My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 1008: Immortal Emperor's Secret

"Grape, where is the Canglei Saint of the Muyuan clan now?" Xu Fan asked.

This time, Xu Fan wanted to take revenge first, and secondly, he wanted to take back the Five Colors Peak, the acquired Lingbao.

After a top-level acquired Lingbao has the ability to retake it, he can't leave it there and ignore it.

"The territory of the Muyuan Clan, the Immortal Realm of the Green Forest, and the City of Canglei Tree."

"The avenues practiced by the Muyuan clan are different from those of the human clan. After being promoted to Jinxian, there will be a companion spirit tree for cultivation to bear the karmic calamity." Grape also explained a sentence behind.

"In the territory of the Muyuan Clan, it seems that No. 3 will have to make a long trip." Xu Fan said.

"Grape, how much logical computing power does it cost you to exert the full combat power of the three Golden Immortal puppets?" Xu Fan asked.

"To fight with all your strength, three Golden Immortal puppets need a total of 1000 logical computing power." Grape replied.


Xu Fan said and came to the underground space, took out the giant Muyuan tree stored in the treasure house, and began to refine the special Muyuan camouflage fairy.

"Master, there is a bounty on the front line of the human race, kill the Canglei Saint 1 billion immortal jade, suppress him and bring back 1.5 billion immortal jade, destroy its accompanying spiritual tree and bring back 500 million immortal jade after verification."

Xu Fan's eyes lit up instantly, who was refining the immortal artifact. He was not sure about the killing of the Canglei Saint, at most he could threaten him to hand over the Five Colors Peak.

Now it seems that according to the information provided by Grape, it should be no problem to cut down his companion spirit tree.

"The grapes are good, the information you provided is very valuable." Xu Fan nodded and said.

"Grape, use the immortal ore and Lingbao-level immortal ore known in the database to deduce a golden immortal puppet that reaches the acquired Lingbao-level." Xu Fan ordered.

"According to the master."

"It's really hard to buy the fairy ore for refining the golden fairy puppets, otherwise there are at least 10 golden fairy puppets in the sect."

"At that time, the grass on the graves of the Muyuan clan's Canglei saints would have to be five feet high." Xu Fan said while refining the immortal artifact.

"Li Xuandao wants to meet the master, it is related to the rise of the sect." Grape's voice sounded.

"Let him come to the underground space directly, it's about the rise of the sect?" Xu Fan was a little puzzled.

Not long after, a teleportation formation appeared, and Li Xuandao walked out of it.

"Meet the master." Li Xuandao saluted first.

"Get up, talk about what is related to the rise of the sect." Xu Fan said.

"While passing through Wuwang Immortal Realm, Tu'er accidentally discovered a secret treasure of the Immortal Emperor."

"But because of the corresponding secret method and soul key to open the secret treasure, and the fact that the disciple was being hunted down with his mother at the time, so I didn't go into the details." Li Xuandao said.

"The Immortal Emperor's Secret Treasure, it sounds like a lot of money!" Xu Fan said thoughtfully, would forcibly breaking the Immortal Emperor's Secret Treasure occupy the cause and effect?

"Master, most of the immortal emperors who set up such secrets are those who fell or were beheaded by their enemies."

"Usually, such immortal emperor's secret treasures are arranged after their resurrection and reincarnation, and they are widely distributed."

"Even some of the more powerful Immortal Emperors may arrange hundreds or even thousands of them in the three thousand worlds before the accident."

"Generally, the immortal emperor who arranges this kind of backhand will never be able to climb to the peak of the past, and there are still enemies at the level of the immortal emperor waiting for him, so after taking this kind of secret treasure, there is usually no problem. ." Li Xuandao said.

"Are you sure?" Xu Fan felt a little mysterious.

"As long as you don't accept the inheritance in the secret treasure, you'll be fine. When the disciple was reincarnated before, he heard a lot of such things."

"Even the immortal world still has this kind of tradition, only taking the treasures and not accepting its inheritance, so there is very little cause and effect, unless the immortal emperor who arranged the secret treasures returns to the peak, but that possibility is really too small. Yes." Li Xuandao said.

He had also discovered a secret treasure, which was just a backhand left by Daluo for himself. After he took it off, he has been fine until now.

And he found someone to see the cause and effect that once entangled in him disappeared.

"According to that, there is still something going on."

"It's not in a hurry, just keep the location in your heart. When I'm free, I'll take you to Wuwang Immortal Realm." Xu Fan said while refining the immortal artifact.

"Follow your orders, master~" Li Xuandao exited the underground space after finishing speaking.

"The Immortal Emperor's Secret Treasure is interesting."

Xu Fan remembered the good senior brother from the beginning again, and wondered if his old grandfather was a former Immortal Emperor.

Three months later, Xu Fan used the refined immortal artifact to disguise three golden immortal puppets as the Muyuan clan and received them in the space immortal artifact.

The expressionless No. 3 clone appeared in front of Xu Fan.

"Fortunately, you were separated at the beginning, or else you will send No. 1 and No. 2, and you will have to tell me the conditions." The more Xu Fan looked at the No. 3 clone, the more pleasing to the eye.

I suddenly regret that when No. 1 and No. 2 produced spiritual wisdom, it was not erased.

At this time, No. 1 and No. 2, who were supporting the lonely fairy dancer in Xingyue City, suddenly shivered.

"What's going on, on a whim, does the main body want to erase our intelligence." No. 2 clone was not in the mood to appreciate the dance of fairy spirits.

"How is it We have performed so well recently, and such a big job requires a year's vacation and 10 million jade."

"For an excellent tool person clone like us, it is impossible for the ontology to erase our intelligence." No. 1 clone gave No. 2 a reassuring look.

"Fairy Wood"

But when the fairy dance was over, the two people, No. 1 and No. 2, looked at each other.

"We share weal and woe with the main body. Now that the time he wants is so urgent, should we go back early?" Clone No. 2 said after being silent for a while.

"In other words, we also enjoyed it for half a year, and it's enough to play, and we can go back now." Clone No. 1 also said silently.

"Let's go~"

The two hit it off and quickly teleported back to the Hidden Spirit Gate.

At this time, the No. 3 clone had already set off with Xu Fan's consciousness, and did not see the scene of the No. 1 and No. 2 clones coming back.

"Grape, make a record, we ended our vacation half a year in advance and came back to work on the acquired Lingbao-level spaceship project." Clone No. 1 said.

"As ordered, it has been recorded truthfully." Grape's voice sounded.

Then the clones of No. 1 and No. 2 began to discuss which fairy ore is needed to refine the spaceship of the Houtian Lingbao level and how to refine it.

In the Xiling Xianyu, Xu Fan and Xu Gang were wandering in a city.

This is the giant city where the grapes can be teleported to the nearest front line.

"Master, I can faintly feel the existence of the Five Colors Peak, but the mark about me in the Five Colors Peak is being worn away little by little. It is estimated that it will disappear completely in another 300 years." Xu Gang said beside him.

"It has been more than 1,000 years, and your mark has not been removed. It is estimated that this Canglei Saint gave your Five Colors Peak to his younger generation."

"If that's the case, then it's a lot easier to talk about." Xu Fan said while rubbing his chin.

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