My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 961 Goodbye Chen Wudao

Chen Fan restrained his murderous intentions, then looked up at the three people in front of him:

"I have strangled all the monsters that invaded Daqian. I have not recovered the corpses of many ten great monsters in Fucheng. They should be good treasures and resources for you."

"Since your injuries have recovered, you can walk around, and you may gain a lot..."

For Chen Fan, the corpses of monsters below longevity are not of much value.

He didn't even bother to recycle.

But for the three of them, even Le Shaoyuan, who has already set foot on the tenth level, is an unspeakable treasure.

"Then... let's go first?" Zhan Yi said tentatively.

As a martial artist who was also born in Yandu City, he and Chen Fan had dealt with each other several times in the past. The relationship was not too stiff, but it could not be called good.

In front of Chen Fan at this time, he was also under great pressure and wanted to leave a long time ago.

"Go." Chen Fan waved his hand.

Zhan Yi cupped his fists and turned away. Yan Lincu also looked at Chen Fan complicatedly, then turned and left.

However, Le Shaoyuan did not leave immediately, but stayed for a while:

"Chen Fan... We are going to leave Qinghe County soon. I will help investigate Dean Mao's affairs after I go back. If I have any news, I will tell you as soon as possible—"

Le Shaoyuan is only tenth level, and his spiritual consciousness is so wide that it can spread across a city. It may not be very useful to find the missing Dean Mao, but it is quite rare for him to have this kind of heart.

Chen Fan flipped his hand and took out a communication stone, "If you can find out the dean's whereabouts, please use this communication stone to contact me."

Le Shaoyuan nodded, and flew up with a complex expression: "Chen Fan, I'm leaving."

Watching the three leave.

Chen Fan shook his head.

Immediately turned into a streamer and flew up.

After a while, he returned to the martial arts academy.

Stepping in the messy martial arts academy, Chen Fan had a delicate expression, and memories of the past came to mind one by one.

What happened in the past is like yesterday. In the blink of an eye, everything becomes different.

Vientiane Square, Wanhuan Palace, Mingyue Tower...

Everything has become a dream bubble.

Seeing him building a tall building, seeing his building collapse.

This is only more than twenty years. What if we wait until two hundred years later, two thousand years later, or even after the catastrophe arrives?

Chen Fan's eyes were firm.

"Eternal life is not enough, one day... I want to achieve true immortality!"

Shaking his head, Chen Fan turned around abruptly.


Ripples like water flashed across the sky.

Two figures suddenly appeared not far in front of Chen Fan.

And when he saw one of the two, Chen Fan stood up with a delicate and cold face:

"Chen Wudao..."

Two people came, a man and a woman. The man was Chen Fan's former immediate boss, Chen Wudao, the owner of the embroidered clothes, but the woman was unknown to Chen Fan.

The only person who can suddenly transfer the space in front of him is Chen Wudao who has mastered the supernatural power of the sky-defying space.

For this senior from the same family, Chen Fan also has very complicated feelings.

It was not a lie that people once valued themselves highly.

It's just that when I escaped from Daqian, the person wanted to kill me and put it into action, it's not a lie!

If it weren't for the Demon Killer clone and the Hall of Stars, I'm afraid I would have died in the hands of this person.

Chen Wudao also looked at Chen Fan with an extremely complicated expression, and sighed faintly:

"Chen Fan... why didn't you say something in advance when you came back to work hard..."

Unlike Le Shaoyuan and the others, the three knew that Chen Fan would show his talents in Mei, but because of their own cultivation and level, they did not know the gold content of Chen Fan's strength.

But Chen Wudao really understood that Chen Fan defeated a peerless genius at the fourth level of longevity more than ten years ago, and recently, his strength is terrifying!

Chen Fan sneered and raised his eyebrows: "Why should I tell you?"

Not to mention that Chen Fan came suddenly, he was transferred to the West Wilderness.

Even if Chen Fan came to Dagan specifically, it is absolutely impossible to notify Chen Wudao specifically.

