My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 967 Demon King's Strength

Afterwards, Chen Fan took the Xuanniao feather he earned from the battle hall, and replaced it with an elemental emperor, and then left the Yuanshang secret realm.

Ten days later, although Chen Fan's realm has improved again, but to be honest, the increase in strength is not too exaggerated.

Naturally, he didn't dare to say that he would definitely be able to kill the Demon Emperor, but that didn't stop him from trying.

Anyway, with Baihuangjia around, he would be invincible.

Even if the assassination was unsuccessful, showing off one's own strength would naturally have the effect of deterring the Demon Emperor.

Chen Fan immediately headed towards Wan Yao Ridge.

With his current strength, he came to Wan Yao Ridge very quickly.

With his breakthrough in the third level of longevity, coupled with the immeasurable third level of spiritual consciousness, to activate "Hidden Void", no one will be able to find his whereabouts.

With a sweep of consciousness, where the density of monsters and strong men is the highest, that is my target.


In the huge, magnificent hall.

The boy with the short blue ponytail was sitting on a throne made of crystal, with his chin propped.

A monster with the body of a lion mask and the breath of its body surging like an explosion stood respectfully in front of him.

"Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, are you looking for me?"

The boy's whole body was restrained, but the lion-masked man in front of him was extremely cautious.

"Ten days have passed, is there any reply from Dagan?"

The boy yawned.

The lion-masked human said: "Dagan said that the one who killed the monster we sent was a human race called 'Chen Fan' from the temple. I have already investigated it. , a peerless genius who reached the top three in the Meihui. Before he was fifty years old, he fought against the Demon God Prince Si of the Fourth Level of Longevity..."

"Little and big work... unexpectedly produced such a genius?" The boy also had a subtle expression.

The lion-masked man replied cautiously: "Then Chen Fan was indeed born in Dagan, but he joined other sects later on. Dagan didn't train him much, but he was born in Dagan after all... Return to Dagan Come on, seeing this scene, it's normal to get angry..."

The boy's eyes were cold: "What do you want to say?"

The lion-masked man coughed heavily: "This Chen Fan is the peerless genius of the Holy Church after all, why should we bother with him..."

"You're afraid of a mere human genius. Hmph!" The young man stood up with a cold face: "If the big party refuses to hand over that Chen Fan, then I will go out and take it down myself!"

The lion-masked man was silent.

The boy went straight to the outside of the hall.

In the middle of the walk, his steps suddenly froze, and then he raised his eyebrows and glanced at the empty mid-air beside him.

After a slight pause, he continued to move forward.

At the same time, Chen Fan, who was hiding in the void, quietly wiped the cold sweat off his brow.

"It was almost discovered!"

After all, this demon emperor is also a master of the feudal marquis series.

The consciousness is also extremely powerful.

"Although 'Hiding the Void' is strong, my cultivation level is still a bit weak. If I can make a breakthrough in my cultivation level, the Demon Emperor may not be able to notice it..."

Seeing the Demon Emperor leave, he immediately followed carefully.

The behavior and habits of this demon emperor are similar to those of the human race. Even if he lives in a gorgeous palace built according to human preferences, he always maintains the human form.

Chen Fan followed him all the way forward, but soon entered an extremely wide hall.

After entering the hall, he suddenly turned around.

"Come out!"

Chen Fan's expression froze slightly, but he remained calm, still hiding in the dark.

The location he was looking at was not where he was. He probably just noticed someone peeping, but he didn't really find his exact location.

The Demon Emperor frowned, then waved his hand, and a golden light rose above his body.

Then, with his body as the center, it spread in all directions.

"not good!"

Chen Fan also knew something was wrong, and immediately retreated back quickly.

It's just a pity that he wants to maintain "concealment", the speed he can maintain is limited, and he can't escape the speed of the golden light at all.

There was a flash of hesitation in his eyes, but then it turned into firmness immediately.

But suddenly stopped and retreated, holding the Lengfeng sword in his hand, the wings of escape behind him spread out, urged forward, and instantly crossed a distance of hundreds of feet, but he took the initiative to come in front of the Demon Emperor.


