My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 1289: Chaos Inferno Stars

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"It's all old acquaintances, see what they mean.

"Come here, I'll treat you to a drink."

Xu Fan could see that the Primordial Master was really uninterested.

"Has this Dark Origin Realm been raided by other powerhouses?" Xu Fan asked.

"Almost, the three most important Primordial Treasures were all snatched away by the powerhouses of other great worlds, and the rest is not very interesting," the Primordial Master said.

"It's better than nothing. I'll take the sect disciples for a walk first. If there's really nothing to loot, I'll find you." After Xu Fan finished speaking, he let Grape control the Linglong Pagoda to enter the broken world.

At this time, Xu Fan looked at the projection of the stars in the broken world somewhere, and couldn't help but say: "There is a chaotic fire prison star, it seems that the living beings in this big world are not doing well."

At this time, a spiritual sense suddenly locked the Heaven and Earth Linglong Pagoda where Xu Fan was.

Xu Fan was refreshed and thought he was going to live.

I saw an alien great sage appear, looked at the Linglong Tower of Heaven and Earth and said vigilantly: "This world fragment is the first thing we are eyeing, I hope you don't hit him."

Xu Fan didn't speak, he waved his hand, and let the grapes control the Linglong Pagoda to go deeper into the broken world.

Xu Fan is not interested in the kind of broken world that can be seen at a glance.

With the deepening of the Heaven and Earth Linglong Pagoda, the fragments of the surrounding world increased.

Xu Fan intercepted a small section of the Dark Origin Realm from a certain dead world fragment.

Use this period of time to start to deduce the cause and effect of the entire dark world.

I saw that the small period of time became more and more complete with Xu Fan's supplement, and the information contained in it became more and more.

In the end, the entire Dark Origin Realm was virtually restored by Xu Fan.

"Grape, hurry up and intercept the valuable information above." Xu Fan frowned slightly.

As soon as this virtual long river of time appeared, it was perceived by the surrounding great saints who were good at fate.

Some strong people want to destroy this virtual time river, while others want to steal important information in the virtual time river from the void.

A transparent causal rate shield surrounds the entire virtual time river, and the grapes quickly steal information in it.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the Linglong Tower of Heaven and Earth.

"You didn't say it earlier." The Primordial Master said, directly and domineeringly shook away all the powerhouses who were spying on the virtual time.

"Partnership, I'll do you a treasure hunt, 46." Yuanzhu looked at Xu Fan and said skillfully.


"No, I'm too embarrassed to open three or seven, four or six, I'll invite you to go to the Halloween Building for another meal." Yuanzhu promised.

"Okay." Xu Fan nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, a human palace broke through the space and came to the side of the Linglong Pagoda.

And at this moment, the great saints of the alien race who were shaken by the Yuan Lord just now, the Void clones all descended here one after another.

"Let's talk about it later, I'll kill a chicken for that group of cubs first." Yuanzhu said and left the Linglong Pagoda.

The last huge Chaos Dharma appeared in the Shattered World.

One hand directly pinched the clone of one of the alien great saints.

"Every one has no strength to join in the fun, I really think my human race is easy to bully."

The avatar of the alien great saint who was caught exploded directly in the hands of the master.

Then the Primordial Master's Chaos Dharma Phase inserted one hand directly into the void, and dragged the alien great sage to him across hundreds of thousands of light armors.

"Cubs, I'll kill a chicken for you, come and find me if you don't agree."

After the Yuan Lord finished speaking, he directly squeezed the alien great sage who was in his hand.

"Bite your teeth in front of me and measure your strength."

The voice spread throughout the shattered Dark Origin Realm area, extremely domineering.

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