Hearing what Chen Fan said, Chen Wudao smiled wryly, but was also speechless.

Chen Wudao also knew that Chen Fan was no longer the immature boy at the beginning, but had grown into a strong man that he had to look up to.

It would be a lie if he didn't regret it, but he regretted it, but he had already regretted it more than ten years ago when the news came back that Chen Fan was at the Mei Hui.

Unlike Le Shaoyuan and the others, he was more aware of the gold content and horror of Chen Fan's ranking.

Even he himself had watched Chen Fan's performance through the projection stone sold by Meihui.

He knew that even Chen Fan ten years ago was enough to kill him easily, let alone now!

He sighed:

"What happened at the beginning... I was wrong... I just hope that no matter what hatred you have, it is directed at me alone, and you don't want to hurt Dagan..."

Chen Fan sneered:

"If I'm as ruthless as you, do you think you can stand in front of me and talk to me?"

Decades have passed, Chen Wudao has recovered the third level of longevity cultivation at this time, but the void core has been shattered, but it has almost cut off the possibility of the fourth level of longevity.

In front of Chen Fan, it was much easier to deal with than the centipede that died just now!

Of course, he possesses a powerful space supernatural power, but Chen Fan's use of space in the mind world at this time may not be able to stop him from moving away.

It's just that under Chen Fan's selfless swordsmanship, he has the confidence to kill him before he activates the space shifting magical power.


While the two were talking, the woman beside Chen Wudao frowned deeply.

"You are Chen Fan?!"

She looked at Chen Fan:

"You killed the six-winged thousand-legged centipede?"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at the woman with a subtle expression.

"When did Dagan have more masters like this?"

Under his perception, he couldn't see through his strength.

You must know that Chen Fan has advanced to the third level of longevity.

With his level of spiritual consciousness, even the general longevity four-fold cannot escape his induction.

Although he didn't feel too much pressure from him, it also showed that he was at least a master of the five-fold series of longevity!

Possibly even higher!

Daqian is green and yellow.

Even if Chen Wudao shattered his emptiness, he was still the number one master of the Dagan.

Dagan couldn't even find a fourth level of longevity.

Nine out of ten this woman is not from Daqian.

Nine out of ten are people who have just been born in the hidden sect in recent years.

"Who are you?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters problem..."

The woman's eyes were extremely sharp, "Did you kill that six-winged centipede?"

When Chen Fan heard the woman's tone, the killing intent already accumulated in his heart boiled even more. He looked at her coldly:

"So what?!"

Chen Fan's cold tone and the questioning with the woman also made Chen Wudao beside him freeze and swallowed.

The woman's eyes flickered, her expression was unfriendly: "Do you know the identity of that six-winged thousand-legged centipede?"

"Do you know the possible consequences of your actions?"

Chen Fan's face was also cold: "I only know that it is a monster that disrupts the human race. If you kill it, you will kill it. I will bear the consequences!"

Chen Fan's words also made the woman's expression stunned, and then she shook her head:

"What will you bear for the consequences? Based on your status as the Holy Church, no matter how talented you are, would the Holy Church send experts for the human race in the southeastern region?"

The Holy Church is different from ordinary forces.

It is just a platform, not an ordinary sect.

Even if the southeast region is overthrown and completely occupied by the monster clan, the holy hall will not care at all!

The woman smiled bitterly and shook her head:

"My human race in the southeast region, how many sects, how many masters, how many times I fought against the big monster of Wanyaoling, finally forced the demon emperor of Wanyaoling to retreat and reached an agreement..."

"But what you did today has completely turned our efforts into nothing!"

Chen Fan also frowned deeply when he heard the words, his face was cold:

"The result of your efforts is to let the monsters wantonly invade the land of Dagan, harming thousands of human races, and remain indifferent?"

As soon as the words came out, the woman's face was frosty: "What do you know!"

She flipped her hand, and there was a jade stick about a foot long in her hand. Thousands of auras radiated from the jade stick, and at the same time, a surge of pressure radiated from her body, rushing towards Chen Fan!

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