A sonorous and powerful voice sounded, and a man like an iron tower stood in front of Xu Fan.

"That's right, you've been constantly consolidating your foundation in the sect all these years."

"Now it's finally blooming and bearing fruit in the realm of the Great Saint, not bad."

"In the future, in the realm of the great saints of the human race, your combat power will rank among the top 5."

"I'll introduce you to a senior human race some other day. The two of you will definitely become good friends." Xu Fan said with a smile, looking at Xiong Li, who was full of fighting power.

"According to the rules of the sect, I should reward you with a Xuanhuang Supreme Treasure."

"But the way of body training is a bit special, you have to wait a little longer for the Xuanhuang Supreme Treasure that suits you," Xu Fan said.

Now the No. 5 clone is turning into a tool man in the underground space, and it can only be refined by Xiong Li after the Xuanhuang Supreme Treasure in his hand has been refined.

"Xiong Li doesn't dare to ask for too much, it's enough to stay in the sect and contribute to the sect." Xiong Liweng said in a loud voice.

At this time, another catastrophe of the great sage appeared outside Muyuan Immortal Realm.

"Is this connected?"

In the following period of time, disciples in the Hidden Spirit Sect continued to advance to the realm of the Great Saint.

The speed is so fast that even the will of the three thousand realms of heaven can't bear it.

Tell Putao that it is best for the disciples of the Yinling Sect to rob in the land of chaos.

For this reason, Xu Fan specially asked the No. 4 clone to hold the chaotic source array disk to build a permanent chaotic array in the land of chaos, which is specially used to overcome the catastrophe.

In the underground space, Xu Fan looked at the newly refined top-notch black and yellow treasure in his hand.

"According to this speed, 200,000 years is enough to complete the orders of the Tianshang clan."

"But for the sake of the health of clone No. 5, you can arrange it, Putao, and distribute this period evenly over 600,000 years," Xu Fan ordered.

"Yes, Master."

Xu Fan raised his hand, and several top Chaos Spirit Mine in the Land of Chaos appeared in the underground space.

This is the material Xu Fan prepared for refining Xiong Li's exclusive Xuanhuang Supreme Treasure.

"The giant shield and the battle knife are combined into a set of black and yellow treasures, supplemented by the power of chaos to condense the treasure and itself."

While talking, Xu Fan designed the refining process for No. 5 clone. He felt that it was not good to have a clone without intelligence, and he had to arrange some things himself.

Three thousand worlds away, Wang Xiangchi was taking his two precious apprentices to hunt for treasure in the land of chaos.

"Master, you didn't have this kind of physique before, why did you suddenly start looking for treasures?" Han Feiyu was a little puzzled.

"That's right, what you should do now is go to the first transit world guarded by the Tianshang clan to avoid the limelight."

"Many senior brothers have advanced to the realm of the great saint, but you, as a disciple of the great elder, are still only a saint."

"It's been a long time, master, why did you come out to meet people?" Jian Wuji murmured beside Wang Xiangchi.

"Don't make any noise. The Great Elder said that I have been very lucky recently, and I will definitely have good results when I come out to hunt for treasure now."

"It's so reluctant to bring the two of you out to enjoy the glory." Wang Xiangchi pouted.

While the three masters and apprentices were talking, Wang Xiangchi suddenly received an inexplicable guidance, and saw a light path formed by the intertwined light of the three stars from a special angle.

Wang Xiangchi cheered up in an instant, and said to the two apprentices: "Go, I will take you to find something good!"

Following that path of light, the three master and apprentice flew tens of millions of light armors.

But that path of light is still continuous and has no end. Just when Wang Xiangchi was thinking about whether to go back to his master for some support, a huge teleportation array suddenly appeared not far from the three of them.

Then a light boat of the Xuanhuang Supreme Treasure level appeared in front of the three of them.

"Master sent it here?" Wang Xiangchi asked, he knew that grapes are everywhere in this area.

"The master didn't order it, and it's detected that you need this kind of fast car now." Grape's voice sounded.

"Thank you very much."

The three masters and apprentices boarded the light boat and flew towards the end of the light path according to Wang Xiangchi's guidance.

The light boat has been in the land of chaos and has been driving at extreme speed for three months. "Master, where are we going? We have already left 300 million light armors." He felt a little overwhelmed by the figure of the chaotic behemoth.

"Who knows, follow my guidance, I think there must be something good."

Wang Xiangchi's feeling that he was about to find a huge treasure became clearer and clearer.

"Master, if there are many Xuanhuang treasures among the treasures you found, can you give one to each of us." Han Feiyu said.

According to his and Jian Wuji's aptitude, the Xuanhuang Supreme Treasure on the master's side must not be shared.

"Of course I can. Even if I don't need the suitable Xuanhuang Supreme Treasure, I still have to keep close to you." Wang Xiangchi said with a smile.

Hearing what the master said, Han Feiyu took out the jasper gourd sadly.

This jasper gourd is no longer a secret among the master and apprentice.

"Hey, it's a pity that my jasper gourd is not up to the mark, and I can't transform it into a primordial purple air crystal. Otherwise, Wuji and I won't be able to ask the master for the mysterious yellow treasure."

Since the entire Yinlingmen disciples entered the age of sages, his title as the richest man in the Yinlingmen has only existed in name only.

"Master told me that your jasper gourd is a primordial treasure. You must not have fully developed the power of this jasper gourd now."

"Take your time, when you advance to the Great Sage or even the Chaos Sage, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com might be able to unlock all the power of this jasper gourd." Wang Xiangchi said comfortingly.

At this moment, Han Feiyu suddenly noticed that the jasper gourd had shimmered, a kind of shimmer that could only be seen with the naked eye.

"Master Wuji, look at the changes in this jasper gourd."

Han Feiyu asked quickly.

"Nothing changed, it's still the same." Jian Wuji looked at it.

Pin Bi read it and said

"Did something change in your eyes?" Wang Xiangchi asked with interest.

"Yes, he exudes a kind of gleam in my eyes, and it seems to be a little brighter now than before." Han Feiyu said excitedly.

"Wait a minute, I have a guess, I'll talk about it after I find that treasure." Wang Xiangchi said happily.

He didn't know what changes had taken place in his apprentice's Xuanhuang Supreme Treasure Jasper Gourd, but no matter what the change was, it should be beneficial to the apprentice. The three master and apprentice continued to sail in the light boat, and slowly Han Feiyu found that his jasper gourd was getting brighter and brighter.

When the light boat reached the end of the light path that Wang Xiangchi said, the jasper gourd was as bright as a star, which even made Han Feiyu feel a little dazzling.

"Gao, check what's unusual here." Wang Xiangchi ordered.

With the help of that light path, he could only see a huge formation condensed by the light of three stars.

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