it several times, it is naturally not as good as the first time.

He hasn't vacated the hang-up slot yet, but he is not in a hurry to read it a second time immediately.

Chen Fan's mind moved, but his body suddenly disappeared in place.

As the lord of the Immortal Mansion, he can teleport to any location in the Immortal Mansion at will.

In a certain empty hall, Chen Fan's figure suddenly appeared in it.

He stretched out his hand forward, and the cold front sword appeared in his hand instantly.

Although there is no vacant hang-up slot.

But in the past few months, he has learned about projection, and "Reaching the Stars" has reached about 5% of the progress.

But you can try to use it.

But he activated the Immortal Vajra Body first, and then swung his sword forward.


Just as he swung the sword in his hand, half of his body burst open.

Leng Fengjian and the right hand that swung the sword flew high together.

Minced meat flew everywhere.

Chen Fan hastily summoned the source beads to quickly restore his flesh and blood, but at the same time, a look of helplessness flashed across his face.

Although "Picking the Stars" does not have to be perfected to use it.

However, Chen Fan's progress is too low at this time, but it can't achieve any increase effect at all, and it will cause a huge load on his body.

Although the supernatural power of "Picking the Stars" is extremely powerful, in a short period of time, Chen Fan might not be able to use it at all.

At this time, Fu Ling also suddenly appeared in the open space next to him.

He shook his head:

"No matter what, you have to practice "Picking the Stars" to a small degree before you can integrate it into the moves normally. But you don't have to think about the power increase, it won't be too strong..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and asked: "Converted into progress, can Xiaocheng have 50%?"

Xiaocheng's statement is too subjective.

Only the specific progress can be used as a reference for Chen Fan.

Fu Ling was also stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes: "It's hard to say, but it's not half of it, maybe two or three percent..."

Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows.

Although I have watched the entire projection, the progress has improved a lot.

But if you want to improve it later, it will be more difficult, and the effect will drop a lot after watching it the second time, let alone the third or fourth time.

Although it will not take 20 or 30 years to achieve 20-30% of the training, it may be very difficult within ten years.

This "Reaching for the Stars" is too difficult!


A vast land.

Ripples like water flickered, and Chen Fan's body suddenly appeared in midair.

He lowered his head and looked down at the vast land, with a little regret on his face.

"It's finally out."

This trip was completely beyond his expectation. He suddenly appeared in Xihuang, and then suddenly entered the "Fairy Heaven". Fortunately, the final result was acceptable.

shook his head.

However, he had promised Lan Ruo that he would visit her the most in the last few years, and he planned to go to the Chaos Sea in the next few years.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then spread out the consciousness.

Soon there was a hint of subtlety on his face:

"Could it be that this is really..."

He frowned slightly.

But with a thought, he summoned the mansion spirit.

"Hahaha, I finally left the Immortal Mansion again!" Returning to the present world, Fu Ling was also extremely excited.

Chen Fan looked at Fu Ling:

"Is this the Western Wilderness?"

However, Fu Ling raised his eyebrows: "It was called the Great Wilderness thousands of years ago, but the people in the east really called it the Western Wilderness..."

It really is Xihuang.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

Although he had guessed it a long time ago, when he came out and confirmed that this place was Xihuang, his mood was still extremely complicated.

The Chaos Sea is located in the extreme north of the continent, and after entering the Chaos Sea, one has to travel another million miles.

Although Xihuang is not located in the extreme south of the mainland, it is not too far behind.

The difference between the southern region and the northern region of the mainland is at least several million miles.

Such a terrifying distance, but it is difficult for ordinary space teleportation formations and masters who have mastered space teleportation supernatural powers to move so far.

For example, Zuokongjing and Chen Wudao, and even ordinary space teleportation formations, may be able to easily teleport tens of thousands of miles or one hundred thousand miles at a time.

But millions of miles, or even millions of miles further away, is also very difficult.

The Chaos Sea was originally one of the Nine Wonderful Lands, a different space, and the Holy Church also had active restraints and formations.

Chen Fan believed that if Zuo Kongjing and Chen Wudao entered the chaotic sea, the effect of space transfer would be greatly reduced.

"Immortal Pengxuan really deserves to be the ultimate power among immortals..."

Chen Fan shook his head, but flipped his hand and took out a map, and then stirred up his consciousness.

Compared with the map, he quickly confirmed his location.

But he is in the westernmost part of the wilderness, has passed the southern region, and is approaching the western region.

Based on his position, there are two ways to go to the Central Territory. One is to walk a little to the east and pass through Nanyunmo to reach the Central Territory.

The second is to enter the Western Region and then go northeast to the Central Region.

In fact, Chen Fan walked alone, but it didn't matter which road he took. With Xiaodie's speed, he could easily cover millions of miles.

But his eyes twinkled.

"I finally came to Xihuang, but I'm not in a hurry to return immediately... It's time for me to go back and do a big job."

It's time to settle the accounts with Dagan and Lingshen Daozong, and he may not have seen Dean Mao Wangchen and some old friends for a long time. Now that his strength has reached this point, it's time to go back and have a look.

He immediately received the Fuling, summoned Xiaodie, and set off together, heading east.


Not far away, Chen Fan controlled Xiaodie to stop.

This place has already reached the edge of the South Region, but there is still a long way to go to the Southeast Region.

The reason why he stopped was because this place was not far from Kunwu City.

At the time when he was forced to escape from Dagan, even if he didn't count his time in the Time Secret Realm, it had been almost thirty years.

Because he killed Situ Xue, the young city lord of Kunwu City, he also had a grudge with Kunwu City at the beginning.

At that time, he was not strong enough, and he got the supernatural power of "Indestructible Vajra Body" in Kunwu City, so he left immediately and ran to the southern region.

But now, with his strength so strong, he is naturally not afraid of the grievances of the past.

"My "Immortal Vajra Body" was learned from Situ Xiu, the lord of Kunwu City, who may have the material to break through to a higher level..."

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