My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 109: 0 hand virtual image

"My master only breaks through every time limit (

Xu Gang alone managed to suppress the tens of thousands of monsters in the lake that landed.

"Well, this is what a qualified artillery battery should look like." Xu Fan said with satisfaction, rubbing his chin.

Xu Gang was wearing a third-order treasure-level spiritual power armor, as if he had opened a plug-in with infinite magic power, and poured out his supernatural powers to the monsters that landed below without money.

Occasionally, the Jindan monster attacking from the sky was also blasted down by Xu Gang with the electromagnetic spear.

"Master, how long can he hold on, eldest brother, even if he has a spiritual power armor, he can't bear it."

Xu Yuexian appeared beside Xu Fan.

"These are all trivialities. Don't think your elder brother is stupid, you think he is simple, the last and most important magical power of the secret magic power I gave you, have you practiced it?" Xu Fan asked.

"No, but I have already started to learn." Xu Yuexian said,

The last supernatural power is Huaying III, and this supernatural power already has traces of Dao.

"Your eldest brother has already learned it." Xu Fan said, he carefully designed a great magical power for all his disciples.

"Big brother is so powerful!" She knew how difficult the last secret magic power Xu Fan gave.

"I have to say that sometimes after finding one's own way, there is still a great advantage."

"You can't learn it, maybe it's because you're too smart." Xu Fan said with a smile.

Xu Fan's words made Xu Yuexian think deeply.

At this time, Xu Fan's other two disciples also appeared beside Xu Fan.

Wang Xiangchi looked at the senior brother who was bombarding indiscriminately, suppressing tens of thousands of monsters with one person, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes. Every time he saw the senior brother make a move, he would be shaken by his own swordsmanship.

Even if he reaches the same level as the senior brother at the Golden Core Stage, he is not sure of defeating him, and he may not even have a chance to get close to Feijian.

On the contrary, Li Xingci seemed relatively indifferent.

At this moment, a huge monster appeared in the distance.

"Nascent Soul Monster Beast!" Seeing this, Xu Yuexian wanted to help, but was pulled by Xu Fan.

"Your brother is having a good time. If you go up to grab monsters at this time, you will hate you."

"Isn't it just a monster in the Yuan Ying stage? It's a one-shot thing." Xu Fan said indifferently, if his disciples couldn't kill monsters by leaps and bounds, it would be different from a waste.

Sure enough, Xu Gang, who was bombarding wildly, immediately became excited when he saw the appearance of the Nascent Soul monster.

"Master, I have achieved a little of the last magical power of the mysterious magic you gave me."

"Let's show Master today."

Xu Gang's voice resounded between heaven and earth, and he saw a strange seal on his hand, and a thousand phantoms suddenly appeared behind him, beginning to replace Xu Gang's seal.

I saw a solid Thousand Refinement Meteorite Iron Ball being thrown into the air by Xu Gang himself, and then captured by the Spiritual Power of the Thousand Hands phantom image.

"Armstrong Armstrong cyclotron jet gun!"

The entire space seemed to be frozen, and a cannonball the size of a basketball flashed with thunder light slammed into the Yuan Ying monster that had just appeared in the distance. Infant monsters are no exception.

'Boom' the 100,000-mile giant lake was aroused by huge waves.

Several demon beasts in the Nascent Soul stage hidden in the distance retreated, and the demon beasts that had already landed ran back to their familiar places as if it was raining in a hurry to go home and collect their clothes.

The virtual image of a thousand hands behind Xu Gang slowly dissipated after the monster retreated, but the expression on Xu Gang's face was a little unfinished, and he didn't know when he would be able to fight happily.

All the spectators were shocked by Xu Gang's last shot.

"Master, how did I use my last body of all dharmas?" Xu Gang flew over in his spiritual armor and said, with a sense of compliment.

"You can only move ten hands in this thousand-hand virtual image, so what's there to show off?"

"But your last shot was good." Xu Fan said with a smile.

Hearing Xu Fan's praise, Xu Gang laughed.

The father and son Pang Fu, who were watching the battle from a distance, had just come out of the shock at this time.

"How is it, your father's vision is right, this is Master Xu's eldest disciple, and he has four such disciples."

"In such a sect, the rise is only a matter of time. What we need to do now is to play an important role in the rise of the sect."

"Even if we enter the fairyland in the future, we have to continue." Pang Fu said to his son.

"I believe in my father's vision." Pang Shuo nodded and said, a hint of excitement flashed in his naive expression.

The saddest thing in life is that someone has arranged the rest of your life for you, and it is also the luckiest thing.

"Shuo'er, sort out our investigation report for me, and I'll go see Elder Xu."


In the dojo, Xu Fan was worried about the spirit stone.

"There are less than 100 million spirit stones left, and the sense of security is gone." Xu Fan sighed.

Although there are many good things around him now, they are all the ones that cannot be sold.

"I don't know how Pang Fu's inspection went."

"In the last few months, several major projects will be shut down."

Now most of the lake bottom mining puppets and underwater combat puppets have been completed, but the spirit stone that drives the puppets is a huge amount.

At present, the tool puppets built on the island alone consume more than 500,000 spirit stones every day.

At this time, Pang Fu came to Xu Fan with a jade slip.

"Elder At this time, I went out to investigate the results, you can take a look." Pang Fu said respectfully.

"Senior Brother Pang doesn't have to do this." Xu Fan said a little unaccustomed.

"There are national laws, and there are rules for help," Pang Fu said officially.

Xu Fan didn't say much, picked up the jade slip and began to check it.

"Spiritual power armor and riding instruments."

"Will the spiritual armor appear too ostentatious?" Xu Fan said.

"No, because there is a similar spiritual armor in Zhongzhou, which is produced by the Heavenly Artifact Sect."

As Pang Fu said, he took out a set of treasures that were slightly biased towards ancient armor.

"There are 6 or 7 kinds of armors like this on the market, but none of them are as good as the two sets you gave me back then, and they are more expensive."

"If we can mass-produce it, reduce the power of the spiritual armor a little bit, and the price will be cheaper."

"At that time, once it goes on the market, it will definitely sell well."

"As for the magic weapon of the car, it's still this routine."

"With these two weapons, we will definitely be able to earn a lot of spiritual stones for the sect in the short term." Pang Fu said that when he established the business pavilion, Xu Fan told him that the magic weapon could be mass-produced, and the specific details were not disclosed too much. .

"Isn't the farm in the palm of your hand?" Xu Fan asked.

"With Medicine Immortal Valley, there is no market for our planting magic weapon." Pang Fu shook his head.

"okay, I get it."

"Grapes." Xu Fan called.

Puppet Heart quickly appeared next to Xu Fan.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"How long does it take to convert the original palm farm production line into spiritual armor? Give me the required materials."

"Also, let my soul puppet refine 100 sets of magic weapon spiritual power armor and 100 sets of treasure weapon type 1 spiritual power armor." Xu Fan ordered.

"We'll talk about the magic weapon of the car when the spirit iron ore at the bottom of the lake is collected."

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