My Marvel Superman Girlfriend

Chapter 159 Poseidon, Xi Nian and Mera

The center of the earth hides the sea, under the island.


Blacken Mera looked down at the trident artifact he was holding in his hand, feeling that he could manipulate the waves and tides in the area at will, and communicate with the marine life in this sea area, including guarding at the entrance of the hidden sea in the heart of the earth. Sea monsters of the Trench family.

Xi Nian finally understood why the person who got the trident artifact could become the king of Atlantis.

That said. The trident artifact is worthy of Atlantis's most precious relic of the emperor.

It is more than just a symbol of power.

From the moment this artifact was created in the ancient times, the divine power originally possessed is closely related to the sea, so that it can command all the creatures in the ocean!

It is almost exactly the same as the legendary Poseidon Ability among the Greek gods, and this should be a familiar place before Xi Nian. This artifact, supposedly named Poseidon’s Trident, is in the same vein as the artifact on his Aunt Diana, and even the artifact on Paradise Island!

Unfortunately, that's all.

Xi Nian was not interested in the title of Poseidon and what he inherited.

In a few hours, Blacken Mera, a special existence who has just obtained the "Second Generation Poseidon" certification, will completely disappear from this world.

Therefore, the Poseidon is still the same as the original gods, and has long existed in name only.

But with such an official (Kayla Sen) certification and identity, the next thing to do is much simpler.

"You two... do you still want to continue fighting?

The beautiful eyes seemed to be burning with golden and sacred flames. Blacken Mera glanced at Arthur and Namor next to him, and pointed at the golden tip of Poseidon's trident: "surrender, or die!"

The twins floating in this submarine area were silent.

In the face of the glory and halo of the Seagod's reappearance, the king potential in them seemed bleak, even a kind of powerless sorrow.

Aquaman Arthur instinctively bowed his head and couldn't look at Blacken Mera. Because of the royal blood of Atlantis flowing in his body, he had an urge to surrender and worship at the moment.

"Is Mera the sea god? It seems not bad, at least, there will be no war between the land world and the underwater world." Arthur's heart was empty, and he could only comfort himself with this.

Obviously a few days ago, Mera was still persuading him to go back to take charge of the kingdom of Atlantis, but now the other party has directly enshrined him!

"In the end, was this the result?"

Namor muttered to himself in disbelief, and finally sighed, bowing to Blacken Mera on one knee in the middle of the ocean.


The Mediterranean hinterland, deep sea.

Military Commander Vico rushed here with Atlantis' submarine fleet. A hundred submarine spacecrafts in the shape of jellyfish or fish, the metal shells were shining brightly like daylight, orderly turning the thundercloud-like submarine vortex. Surrounded!

Aum died, causing the royal family and nobles of Atlantis to be angry!

So let Vico lead the kingdom's most elite submarine fleet, and be sure to capture the king-killing and treasonous criminals-Princess Mera of Zebel, back home!

If necessary, killing on the spot is also possible!

As a military division of a country, Vico really can’t understand, it’s just in half a day, why Princess Mera has changed her temperament so much and made such an extreme behavior...

What happened to Mera?

"Military officer, look!"

Vico, who was sitting on a seahorse, was in a daze when he heard the reminder words of the soldier beside him.

Vico looked forward, and soon his face was equally shocked.


With the dazzling and scorching thunder and lightning raging like a water snake, the most central submarine vortex began to expand and become larger!

Chi Chi!

Three figures rushed out of the seabed vortex first, they were two men and one woman.

"Arthur, Namor, and the former queen?!"

Vico shook his whole body and recognized the identity of the three at a glance. He immediately fell from the hippocampus and rushed forward.

"Vico." Atlanta also recognized him, and finally showed a touch of relief on her pale and tired face.

"See the queen."

Vico hurriedly performed a standard etiquette, and he immediately looked at Arthur and Namor: "You are also here. Could it be that you found the trident artifact?"

"I found it." Namor responded stiffly.

Arthur smiled bitterly: "Vico, now is not the time to renew the past, let's make way first."

"Who makes way for?"

Vico froze for a moment, only then did he notice that the seabed vortex in front of him was still expanding.

"what is that?"

The soldiers on the submarine spacecraft were stunned, and you could see that a huge beast shadow protruded from the whirlpool!

It was a giant and ferocious sea animal creature.

It is larger than any ultra-modern undersea battleship. Its superb height and length are thousands of meters at a glance. There are seven or eight tails that resemble snake-shaped tentacles behind them, and each tail is waiting for the same one. File size of the Boeing aircraft's fuselage.

It has a primitive and hideous triangular head resembling a dinosaur, and a pair of front claws makes people no doubt able to cut a large spaceship into two.

Just by exposing its own existence to the sea outside, waves and waves are set off. Compared with the submarine spacecraft, it is the gap between fish and giant sharks!

This is the full picture of the legendary sea beast-Kayla Sen!

Seeing it, every person on the bottom of the sea will tremble and horror from the heart!

And above the head of the legendary sea beast Kayla Sen, a stunning red-haired woman stood there, holding a golden trident in her hand, swept outwards like actual coercion!

"Now that I see the sea god, why don't you worship?"


"Someone regained the trident and got the title of Poseidon!"

"After thousands of years, the name of the sea god reappears the sea!"

"It's Mera! Princess Mera who just killed King Aum!!"

This news spread quickly to the entire underwater world, and the four remaining civilizations among the seven great nations were boiling up, and the entire underwater world can be said to be completely exploded!

Kingdom of Atlantis, at the gate of the prison.

King Zebel was liberated on the spot. Hearing the news, his face was incredulous: "Just kidding. It's my daughter who got the trident artifact?!"


this day.

It is destined to be a historical moment when the underwater world is earthshaking and a new era is ushered in.

Blacken Mera stood on the legendary sea beast Kayla Mori, holding a trident artifact and admiring the seven kingdoms, countless marine creatures followed behind him, and the waves and tides consciously separated on both sides!

It seems to be patrolling one's own country and territory, and it seems to be wandering in one's own yard.

"Thank you, Xi Nian." Mera thought to himself.

"This is the result of our work together. Definitely, there is only so much I can help you. If you want to be a real emperor, you will have to face more in the future."

Xi Nian thought intently: "However. With the trident artifact in hand and Kayla Sen's help, I believe that your Ability can solve all these things."

"Are you ready to leave?" Mera trembled in her heart, but controlled her not to think further.

"Well, it's almost time."

Xi Nian said with great ease.

The end of symbiosis is about to come!

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