My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 991 Pressure and Gifts

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

Although it is outrageous to become an immortal in thousands of years, but compared to that person, it is much more normal.

He couldn't help but said: "Later, this immortal, has he broken through to the ultimate?"

Fu Ling shook his head:

"It's a coincidence that this person is just like you, and he is also a swordsman... The Dao is easy to cultivate, but the ultimate is difficult. Anyway, until the death of the master, I have never heard that this person has achieved the ultimate. But the master said that this person Later, he realized many great ways, far stronger than ordinary immortals of the same level, but they have not been able to break through to the ultimate..."

"If you want to break through the ultimate, it is the most difficult to start from scratch. On the contrary, if there is an ultimate in the road, after the ultimate dies, it will be easier to achieve it under the blessing of the will of heaven. Unfortunately, there are only a few ultimates in the world, except I haven't heard of the one on the Dao of Thunder, who has that luck..."

"Of course, even if he doesn't break through to the ultimate, in terms of strength, this person is definitely the first echelon among the immortals, even one of the best, almost the strongest under the ultimate, and even the master admits that he is no match for him."

Chen Fan's expression froze slightly when he heard the words.

It is not only for the ultimate difficulty, but also because this person is also a swordsman.

Many epochs have passed since the death of Immortal Pengxuan. Even if that person did not achieve the ultimate in the way of the sword, I am afraid that his comprehension of the way of the sword has reached an extremely exaggerated level!

Even though Chen Fan has confidence and tricks, he dare not say that he can reach the ultimate level of swordsmanship earlier than such a person.

In the end, there is only one player. If the other party succeeds first, even if you have the talent to hang up, even if you have a great advantage in the later stage, it will be meaningless.

It has to be said that Chen Fan's spirit is so high that he is still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the Dao of Enlightenment, but he has already begun to worry about his competitors who will advance to the ultimate in the future.

"May I ask Senior Fu Ling, what is the name of this immortal?" Chen Fan asked curiously.

Fu Ling shook his head:

"I don't dare to read the name of this kind of person indiscriminately. If this person senses the Immortal Mansion and your kid is murdered and the treasure is seized, don't blame me. Immortal Pengxuan's 'Zhaixing' is quite famous."

Chen Fan also froze when he heard the words.

I don't think that a master of the immortal series will be so narrow-minded, but as the saying goes, a gentleman can't stand under a dangerous wall, so it's better not to take risks easily.

Immortal Pengxuan was also an extraordinary immortal back then.

He may not be tempted by the Immortal Mansion, but it is inevitable that he will not be tempted by the magical powers left by the Pengxuan Immortal.

Chen Fan licked his lips and asked again: "Dare to ask Senior Fu Ling, under normal circumstances, how many immortals and demon kings can be achieved in one era, and how many demon kings will fall when the catastrophe comes in each era?"

Fu Ling shook his head:

"Now I don't know. In my past era, the time of an era was mostly between 80,000 and 90,000 years to 112,000 years. When there were many times, an era might achieve more than ten existences of the Dao of Enlightenment. Less There will be no more than five—”

"Although the catastrophe is terrifying, in fact, only the catastrophe when the 'outer god' descends will cause great harm. A large number of immortals and demon kings will die. In an ordinary catastrophe, there may be at most two or three demon kings or immortals perish."

"It's just that the harm brought by the catastrophe is not just as simple as Tianyuan's invasion in each era. The existence of Tianyuan also makes many powerful beings in our world rebel or even degenerate. These guys are often more powerful than Tianyuan itself. It's all worse."

Chen Fan couldn't help being startled when he heard the words: "Is there such a person?"

Fu Ling nodded solemnly:

"There are not a few such people, but they are subject to the pressure of the Heavenly Dao. Under normal circumstances, these people can only hide in some special places where the Heavenly Dao cannot cast their eyes..."

"Of course, it's a little early for you to pay attention to these things. The weakest existences are those immortality limit masters who are close to the Demon God King. Among them, there are many Demon God Kings and immortals. Your strength is not enough to contact and face those people."

Lin Lei took a deep breath, then nodded: "Understood."

Fu Ling's words not only made him feel passionate, but also caused a lot of pressure. Of course, it was because of the pressure that he was able to have greater motivation.


Within the jurisdiction of Jianzong, it is only a thousand miles away from the headquarters of Jianzong, in a continuous mountain range.

Chen Fan's figure suddenly appeared on the mountain range.

This is where the follow-up site of Lingyun Sect was selected.

With the original crystals and resources left by Chen Fan, and the support of Jianzong, Lingyunzong was finally established again, and it was running vigorously.

But it is much more prosperous than Yundeng Mountain, which was opened at the Void Gate.

Dong Guzhi's cultivation base has broken through the ninth level, but he looks younger and younger, and he is fishing alone in the mountains.

A leisurely look.

"Master's state of mind is more and more admirable to disciples." A voice suddenly came from behind him.

Dong Guzhi, who was half-closed, sat up suddenly, his eyes widened slightly, and he looked at the young man walking not far behind him: "My boy, when did you come back?"

Chen Fan smiled and said:

"Some time ago, I went to Dagan before coming over from there."

Dong Guzhi was stunned for a moment, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Those guys didn't ask you any questions, did they?"

Chen Fan smiled: "They dare not."

Dong Guzhi didn't say much, and changed the subject: "How long do you plan to stay when you come back this time?"

Chen Fan shook his head: "I have other things to do, but I can only come to see you, Master...By the way, I will give you a gift, Master."

"Gift?" Dong Guzhi shook his head and laughed, "I really can't think of what I lack...don't give me anything else."

With Chen Fan around, he is full of pills and treasures, and he himself does not have the sharpness of a young man. Although he persists in martial arts practice, his mentality is very calm.

Chen Fan shook his head: "Master, you are in a very good state of mind, but the meaning of Baiyun you practice is too small. It may not be difficult to comprehend the tenth level in the future, but the road ahead will be difficult..."

The artistic conception of Dong Guzhi's practice is too small. At the beginning, Baiyun Peak Master of Lingshen Dao Sect was the strongest person in his way, but he was only an ordinary tenth level. Even if Dong Guzhi had the blessings of Chen Fan's various resources, his practice In this artistic conception, there is still no hope for the future.

"It's not that I'm obsessed with this road, Master, but that I'm the fastest on this road. Chen Fan, what elemental spirits and Dao rhyme treasures you gave me before, I tried to observe them, but I just realized something. I don't know how much time is left before the artistic conception of ice reaches its consummation..." Dong Guzhi shook his head, feeling rather helpless.

After all, Dong Guzhi has a limited age, otherwise he would not have been trapped in the eighth level of martial arts for decades.

Even with Chen Fan's help, it may be possible for him to break through the tenth level in a few decades, but it is impossible to break through the longevity in this life.

"I'm here this time to help you solve this problem, master..." Chen Fan waved his hand, and a spar like a red diamond appeared in his hand.

A strong scorching aura exudes from the red diamond.

Dong Guzhi couldn't help being startled: "This thing is..."

This thing is naturally an emperor of elements.

Chen Fan did not tell him the truth, but said: "This thing is a special treasure that can help you change your physique, master, and help you achieve the acquired dharma body, so that you can realize the Tao faster..."

In fact, the emperor of smelting elements is more powerful than ordinary dharma bodies.

But there is no legal body that can guarantee a certain achievement of longevity.

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