My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 959 News from Dean Mao

Until the silver streamer returned to the sky.

Above the ground, the wisp of black smoke suddenly stopped, and in the blink of an eye it re-formed into the huge body of the black panther.

His body was stagnant, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and despair.

The next moment.

In the roar.

His body turned into thousands of blood clots and fell to the ground.

The thick bloody breath surged in all directions.

"This is..." Zhan Yi and Yan Lincu, who had just regained their power of action without the restraint of the Dao Domain, also looked at this scene in astonishment.

On the other side, Le Shaoyuan, who was lying on the ground, looked at the silver streamer all over the sky, but suddenly burst out laughing.

"It's "The Code of Ten Thousand Swords", and I'm going to be a master of longevity!"

It was only then that Zhan Yi and Yan Lincu stepped forward in a panic, administered the elixir to Le Shaoyuan, and helped him up.

At this time, Le Shaoyuan's whole body was bloody and his limbs were mutilated, which was extremely frightening. However, as a top ten master, his vitality was extremely strong, but he did not die just like that!

In fact, with his strength, most of the heaven-level healing elixir with powerful effects in his hand is not difficult to regenerate a broken limb.

The three repaired a bit, but found that the thousands of silver streamers in the sky had disappeared.

"Have you noticed..." Zhan Yi looked at the two in front of him with a delicate expression.


Zhan Yi raised his eyebrows slightly: "I can't hear the voice of the monster."

When Zhan Yi said this, both of them were startled.

In fact it is true.

When monsters are wreaking havoc in Fucheng, no matter where you are in Fucheng, you will hear the roar of monsters from time to time.

Chaotic battle shocks everywhere.

But at this moment, the constant roaring in his ears had completely quieted down.

"Could it be..."

The three of them had delicate expressions.

Support each other forward.

The way forward.

Wherever he passed, there was blood flowing everywhere, as well as the mutilated corpses of monsters.

"it turns out……"

The corner of Yan Lincu's mouth twitched: "This expert, won't he kill all the monsters in Qinghe County?"

Hearing this, Le Shaoyuan narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his head.

There are millions of monsters attacking Fucheng.

This number is too exaggerated.

Even if these monsters are lined up for one person to kill, they don't know how many days and nights they will have to kill.

Even if he is a master of longevity, even if he is a master of the "Wan Jian Code", Le Shaoyuan doesn't think anyone can achieve this step.

At the same time, there was a deep doubt in his heart.

"Is there any master in my career who has practiced the "Ten Thousand Swords" to this level?"

Xiuyilou's flying sword technique, although "Wanjiandian" ranks first, is also the first in difficulty.

There are very few people who really practice this flying sword technique.

But in fact, he has so many flying swords, and he can instantly kill a monster at the Dao Fruit level with one flying sword at will. His real strength is far from ordinary longevity!

"Could it be that this move is not from the "Ten Thousand Swords Code", nor is it my master's move, but the master of the Hidden World Sect..."

Le Shaoyuan frowned deeply.

Just then.

Suddenly, a stream of light flashed across the sky, and a figure flew in front of the three from a distance in an instant.

His speed is so fast, but even Le Shaoyuan, who is the strongest, knows that he stops before he can see his face clearly.

And when they saw the person coming, the three of them were also startled.


"Chen Fan?!"

The faces of the three of them were both shocked and complicated.

Chen Fan looked at the distressed appearance of the three, but raised his eyebrows slightly.

With a wave of his hand, a strong breath of life emanated out.

Three drops of water of life floated up and merged into the bodies of the three people respectively.

The breath of the three became full in the blink of an eye, their injuries recovered, and their blood became stronger again.

Le Shaoyuan's performance was particularly exaggerated.

Originally, he was bitten off by the monster leopard with one leg and two arms broken, and there were countless other injuries on his body, but they all recovered in an instant, and the severed limbs grew back extremely quickly!

The effect of the fountain of life is better than that of the heavenly healing elixir.

On the other side, Zhan Yi's severed arm was also regenerated, and he was also surprised.

