"I have the courage, but it's a pity that this kind of stealing opportunity doesn't mean that you can accomplish it with this little thing." Xu Fan said with some regret.

At this time, the entire altar lit up with dazzling light, and a beam of light reaching the sky carried a huge power of space straight into the sky.

Then all the spirit treasures on the altar disappeared in this beam of light.

From outside the star field, eight giant rune chains protruded from the entire Little Immortal Realm, sweeping away in eight directions.

Feng Changning at the edge of the altar began to get nervous.

"Master, do you think we can succeed this time?" Feng Changning said.

"Your Majesty, the inheritance you have always received is correct, and I believe the altar is the same this time."

At this time, the entire Little Immortal Realm was shocked, and the 8 giant rune chains stretching into the void were instantly tightened.

"Your Majesty, those 8 rune chains have bound the Eight States Little Immortal Realm." A minister next to him reported.

"I see." Feng Changning nodded, the expression on his face was not relaxed at all.

The eight rune chains shrank little by little.

"It's too greedy. The tenacity and strength of these eight rune chains are not enough to drag those eight little fairy worlds over."

"If there is no backup method, then these things on the altar are useless."

Xu Fan watched from the side and didn't plan to intervene. The kindness between him and Feng Changning had long since ended.

If you really want him to make a move, you have to come up with a price worthy of his status.

Sure enough, after a while, one of the rune chains suddenly collapsed, and the other rune chains also showed signs of collapse.

In the deep star field, the broken rune chains turned into pale white light and dissipated like fireworks.

Seeing the broken rune chain, Feng Changning turned pale.

"Activate the backup plan and concentrate the remaining 7 chains in the most important little fairy world of the three states." Feng Changning said decisively.

At this moment, the human merit and luck in her body is rapidly depleting.

"As ordered."

The three Da Luo saints began to manipulate the large formation on the altar.

The four rune chains were retracted from the void, and then went in the direction of the other three rune chains at high speed.

Seeing this scene, Xu Fan nodded.

"It's still okay for a strong man to cut his wrist."

At this moment, a voice sounded.

"Sister, don't tell me about such a big thing."

"Although I don't understand these big formations, I have a way to drag those small fairy worlds to my sister."

"I don't know if my sister needs help." A slightly cold voice sounded.

The phantom of a white-haired woman appeared on the edge of the altar.

Xu Fan laughed instantly when he saw this scene.

This is not the registered disciple he accepted in Feiyu Realm, he did not expect that after so many years, he has grown to such a degree.

"What do you want? Tell me quickly." Feng Changning said simply.

"Five hundred Zhang Hongmeng Purple Qi Crystal, an innate spiritual treasure, I think my rich and powerful sister should be able to afford it." The white-haired woman said leisurely.

"Help me integrate the Nine Realms first, and I'll give you these things later." Feng Changning frowned slightly, but still agreed.

"Sister is simply, the other four small fairy worlds will come outside my sister's main fairy world after January." The white-haired woman disappeared after finishing speaking.

"Your Majesty, if these things are taken out, the treasury of our Jiufengxian Dynasty will be completely empty." A minister next to him said distressedly.

"After the integration of the nine worlds, our fairy world has a solid foundation. After a period of development, these things will be earned back." Feng Changning also felt a little distressed, but there was nothing he could do.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was watching the play next to him, suddenly asked in his heart: "Grape, how did the Nine Phoenix Dynasty get those Primordial Amethyst Crystals?"

"Master, ten thousand years ago, Feng Changning seemed to have received another inheritance. Since then, the national strength of the Nine Phoenix Dynasty has greatly increased."

"The cultivation methods of their army and common people have also changed to a different style."

"According to the verification, what Feng Changning should receive is the inheritance of the Tianyuan Immortal Dynasty." Putao reported.

"The Tianyuan Immortal Dynasty, after being destroyed for such a long time, can still leave an inheritance, which is considered amazing." Xu Fan nodded and said.

A month later, Xu Fan enjoyed the great scene of the unity of the nine worlds in the star field.

After appreciating, Xu Fan came to his registered apprentice.

The white-haired woman who was originally domineering like a queen, instantly became a little apprentice who was not welcomed by the master after seeing Xu Fan.

"The spider pays homage to the master." The white-haired woman knelt three times and kowtowed nine times, and the pedestrians saluted.

"I have taken in so many disciples, but I didn't expect you, the named disciple, to be the one with the highest cultivation level." Xu Fan said with relief looking at the quasi-sage's cultivation level.

"Without the enlightenment of the master, there would be no spiders today." The white-haired woman said excitedly.

"Some time ago, I heard that Master became a saint in Muyuan Immortal Realm, so I wanted to visit him."

"But at that time, I was trapped in a secret place and couldn't get out. It is my life's regret that I didn't celebrate my master becoming a saint." The white-haired woman bowed her head and said.

"As long as you have the heart, I'm here to see you."

"During the past tens of thousands of years, you have kept your original promise, and you have done a good job. I will be rewarded." Xu Fan gently raised his hand.

A congenital spiritual treasure and a jade plate suitable for the current cultivation of the Thousand Spider Chaos Avenue appeared in front of the spider.

"I recognize you as a registered disciple. If you have any doubts in your cultivation, you can come to the Yinlingmen to clarify your doubts." Xu Fan returned to the wood source fairyland after finishing speaking.

As soon as he returned to Muyuan Immortal Realm, Xu Fan felt the aura of the Three Great Sages.

In the newly established area of ​​Yinlingmen, Wang Yulun was trying to persuade a fight.

"Stop arguing, I couldn't help falling in love with you at the beginning, and none of you seduced me." Wang Yulun stood between the two stunning women, persuading him left and right.

"Fart, I don't know her yet."*2

Said the two stunning women who exuded the aura of saints and were 70% similar in appearance.

At this moment, Xu Fan exuding a huge aura came to this newly built area.

"In this area~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you can quarrel, but if you want to fight, you'd better go to the star field." Xu Fan said looking at these good brothers' confidantes from previous lives.

Wang Xiangchi, Han Feiyu, Jian Wuji and others who were eating melons and watching the show were all shocked by Xu Fan's aura.

Let's go and give it a try. 】

"Your ancestors haven't been so domineering for a long time." Wang Xiangchi said to the two apprentices.

Three mysterious and yellow treasures suddenly appeared in the sky above the area specially established for good brothers and confidante friends in previous lives.

The combination formed a mysterious chaos war, which instantly suppressed the cultivation base of everyone in this area to the state of the Nascent Soul stage.

Whether it is a great saint, a saint or a quasi-sage, as long as they set foot in this area, they will all be suppressed into the Nascent Soul stage.

"Okay, I've finished my work, the rest of you should quarrel and quarrel, reminiscing about the past." Xu Fan clapped his hands and left.

82 Chinese Network

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