My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 141: Xu Fan, who is committed to cultivating his apprentices into sand sculptures

"My master only breaks through every time limit (

A sharp-clawed giant wolf with five levels of Qi practice appeared in front of Si Ruoyu.


The giant wolf as big as an adult tiger pounced on Si Ruoyu.

"The challenge at the beginning was the most boring."

Si Ruoyu's direct commander, the giant shield puppet, collided with it, and the spear puppet behind him waited for an opportunity, and seized the opportunity to directly kill the sharp-clawed giant wolf with one shot.

The wolf corpse disappeared.

Afterwards, two identical claws appeared in the same place,

The giant shield puppet continued to meet.

As time passed, there were more and more giant wolves, and Si Ruoyu's expression became serious.

At this time, the number of puppets around Si Ruoyu had reached 30, and the number of giant wolves had increased to 100.

"There are only 100 sharp-clawed giant wolves. You see, the limit has not been reached." Xu Fan said with a smile.

"After this time, I won't bet with Master anymore." Li Xingci said lightly, he suddenly remembered that Xu Fan had studied divination when he was a child.

"You disciple, very boring." Xu Fan shook his head and said.

The two continued to pay attention to Si Ruoyu's dungeon trial.

At this time, under the precise command of Si Ruoyu, the hundred sharp-clawed giant wolves had been kited into more than ten, and then they were annihilated in one fell swoop.

At this time, the number of sharp-clawed giant wolves began to increase from ten to ten. After reaching 200, there was already fine sweat on Si Ruoyu's forehead.

After insisting on reaching 340, Si Ruoyu's mind was exhausted and he exited the dungeon fantasy. This number was exactly what Xu Fan said.

Seeing this result, Li Xingci became more determined not to bet with Xu Fan in the future.

"Xing Ci, I guessed it for my teacher, and didn't use the technique of divination." Xu Fan said hehe, he really didn't use the method of divination, but let the grapes calculate it.

"Well, I believe Master." Li Xingci said.

At this time, Xiong Li's burly body appeared again in the picture.

"We're taking a gamble. If we lose, how about you help me raise a pet for my teacher." Xu Fan smiled very chicken thief.

"No," Li Xingci said lightly, no matter how Xu Fan tried to persuade him, he just wouldn't bet.


At this time, Xiong Li in the picture was in a tank rolling mode, and the giant tiger with the sixth level of Qi practice could not hurt Xiong Li in a single cent.

Li Xingci was very pleased to see Xiong Li's performance on the screen. He Chou would not rise with these outstanding disciples in the sect.

At this time, hundreds of disciples gathered outside the Yinlingmen trial tower, all staring at the pictures on the screen outside the tower.

"Senior Sister Si was already very perverted just now. I didn't expect there to be a more powerful senior brother.",

"Senior Brother Xiong Li should be the number one fighting force among our disciples, right?"

"Don't be so full of words, maybe there will be more powerful brothers."

At this time, a disciple with a small snake wrapped around his body in the crowd looked at the screen and sighed. This monk who followed the beast master was the weakest when the spirit beasts around him did not grow up.

Li Xuandao was also outside the trial tower. Looking at the pictures on the screen, he thought a lot.

"This level of illusion is undoubtedly different from the real world, and the two disciples will definitely grow up to be at the level of the boss."

"In the Great Thousand World, where the immortal civilization is at its peak, disciples who have the talent for war commanding are the objects of competition among the major immortals. I didn't expect that my own sect would have one."

Thinking about it in my heart, I suddenly found that the future potential of this sect is really scary. There are reincarnated people who are suspected to be powerful, and there are several future boss-level disciples. There are various advanced education methods in the sect, and more. What is important is that the wisdom center of this sect will also guide the future development of each disciple.

There is also a sect family-like environment, so that every disciple has a great sense of belonging.

This kind of sect may develop into an immortal sect in the future.

In the picture, Xiong Li, who had already challenged 500 animals, waved his hand and launched the dungeon world. At this time, everyone in the appearance battle poured into the dungeon trial.

They've had enough of the abuse in the puppet challenge, and desperately need to vent.

Among the new generation of Yinlingmen disciples, the most troublesome thing for them is the challenge of level puppets in the trial tower, which makes the "Five Elements", which was very easy to cultivate, look useless.

So now all the disciples of the Yinling Sect are refining the spiritual power in their bodies, purifying and purifying again.

The puppets in the trial tower will defeat you with the means you are best at. When you advance from the sixth level of Qi training to the seventh level of Qi training, there will be a special puppet that targets all your weaknesses. That is your nightmare. s begin.

This is what a disciple with outstanding fighting talent from the Yinling Sect said to his fellow apprentices below. He remembered the efforts he had made to defeat the puppet, and was moved to tears by himself.

At this time, there were dozens of screens in front of Xu Fan and Li Xingci, and there were also live broadcasts of challenging the puppet of the trial tower.

"The combat power of this upgrade to challenge the puppet is a little weaker than when I was at that time."

"They are very happy." Li Xingci said.

"I taught you all by hand at that time, and you can go there no matter how bad it is."