He swung down the Leng Feng sword in his hand.

The fourth type!

At the same time, he also condensed the eyes of thunder and lightning.

Although the Eye of Thunder and Lightning is a supernatural power realized by Chen Fan's deduction of Lei Zhi's Ultimate, it still has very little influence on the master of Fenghou.

But very small does not mean none.

In the void, before Chen Fan's figure solidified, Jian Guang and Lei Guang appeared first.

Under the hidden sword technique in the void, his swordsmanship could have taken a huge advantage, and the Thunder Light Eye also extended his advantage for another moment.

At the same time, an evil black energy rose from Chen Fan's body, and he also used the power of Tianyuan at the same time.

The Demon Emperor seemed to be in a daze, letting Chen Fan's swordsmanship fail.

The evil sword light wrapped in black air exploded and hit the Demon Emperor's body.


In the blink of an eye, the entire hall was swept by an incomparably manic force, and huge stone pillars collapsed one after another.

The huge, magnificent place was in a mess and turned into ruins in the blink of an eye.

Amidst the roar, a dazzling spiritual light rose from the ruins.

"Good boy..."

The whole body was bloody, and the bloody demon emperor soared into the sky, staring at Chen Fan who was not far away with an angry and ferocious face.

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Feeling the person's blood and vitality, although he was slightly lowered, Chen Fan frowned, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He launched a sneak attack with all his strength, and under the blessing of the re-trained Leng Fengjian, the power of his moves was that ordinary princes might not be able to stop them.

The demon emperor forcibly took his own move, and he even kept his body intact, but he was slightly injured, and his physical strength was too exaggerated!

The demon emperor's eyes were ferocious, and then suddenly two auras rose from his body, and turned into two other figures that were indistinguishable from his own.

The three figures formed a triangular double-teaming trend, rushing towards Chen Fan!

The three of them are exactly the same, even the injuries on their bodies are exactly the same!

"What a weird supernatural power..." Feeling the pressure of the skyrocketing pressure, Chen Fan dropped the cold front sword again.

The power of Tianyuan combined with the fourth form, once again slashed violently.

Unfortunately, this time, Chen Fan didn't have such a good chance.

Golden lights rose from the bodies of the three demon emperors, rushing towards Chen Fan's sword light.

Although the power of Chen Fan's sword light was terrifying, it was defeated by the combined power of the three demon emperors, and the surging sword energy was directly dispersed.

Instead, a surging impact headed towards Chen Fan's body.

However, with the protection of the White Emperor Armor, it is impossible for this impact to hurt Chen Fan.

"My "Indestructible Vajra Body" has broken through the eighth level, and the White Emperor Armor has weakened the attack by 90%, there is no way this guy can hurt me..."

Chen Fan sneered, but he was not afraid at all, and fought the Demon Emperor on the spot.

He has cultivated many supernatural powers of swordsmanship, but very few of them are useful.

It is quite rare to have the opportunity to play against a master at this time.

All the immortal-level swordsmanship, frequently shot.

He uses the strongest fourth move, it is impossible to stop the three demon kings joining forces, let alone other moves.

However, his defensive power is too amazing. With the White Emperor Armor and Immortal King Kong, it is difficult for the three demon emperors to harm him.

And Chen Fan still has Yuanzhu, so he is not afraid of him at all.

On the contrary, the aftermath of the fight between the two masters soon completely destroyed the Palace of the Demon Emperor.

Some weak monsters in the Demon Emperor's palace couldn't bear the power of the two masters at all, and many monsters died unexpectedly.

And the more he beat the Demon Emperor, the angrier he became, and the more helpless he became.

In the end, he stopped and continued to attack, and looked at Chen Fan with a deep frown: "Human, what is your purpose?"

If you can't win against your opponent, if you fight on your own territory, you will be the only one who loses in the end!

Chen Fan also shook his head and retracted his sword, then fixed his eyes on the Demon Emperor: "My name is Chen Fan."

When the Demon Emperor heard the words, his eyes flashed with golden light, and he suddenly understood:

"So you are Chen Fan!"

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