My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 955 Leaving and meeting on the road

Hear what Situ Xiu said.

"Looking for an apprentice?" Chen Fan also had a subtle expression.

Situ Xiu continued: ""The Immortal Vajra Body" is a supernatural power created by my elder, but it is too difficult to practice and requires extremely high talent. Even I am stuck in the eighth level and cannot break through the ninth level ..."

"I've searched for thousands of years. Since the Meteor Pavilion was founded, I don't know how many people have practiced this "Immortal Vajra Body", but you are the only one who can practice at such a speed!"

"I don't know how many times faster than I was at the beginning. I believe you will be able to break through the highest and most difficult ninth level!"

"Chen Fan, if you agree to become my senior's apprentice, I can not only give you the red dendrobium, but I can also give you a copy of the infinite treasure sand from the "Indestructible Vajra Body" that is needed to finally break through the ninth stage! "

"Indestructible Vajra Body" seven, eight, and nine levels are different from four, five, and six levels of breakthrough. Only specific materials are needed to complete the advancement, but no more are needed.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered when he heard the words, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and raised his brows slightly: "I don't know the senior you are talking about..."

Situ Xiu sighed slightly, "That is a senior who has long since fallen. In front of him is a strong man with the limit of longevity. It is definitely enough to be your master."

"You don't need to take on any other responsibilities either... just inheriting the mantle is enough."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

The limit of longevity actually refers to the king level.

There are different reasons for being able to become a king at the king level, but the combat power is the limit of longevity.

In fact, Chen Fan didn't care that he had an extra master.

A king-level expert is indeed qualified to be his current master.

However, at this moment, he hesitated in his heart.

Is it really that simple?

Can you get this kind of treasure for nothing just by agreeing to it?

You must know that the true value of Chidrobium and Wuji Treasure Sand aside, its scarcity is what makes people feel the most desperate.

Chen Fan's wealth is more than that of ordinary kings, but no matter how many treasures and resources he has, he can't get these two extremely scarce things.

It is impossible for Chen Fan to obtain these two directly without doubts and concerns.

Seeing Chen Fan's attitude, Situ Xiu also hurriedly said:

"You don't have to worry about it. The reason why I am like this is because of my promise to this elder...and I have waited and searched for too long...I can swear by the way of heaven and assure you that I will Absolutely did not lie to you!"

Hearing this, Chen Fan also nodded.

With Situ Xiu's strength, the oath of heaven he made is still very credible.

However, Chen Fan still didn't rush to agree.

"Can the city lord allow me to think about it?"

Situ Xiu hesitated to speak when he heard the words, and then said: "Yes."


Even with the oath of heaven, Chen Fan couldn't confirm if Situ Xiu was lying to him.

All he can believe in is himself and the way of heaven.

After Situ Xiu promised himself to think more, he also asked his subordinates to arrange a room for Chen Fan.

However, Chen Fan got into the Immortal Mansion when no one was there, and took out the sun-shielding mirror again.

After getting the result that there is really no conspiracy.

Chen Fan was completely relieved.


So Chen Fan had just one more master.

And it is a person who has long since fallen and passed away.

His name is Wan Ze.

According to what Situ Xiu said.

This Wan Ze's comprehension of Dao is not too strong, and it is only the standard of the sixth level of ordinary longevity.

The reason why it can possess the strength of the limit of longevity is because of this "Immortal Vajra Body"!

After reaching the Nine Levels of Consummation, the power of the "Immortal Vajra Body" can also reach an extreme. Even in the face of opponents of the King's level, this supernatural power can play a great role!


Chen Fan did not stay in Kunwu City for long.

After using red dendrobium to break through the eighth stage of "The Immortal King Kong Body", he bid farewell to Situ Xiu.

Situ Xiu didn't ask to stay, or made any other demands.

In front of Kunwu City.

Situ Xiu watched Chen Fan's figure disappear into the air, and then sighed faintly, muttering to himself:

"Uncle, I have finally found a suitable genius for you to inherit the mantle. I think it won't take long for him to practice "The Immortal Vajra Body" to perfection..."

As he said that, he also turned his head decisively.

But he couldn't help but condense his steps, and looked in front of him with some astonishment and subtlety.

I don't know when, but there is an extra phantom around him.

The phantom couldn't see the face clearly, it seemed to be shrouded in thick fog, and it could only be seen that it was a young man.


Seeing this phantom, Situ Xiu immediately half-kneeled on the ground: "Why did your old man come to me?"

The phantom waved its hand, and an invisible force moved with the wind, but it helped Situ Xiu up, but its eyes looked at the direction where Chen Fan left.

"For that kid?" Situ Xiu looked at the place where Chen Fan disappeared in astonishment:

"This son, is it worth visiting personally, master? Is it because he obtained the original inheritance of your previous life's 'Yuanshi'?"

The phantom retracted his gaze and shook his head: "There is more than one person who has obtained the origin of my previous life, but this kid is a bit special."

He looked at Situ Xiu:

"You should know that I have a special ability to look at qi... Ordinary people, even immortals of the same level as me, may not be able to see what is special about this child."

"However, I can see that Tiandao's extreme preference for this person is different from ordinary people with destiny. It is estimated that ordinary immortals may not have the status of this person in the "eyes" of Tiandao..."

Situ Xiu turned her head in astonishment, looked at the direction where Chen Fan had disappeared long ago, with a puzzled expression on her face:

"This...why is this?"

The phantom narrowed his eyes, "This shows that...he has something special that even the Dao of Heaven must pay attention to!"

"This..." Situ Xiu also looked surprised.

After a short pause, the phantom shook his head again and said, "It's just that the way of heaven deliberately favors and encourages the growth of seedlings, but it may not be a good thing..."

"Since he has worshiped Wan Ze, he is also a member of our lineage. Anyway, the karma between us and him has already been settled. I only hope that his own specialness can resist some negative effects brought about by the 'favorite' of the Dao of Heaven... "


Leaving Kunwu City, Chen Fan went straight to Dagan.

During the high-speed flight, Chen Fan suddenly stopped Xiaodie.

He stood on Xiaodie's back, frowning and watching the scene below.

I saw a large group of men, women and children in brightly colored costumes, driving livestock, saluting, and heading west in droves.

From this point of view, he was a member of the Xihuang tribe.

These people were in a terrible state of distress. Many of the warriors or wizards of some tribes were wounded.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, but immediately flew down.

He came all the way, but there were more than one or two similar teams.

It seems that so many tribes in the Western Wilderness are fleeing towards the west and the south, so Chen Fan can't help but have doubts.

The sky is flickering.

While the wind was dancing, Xiaodie flew down in the blink of an eye.

But when they saw Xiaodie descending suddenly, this group of people felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

"The monsters are catching up!"

"We must stop this monster!"

Immediately, warriors from the tribe rushed forward.

Each stood in all directions of Xiaodie, drawing bows and shooting arrows.


A series of flying arrows soared into the sky!

The leader was a middle-aged man holding a silver scepter in his hand, obviously the wizard of this tribe.

His body is connected with the power of heaven and earth, and his aura is good, but he is equivalent to a martial artist of an eighth-level master, which is quite extraordinary.

The man waved the scepter in his hand, and immediately a fiery snake flew out of the scepter.

Straight into Kocho.

At the same time, the warriors around also drew their bows and shot arrows, and arrows flew towards Xiaodie.

"These guys treat Xiaodie as an ordinary monster..." Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and his consciousness flickered.

The fire snake, which looked quite impressive, disintegrated into wisps of white smoke with a puff, and those feathered arrows also froze in the air one by one, and then fell down one after another.

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