"Now that I'm less willing to teach my disciples, I can only come to this kind of exam-oriented education. Although it is not as good as my hands-on teaching, it is better than the amount."

"In the future, our sect will only accept elites, and then we will build another Hidden Spirit Sect in Immortal Realm." Xu Fan said with a smile, what a perfect plan.

"I will work hard for that day." Li Xingci said lightly.

Xu Fan looked at such a serious apprentice and sighed. It seems that he has a long way to go to transform his apprentice into a sand sculpture. No, after he goes back, he will check if there are any monsters with sand sculpture properties in this world of immortal cultivation. A few are kept beside their apprentices.


In the Immortal Artifact Space of the Dragon Immortal Palace, Ye Xiaoyao and the disciples and seniors of the Sword King Sect surrounded an area, listening intently to Venerable Pan Ling's voice.

"This level, in the Great Thousand World, can only be at the quasi-immortal level at most. It's too hard, and with a single tendon, you can look for the standard template for enlightenment and immortality. This is the most hopeless." Lao Jian said at Ye Xiaoyao Tucao in my heart.

Ye Xiaoyao, who had been listening with relish, slowly recovered.

"Isn't Lao Jian's standard template for immortal cultivation wrong?" Ye Xiaoyao asked.

"It is precisely because it is so right that many cultivators follow this pattern, and their unique understanding of the 'Dao' becomes less and less. After reaching a certain level, they will no longer be able to make progress."

"Even if you have talent, you will be a real fairy at most."

"Although it's a bit far to tell you this, it can prevent you from going astray."

"You are a big man who wants to kill the Immortal Emperor in the future, how can you learn this kind of thing." Lao Jian said in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

Ye Xiaoyao's heart sank, and instantly felt that there was no pursuit in life.

Every time he heard Lao Jian talk about beheading the Immortal Emperor, he had a headache. After traveling in the Immortal Cultivation World for so long, he also understood his own aptitude. The evildoer of the sect is not a little bit worse.

Not to mention, just the Xu Fan brothers he knew, if they were in the Yuan Ying stage, they would probably be able to suppress him with only one hand.

"You're frustrated again. It seems that I'll talk less about this topic in the future. After you ascend to the Great Thousand World, help me resurrect, and let's break the cause and effect."

"I will continue to look for the next person who is destined. My starting point was not much higher than yours. Since I have identified you, you can hope to achieve."

Just when Lao Jian was about to complain, Ye Xiaoyao hurriedly stopped in his heart. After being together for decades, he knew Lao Jian thoroughly.

"Immortal Emperor Tianjian, I was wrong."

"I shouldn't lose my fighting spirit."

Ye Xiaoyao quickly took out the Dafa of admitting his mistakes. If he didn't admit his mistakes, he could keep saying it.

"Then set a small goal first. First, get a thousand five-element spirit swords of the fifth rank of treasures. You are about to become a god, and you should prepare the materials for the Tao." Lao Jian saw Ye Xiaoyao admitting his mistake and was satisfied. said.

"Okay." After Ye Xiaoyao finished speaking, he looked at the Brother Refiner next to him with pitiful eyes.

"Brother Ye, what's the matter?" The crafting boy looked at Ye Xiaoyao's strange eyes and said.

"It's okay, take good care of your body, you will have a long road ahead." Ye Xiaoyao said.

"Yeah," The Refiner Boy thought it was his good big brother reminding himself to study hard.

One day later, after Venerable Pan Ling finished his sermon Immortal Artifact Space opened countless doors, and at this time it had reached the border area between Shenglingzhou and Xiangzhou.

At this time, outside the border defense line, they are facing the endless onslaught of monsters, the sky and the ground, and even the ground are all monsters.

There are hundreds of giant warships straddling the sky, and the monster clan bombarded with all their strength.

There are thousands of artillery pieces operating at full capacity within the defense line.

The line of defense moved back a little bit.

This is the simultaneous sound of the communication instruments of all the newly arrived monks. It says that they want to join the battle immediately, and the position to be defended is attached.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, I am the No. 1648 defense line of Lizi Camp." Ji Muhua said, and the brothers he brought were also the same camp with him.

"I'm next to you, No. 1649, Liziying." Xu Gang said quickly.

"It's not too late, let's go quickly." Xu Yuexian said,

Xu Yuexian casually carried Qian Yunlian and flew in the direction of Lizi Camp. Before, they all had a map of the defense line.

Liziying No. 1649 defense line, although it is not the main attack position of the demon clan, but it is also very uncomfortable now, because the defense formation in the underground position has been broken by the rat clan in the demon clan.

A phantom cultivator was suppressing the underground rat demon. Looking at the retreating line of defense, his eyes shifted to the direction of the central camp.

"For a moment of persistence, I just got the news that our camp has new reinforcements, stand up!"

The voice of the cultivator in the imaginary stage spread throughout the entire 50-li defense line of No. 1649, Lizi Camp.

"Brothers, stand up, you can still stand it for a moment, think about the points and rewards of the Presbyterian Church, and come up with the means of pressing the box."

"If you die, there will be nothing left." The commander guarding the camp shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, the beginning of the entire sky was shrouded in countless sword lights and Taoist magical powers.

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