"Thank you very much...Master Chen Fan...Senior Chen Fan..." Le Shaoyuan cupped his fists, his complexion was extremely complicated, but he didn't know how to call Chen Fan.

Chen Fan waved his hand: "Just call me Chen Fan."

The three people in front of him are all his old acquaintances. Although they can't be called close friends, they are not enemies either.

To him, sending out three drops of the fountain of life is nothing more than a drop in the bucket!

Of course, he came here and sent the spring water of the fountain of life just by the way, and the more important thing was to ask for news.

"Do you know the whereabouts of Dean Mao?"

He was most concerned about Dean Mao Wangchen.

Among the three, Le Shaoyuan had already reached the tenth level, and Zhan Yi and Yan Lincu had also become masters. As genius disciples of Haori Building, the three of them should also know about the upper echelons of the Martial Academy.

"We haven't seen the dean for a while. When the monster first entered Qinghe, the dean personally took action..." Zhan Yi and Yan Lincu shook their heads and smiled wryly, but they all looked at Le Shaoyuan.

Le Shaoyuan also sighed:

"I only heard that the dean encountered an accident while blocking a monster, and was seriously injured by a monster. When he was dying, he escaped with a "Ten Thousand Miles No Trace Talisman". Afterwards, he disappeared. I have never heard of him. Send it back..."

Chen Fan also heaved a long sigh.

There is a certain chance of moving the Wanli No Trace Talisman to the mainland of Dagan, but it is still missing, but most of it has moved to the west.

It is unknown how many ten-layer monsters there are in Qinghe County, let alone in the West Wilderness to the west.

The probability of Mao Wangchen surviving is probably very low.

There was also a touch of helplessness in his heart.

And soon this helplessness also turned into a determined killing intent.

"Damn the monster!!"

Although Chen Fan has opinions on Dagan, they are only aimed at those in power, the royal family, Zhao family, Yichan Palace, Lingshen Dao Sect, and even Xiuyilou, Chen Wudao!

But in this place where he grew up from a humble beginning, as a place where he lived for quite a long time, if he said that he has no feelings at all, that would be a lie!

For monsters, this kind of enemy outside the human race, his inner attitude is naturally more determined!

Not to mention the matter of Dean Mao!

Seeing Chen Fan's appearance, Yan Lincu couldn't help but ask, "Chen Fan... the flying swords flying all over the sky just now have something to do with you?"

Chen Fan naturally did not deny it, and nodded.

With his current strength, he naturally doesn't need any hiding in Daqian!

Yan Lincu gave a wry smile, hesitated to speak, his expression was both lonely and helpless.

As a competitor who came from the same county as Chen Fan, he is only eight years old now, and Chen Fan has already reached the longevity above. It would be a lie to say that there is no gap in his heart.

But because the gap is too big, in fact, there is not much sourness in his heart, more is the reminiscence of the past, and the sigh of the changing world.

Zhan Yi also had a subtle expression, and also asked the question that the three of them were curious about before:

"Chen Fan... Didn't you kill all the monsters in the entire city?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them also looked up at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan nodded: "The county mansion has been killed, and the rest of Qinghe County, as well as other surrounding counties, will have to wait for a while."

As soon as these words came out, the three of them were all stunned, and their expressions became more complicated than the other.

Le Shaoyuan couldn't help but said: "Chen Fan, you... you mean, you are still controlling the flying sword to kill the enemy?"

Chen Fan nodded again, his cultivation had reached his level.

Naturally, it couldn't be easier for the consciousness to spread to the entire Qinghe County.

With his multiple spirit divisions, there is no problem at all in controlling these tens of thousands of flying swords.

As a Taoist instrument.

The tens of thousands of flying swords formed by Jianwan are all equivalent to top-grade spiritual swords. With Chen Fan's terrifying power of consciousness at this time, not to mention fruit, ordinary immortals can't stop a random flying sword.

Of course, for Changsheng with higher strength, flying sword alone would be insufficient.

For example, the three great monsters of longevity that he sensed.

It may be possible for Chen Fan Wanjian to kill it, but the difficulty is still not low, but Chen Fan is not in a hurry to attack it, he will kill the other weak monsters first.

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