My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 995: Shiraban Shokai

"Let's start with the low-level orbital guns of space-based satellites~" Xiong Li finally accepted Grape's suggestion.

"I didn't expect that one day my Xiong Li would be reduced to the point where I could use a space-based satellite orbital gun to train my body." Xiong Li said with a sigh.

You must know that the space-based railguns were made by the Yinlingmen in the lower realm in order to deal with the enemies of the gods, and now those things can only be put in the Zongmen treasure house to eat ashes.

Just when Xiong Li was going to train his body, Xiang Yun, who was condensing his soul not far away from him, opened his eyes.

"Senior brother, it is very troublesome to use the space-based satellite orbital gun, and you have to get the grapes out of the treasure house." Xiang Yun said.

"Do you have a better way?" Xiong Li looked at Xiang Yun.

"I have just been resurrected, and some of the imprints of the sword array magical powers have not been imprinted in the soul."

"It's not as good as this. I find a set of Taoist-level spirit swords and practice the sword formation. How about the senior brother resisting the pressure in the sword formation."

"You practice the body, I practice the sword formation, so kill two birds with one stone." Xiang Yun said with a smile.

Xiong Li's eyes lit up, he felt that this method would work.

"Come on, let's start now."

In the source world, Xu Fan's exclusive time acceleration small world.

"I didn't expect that there are so many Shi Yunjing hidden in the space magic weapon given by my eldest brother," Xu Fan said as he looked at Shi Yunjing, who formed a hill in front of him.

At the beginning, Xu Fan was an immortal jade given by the time treasure in the k-space magic treasure.

Who would have thought that at the time of the exchange, the good eldest brother came to steal the beam and change the column, and moved the time treasure many times more than the original.

"Grape, calculate how long it can speed up."

"In 13,000 years, after the acceleration is completed, the master will need 21,000 years to advance to the true immortal."

"Converted to immortal jade, it is 450 million." Grape's voice of encouragement sounded.

"450 million, isn't it fast!"

"As long as Pang Fu sells the production line, plus the 300 million immortal jades that rely on his good brothers to eat soft rice, the promotion to the real fairyland is just around the corner." Xu Fan said that his expression changed slightly.

After being promoted to True Immortal, there are many things that can be done.

The first is that the messy side-door ways such as refining alchemy and spells can reach the peak level of the great master.

Especially with the refining tool, combined with his own perception, coupled with the top-level holy fire, Xu Fan felt that he could refine a relatively low-level acquired spiritual treasure.

Although there is no rumor in the fairy world that a master refining master can refine Houtian Lingbao, Xu Fan feels that he should be able to do it at the peak level of a master refining master with his own balanced development.

As long as you can refine acquired Lingbao, even if it is the lowest level, the rest will be easy to say.

"This is also considered good news. Time to speed up the practice first, and talk about the later things slowly." Xu Fan said, sitting cross-legged in the center of the small world and slowly closed his eyes.

The entire small world has also entered a state of time acceleration.

In a small dojo below the main peak of Yinlingmen, thousands of disciples who had just been resurrected as whiteboards were meeting with the disciples of the business line.

Ten thousand soldiers stood at the front desk and said: "Resurrection of us is enough to cause trouble for the sect, so we must solve the matter after the resurrection, and we can't let the elders of the sect worry anymore."

"We have only one purpose to get together this time, and that is to engage in immortal jade, immortal jade, or immortal jade."

"So I'm going to unite all the resurrected disciples to save themselves. Thousands of years of accumulation are nothing. As long as there is a sect, we can start all over again."

The disciples in the audience immediately ignited their fighting spirit after listening to the passionate speeches of the thousands of soldiers.

"Yes, we can no longer cause trouble to the sect, we must unite to save ourselves."

"Senior Brother Qian, what do you say, we will listen to you!"

"Senior Brother Qian is right, only by engaging in immortal jade can you save yourself."

The disciples in the audience were talking a lot.

"This time, I have united several disciples of the business line to take advantage of some advantages of the sect to set up a chamber of commerce. As long as the brothers and sisters join, they will have shares."

"Start with the most basic business of buying and selling, and then develop it slowly."

"More than 34,000 true immortals, as long as they work together, they can definitely make the Chamber of Commerce stronger and bigger."

"At that time, our accumulation of thousands of years may not take many years to make all the money back. At that time, we may be better than now." Ten thousand soldiers said loudly.

Anyway, after he became a whiteboard, if he still did tasks like he did before and accumulated immortal jade and points, it is estimated that he would not be able to turn around in a few thousand years.

So he planned to take this opportunity to form a chamber of commerce with a group of fellow apprentices and brothers who had become whiteboards. This would be better than his previous struggle alone.

At this time, Song Ming stepped forward and directly projected a huge light curtain in mid-air.

The plan after the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce is densely written on it.

"In the fairyland allowed by the sect, there are many businesses that can be done by taking advantage of our advantages."

Song Ming said and projected a huge light curtain, above which is the fairyland covered by the Houtian Lingbao Kongjiemen.

"In this area, our transmission is almost free. Using this advantage, we can quickly seize some low-end markets for reselling, and we can even monopolize it if we operate it well."

"In addition, the low-end magical medicine pill and spell production line made by the disciples of Zongmen's alchemy, alchemy, formation, and spell will enable our chamber of commerce to gain a firm foothold in the business community in this area."

"Without touching the interest of those big forces, I guarantee that all the brothers and sisters will earn 100,000 Immortal Jade each within a thousand years."

Song Ming analyzed together, making the audience a whiteboard disciple, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

At this time, a disciple under the stage said, "Does Zongmen support us in establishing a chamber of commerce?"

"Of course support, Grape also specially provides a lot of low-priced Zongmen special products, using production lines that Zongmen can't use now." Song Ming replied.

The disciples under the stage are relieved.

At this time, Xiong Li and Xiang Yun also came to this dojo.

"The two of us were cultivating just now, and we didn't see any news," Xiong Li explained as he looked at the eyes gathered on

"Senior brother, you are our chief, don't make mistakes in order to speed up your cultivation!" Ten thousand soldiers jumped out first and said with a heartache.


Thousands of soldiers were still going to talk, but they were punched by Xiong Li and flew into the sky, turning into a meteor and disappearing.

"Which of you still have misunderstandings, tell me, and I'll explain it to you." Xiong Li said with a pair of tiger eyes sweeping the audience.

"Haha, how can we think wrong?"

"Senior Senior Brother is upright, Senior Brother Xiang Yun is handsome and free and easy, no one will think wrong." The disciples in the audience said with a smile.

They don't want to be driven this far just for a joke.

Then the meeting continued, and then under the advocacy of Xiong Li, all the disciples who became Baiban joined the chamber of commerce.

Then in Jinqicheng, a chamber of commerce called Baiban was established.

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