Facing the meteor that was approaching like a mountain, Chen Fan's face was cold, without any fear.

call out!

"Fourth form!"

The rhyme of the avenue flowed, and the surging sword light pierced the sky in an instant.


The sword light that seemed to cut through the sky and the earth fell, but the huge meteorite in the sky suddenly split into two, and each flew to the two sides amidst the roar.

However, with the remaining power of the sword in Chen Fan's hand, he still used his manic power to go straight to Ying Zisheng.

"it turns out?!"

Ying Zisheng's face also changed slightly, but he didn't expect Chen Fan's strength to be so fierce.

Chen Fan's sword is a proper move of Fenghou level power.

Ripples flashed across Ying Zisheng's body like water, but he tried in vain to escape into the world of mind.

But Chen Fan's eyes were fixed, but he was already prepared to be on guard.

He mobilized all his mental strength to forcibly block Ying Zisheng's actions.

Because Chen Fan has cultivated enough Taos, his mind world is extremely perfect and powerful, not to mention the same level, even the fifth or sixth level of longevity, ordinary masters, are definitely not comparable to him in the mind world.

But the problem is that Ying Zisheng is not an ordinary fifth or sixth level of longevity...

The sixth level of longevity is the limit of cultivation below the Demon God King.

Even if there is no progress in cultivation, the world of consciousness, body and mind can still be further transformed.

To reach the Marquis level, there must be something special in some aspect.

Even if Chen Fan tried his best to stimulate his mental world, it only affected Ying Zisheng for a moment.

Of course, even if it was just such a moment, it was enough for Chen Fan.

The magnificent sword light fell straight towards him.

The corner of Ying Zisheng's mouth twitched, and a huge phantom of an ancient tree rose above his body.

The sword light that greeted Chen Fan.

The magnificent sword light stands on the phantom of the ancient tree.


On the phantom of the ancient tree, a large number of leaves fell off, and the phantom of the ancient tree quickly peeled off under the sword light.

And during this moment of delay, Ying Zisheng took a deep look at Chen Fan, and his body disappeared in place.

The phantom of the ancient tree disappeared together.

The magnificent sword light rushed into the void, setting off a torrent of air waves, but the dilapidated houses around them collapsed one by one.

The roar lasts for a long time!

But after all, no one was around, but no innocents were hurt.

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes.

However, he didn't know whether Ying Zisheng blocked his move by relying on the power of some kind of defensive treasure, or some kind of special supernatural power.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and the Leng Feng sword in his hand disappeared suddenly.

Although he could still choose to forcibly enter the other party's mental world, but he did not choose to do so.

Entering other people's mental world is equivalent to entering other people's home field.

"Longevity four and above, unless you have the strength to crush the series, it is too difficult to kill the opponent..."

The existence of the mind world has greatly increased the upper limit of personal strength and life-saving ability.

"This Ying Zisheng should be regarded as an ordinary feudal lord, and his strength is relatively average..."

In fact, if Chen Fan really wanted to kill him, he would immediately use all his tricks when he came up, and when he couldn't react in time, it would be possible to kill him instantly.

Of course it's only possible.

As a Marquis expert, Chen Fan didn't know what cards he had.

Not to mention that as a person who used to be a fairy, even if the sect has declined, he must be more to be feared than ordinary marquises.

In fact, although Ying Zisheng made a sudden attack, he didn't have any hostility on his body. The move of Meteor Star looked powerful, but in fact he didn't use all his strength at all.

As the person said, it was actually to test Chen Fan's strength.

Moments later, ripples like water flashed by.

Ying Zisheng and the other three figures all appeared in front of Chen Fan.

Chen Fan looked at him indifferently: "How, my strength satisfies you?"

"Young friend Chen Fan is really extraordinary..." Ying Zisheng's expression was extremely subtle, his eyes flickered: "However, even with the help of little friend, we may find it difficult to stop that demon emperor..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, but asked, "What is so special about the Demon Emperor?"

"Speaking of which, the strength of the Demon Emperor is not an exaggeration, but he is on the same level as me. However, he possesses a special supernatural power that can divide one into three, but the strength of the two clones does not weaken too much. It probably has 70 to 80% of its main body's strength."

Ying Zisheng had a delicate expression:

"In fact, the overall strength of the monsters in Wanyao Ridge is not considered strong, and the combat power of the fifth and sixth levels of longevity is far inferior to ours, but this demon emperor can be three feudal lords with this avatar ability, but It almost involved all of us at the sixth level of longevity and above..."

"If it weren't for this, our high-end combat power would not be empty..."

"Besides being able to split into clones, the Demon Emperor has another characteristic, that is, possesses extremely terrifying and tenacious vitality. Combining the two, we really can't stop the three Marquises from fighting..."

"It is precisely because of this that we will negotiate peace with the monsters and finally give in."

Chen Fan couldn't help frowning deeply.

"No wonder……"

But he somewhat understood what these people were doing.

He is still very confident in his own strength. With the power of the restored White Emperor Armor, it is not difficult to resist the moves of the master of the king and not die, but his own combat power is still limited.

Even with all kinds of bonuses, at most he has a chance to compete with the general Marquis...

He frowned deeply: "This demon emperor has such a special ability, but he has never heard of any kind of monster with such characteristics..."

Ying Zisheng nodded: "In my Wuzong classics, there is no relevant record. And in the battle with us, this demon emperor has never revealed his body, and has always been in a human form..."

If you know the ontology and prototype, you might be able to find a way to target it.

And it has not exposed the original form, but it also shows that it either has no need to use the original form, or it may be easy to target if the original form is exposed, so it is unwilling to expose it.

Chen Fan also frowned deeply.

"If that's the case, how did the Demon Emperor be defeated by the masters of the Yuhua Sect thousands of years ago?"

Could it be that the immortal Bai Fengyu made the move?

But soon Chen Fan shook his head again.

If Bai Fengyu made a move, Wan Yao Ridge would not be as simple as signing the Millennium Treaty, it would be destroyed directly.

However, if there is an immortal from the Yuhuamen, there will be no shortage of high-end combat power, and there may be other masters of the Marquis and King.

Ying Zisheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Chen Wudao beside him.

The Wuxiangzong was born only a few years ago, so naturally he doesn't know what happened thousands of years ago.

But Chen Wudao came back to life from then on.

Although his strength was still weak at that time, he should also know the secret.

Chen Wudao said:

"I don't know the exact cultivation level of the senior from the Yuhua Sect, but his strength is extremely powerful, and he surpasses the Demon Emperor by a lot, but he can't kill the Demon Emperor...but he has nothing to do with the Demon Emperor himself. method, but the other monsters can't stop him at all, and the number of monsters killed by one of them is more than that of Da Yong who didn't know how many warriors and demon generals combined at that time."

"The demon emperor is afraid of being killed, but in fact, if the senior is not worried that the demon emperor will be afraid of the demon emperor, he can completely kill all the other monsters except the demon emperor..."

"Unfortunately, the Yuhua Sect seems to be troubled by something at this time, and they can't find too many people. The help they send is far worse than that of the thousand-year-old..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered when he heard it, "Since the master of the Yuhua Sect a thousand years ago was like this... then can't we do the same?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them were startled.

That Ying Zisheng shook his head and said: "The demon emperor is divided into three, each of which is a Marquis-level force. We need to allocate a lot of force to stop it. How can we divide it to kill other monsters..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, with sharpness and killing intent on his face:

"You are still in charge of containing the demon emperor, leave the rest to me!"

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