My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 1232: tuition fee

After the Holy Light Cage was formed, another huge teleportation formation formed by the Holy Light appeared.

Then the Holy Light Cage disappeared and was teleported to Tianlu.

"The chaotic beasts of the great sage level are really difficult to deal with when they gather together."

Xu Fan originally wanted to kill all these chaotic behemoths, but then he thought that it might attract more great sage-level chaotic behemoths.

In the end, out of safety, these chaotic giants can only be sent to the side of the road to the gods and demons to solve.

"No, I have to get a little more Holy Light Star Fragment, otherwise it's really not enough to encounter such a scene."

The No. 3 clone controlled by Xu Fan flew in the direction of Shengguang Star again.

As soon as he came to the Holy Light Star, Xu Fan felt the great saints of the other major human forces.

"Elder Xu, I heard that you got a mutated holy light chaotic giant beast, congratulations." The head of the Tianding Chamber of Commerce said congratulations.

Several other human masters also noticed Xu Fan, and all came over to congratulate him with a smile.

"We don't have the experience of Yuan Shizong in searching for this broken world, and we have some hindsight."

"I just discovered that the biggest treasure in this broken world is more than the congenital spiritual treasure." One of the great sages of the major forces said a little unwillingly.

It feels that they were put together by Yuan Shizong, and the good things that are more important than the rules are taken away by them.

"Don't be in a hurry, seniors. Don't you still have a chance to **** the second broken world?" Xu Fan comforted.

Xu Fan had a feeling that Yuan Shizong had more important things that he had not disclosed to these great human forces.

"Seniors, our purpose here is the same, so don't waste your time, let's look for it by chance." Xu Fan said goodbye to the great saints and left.

For the next two years, Xu Fan has been searching for the Holy Light.

It's just that all the small pieces of holy light and stars found were not able to meet Xu Fan's requirements.

"If it weren't for the lack of strength, I really want to take away the entire Holy Light Star." Xu Fan said, looking at the Holy Light Star emitting endless holy light in the distance.

With his current strength as a saint, he can only be within the three-light armor of the Holy Light Star at most.

Even if you burn out the source, you can only get close to two light armors at most, and you may be melted if you go further.

"If you haven't reached the realm of chaotic saints, don't even think about shooting such stars." Huang Shan's voice sounded in Xu Fan's ears.

The last phantom appeared beside Xu Fan.

"Senior Huangshan knows what I'm thinking." Xu Fan asked.

"Do you still need to know?" Huang Shan smiled.

"Senior Huangshan, is there any information in Yuan Shizong that records how this kind of star was born?" Xu Fan asked curiously.

In a land of chaos, a world scattered like stars, Xu Fan can deduce how they formed.

But this accompanying star, and the energy it emits is so huge.

The formation process, Xu Fan cannot deduce.

"There are all kinds of speculation, but none of them stand up to scrutiny."

"However, the Primitive Sect has obtained some information about the stars from other worlds."

"At the beginning of the birth of the world like the Three Thousand Worlds, a seed will be cast by the will of chaos to accompany the world's growth."

"Under normal circumstances, when there are powerful creatures in this world that can fly out of the world and enter the land of chaos, the stars will enter a mature stage and illuminate the endless era of this world."

"Of course this is just a record, I don't know if it's true or not," Huang Shan said.

"Thank you Senior Huangshan for telling me, I don't know what Senior is looking for from me?" Xu Fan asked.

"The Yuan Lord wants to cooperate with you. He wants to put the reincarnations of several great saints in your sect to cultivate." Huang Shan said.

"What is the meaning of Yuanzhu?" Xu Fan said with some doubts.

You must know that those who enter the Yinlingmen are the people of the Yinlingmen. If it sounds unpleasant, in their minds in the future, they may be the first in the sect and the second in the human race.

"The Yuan Lord just thinks it's a little troublesome to cultivate, so I entrust you with the cultivation of the Hidden Spirit Sect, so that these people will have more chances to become great saints." Huang Shan said.

Xu Fan instantly understood that the feeling is to give himself the reincarnation of the strong who were reincarnated as great saints.

"When you are reincarnated, the Primordial Master will definitely impose some restrictions on these great sages, you just don't need to lift them."

"In this case, my sect is at a loss." Xu Fan said, the feeling is to take his own sect. When school.

"Every time a great sage is cultivated, a congenital treasure, every three a mysterious yellow treasure, a total of 9."

"In addition, all the resources consumed by these reincarnated powerhouses in your sect will be doubled back to the Yinling Sect by Yuanshizong." Huang Shan said lightly the price opened by Yuanshizong.

"Huangshan, I am the top formation master of the Three Thousand Realms, and the human race reincarnation formation is a piece of cake for me."

"When those great saints are reincarnated, I can let them integrate into the fate of the human race, and let them share weal and woe with the entire human race." Xu Fan said immediately.

"It's not necessary. There is an ancestral reincarnation formation in Yuan Shizong, so I won't bother you."

"I have something to do over there, let's go first."

"After returning to the Three Thousand Realms, the reincarnation of the nine great saints will be handed over to your sect." Huang Shan said.

"Senior, don't go, junior still has a question, will Yuan Shizong lose money by doing so." Xu Fan asked.

"According to the rules of Yuanshizong, the reincarnation of the great sage must be accepted by the current master of Yuanshizong as a relative and taught him wholeheartedly."

"But this time it's a bit too much, and the Primordial Master doesn't want to bother." Huang Shan broke through the space and left after saying that.

"Three Mysterious Yellow Treasures, nine Innate Treasures, plus tuition fees, it's not a loss or a loss." Xu Fan laughed after thinking about it.

Isn't it just teaching disciples? It can be done without Xu Fan.

Two years later, Xu Fan still hadn't found the Holy Light Star Fragment that satisfied him.

Just after the 10-year conference was held, Xu Fan gave up searching for the fragments of the Holy Light.

At the 10-year conference, the master summed up what he had found. Don't leave the conference.

After returning to the sect, Xu transferred his consciousness to his body.

"Master, the world of improving the refining equipment has been built, and the effect is remarkable."

"Currently, there are 67,682 master craftsmen in the sect, and the acquired spirit treasures that have been refined can meet the needs of the disciples of the sect," Grape reported.

"Yes, No. 1 and No. 2 have been working harder and harder recently." Xu Fan said with satisfaction.

Just when Xu Fan was going to check the world, he suddenly received a message from the Yuan Lord.

He detected the news that the major races of the Three Thousand Worlds would arrive in the Fragment World in 10 years, 30 years earlier than estimated.

"The good days are not long, you have to prepare in advance~" Xu Fan said after thinking for a while.

Even if the major races of the Three Thousand Realms arrive early, at most they can drink more soup.

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