A small bright black chaotic boat shuttles through the space of the land of chaos. "In these years, what have you gained in this chaotic land?" Xu Fan asked with a smile. "The harvest is that there will be a big battle in our land of chaos."

"I found that those named Chaos Lands usually have a characteristic, either they are ruled by a large race, or there is a super strong person who can suppress the entire Chaos Land and make it develop peacefully." The woman of the Holy Light looked Said complicatedly.

"Do you also feel that the land of chaos in your hometown is going to be chaotic?" Xu Fan laughed.

"Master Xu has guessed it a long time ago, and I don't know if my Holy Light Empire can grasp this opportunity." "I feel very hopeful. Among the 13 major races, your Holy Light Clan or the Holy Light Empire is Most inclusive to top races."

"In the future, if your race advances to a king-level powerhouse, it is very likely to rule the entire land of chaos in the future." Xu Fan took out a tea set and began to make tea.

The Chaos Ship will have to sail through this Chaos Land for several years before reaching the boundary wall of the Chaos Land.

"I don't think so. According to the strength of our Holy Lord, even if some members of the clan advance to the level of the king, they will be beheaded by other races." The woman of Shengguang said, with a worried expression on her face.

"My consciousness has returned to the land of chaos in my hometown, and almost all the strong people in the dilapidated land of chaos will be killed." "At that time, it is estimated that there will be chaos again."

"Before I come back, your Holy Light Empire has already started to recall the strong people who are outside." Xu Fan said.

At this moment, the Holy Light woman suddenly thought of something, looked at Xu Fan and asked, "Master Xu, if your human race shows up a master who can suppress the entire Chaos Land, how will you treat other races?"

"It's very simple. Stay obediently and drive away if you are disobedient. Anyway, within the rule of the human race, no force or strong person who violates the human race is allowed."

"You are a great saint. Even if you go back and advance, you will be a chaotic saint. These things are not up to you." Xu Fan said and accelerated the speed of the chaotic boat.

"That's right, even if you advance to the Chaos Sage, it's still a piece of cannon fodder for the whole situation." "Master Xu, what are your human races going to do in the future, are you going to join the Sky Merchant Clan Alliance?" asked the woman from Shengguang. "I didn't think about it so much, I'll talk about it when I get back."

In Xu Fan's eyes, if he really wanted to seek refuge with a top race, he would not seek refuge with the Tianshang clan. A race that pays too much attention to interests, although strong, will never reach the peak. Six years later, the Chaos Ship arrived at the inner wall of the Chaos Land unharmed.

"This journey is really peaceful, since we haven't encountered any danger." The woman from Shengguang said in amazement. "Why don't you take a look at how fast we are, this kind of chaotic boat that can swim in the chaotic uncivilized material area, but can enter the deepest route of space."

"In that space world, except for the strong ones at the lord level, even if the others can reach it, they will do their best." Xu Fan explained.

It can isolate the chaotic uncivilized matter, and of course it can also isolate the repulsion at the deepest level of space. The boat of chaos slowed down slowly, entering the uncivilized area of ​​chaos at the slowest speed. Afterwards, the Chaos Ship headed towards its homeland of Chaos.

"Master Xu, do you think there are other holy beasts in this chaotic and uncivilized area besides the Primordial Holy Turtle and the snake?" The woman from Shengguang looked curiously towards the chaotic uncivilized area.

"You'd better hope you don't meet." Xu Fan carefully steered the Chaos Ship like a novice driver. "Then is there any treasure in it?" The woman of Shengguang was like a curious baby. "Yes, but with our current state, even if we meet, we won't be able to take it away." "Well, if we meet, can we sell the position?"

"The uncivilized matter of chaos is flowing, and it is useless for you to remember the space coordinates at that time." Xu Fan manipulated the Chaos Ship, and the speed was getting faster and faster. He was testing the limit speed of the Chaos Ship.

"Master Xu, how long will it take us to return to our hometown of Chaos?"

Xu Fan spoke.

"Less than 10,000 years, if there are no accidents." Sheng Hui tribe gave information about the chaotic uncivilized area.

This chaotic land of theirs is still considered peaceful, and the only thing they can meet on the road is the Holy Turtle and the snake. Looking at the chaotic uncivilized matter constantly surging ahead, Xu Fan felt as if he was driving in the dark without turning on the lights. He wanted to detect what was going on ahead, but he couldn't do it. Even if it is a foot away from the Chaos Ship, there is no way.

"No, I have to find a way to explore the Chaos Development Zone, otherwise it's too dangerous, like a blind man." Xu Fan said looking at the chaotic uncivilized matter that was broken in front of him.

A special wave spread out, and it was Xu Fan's most proficient control of the realm of disorder, the highest law.

But this wave, which contained the supreme law, only spread out for a distance of a hundred feet, and was consumed by the chaotic uncivilized matter. "The Baizhang area is too small."

Subsequent domains between the disordered lines are linearized. This time the area 400 feet ahead was detected, but Xu Fan felt that it was not enough. "Let's do this first, and we'll talk about it later when we advance to the Chaos Saint Realm." In this way, the Chaos Ship sailed for more than 6,000 years without any danger. "There's no such thing as an adventure?" Xu Fan, who was controlling the Chaos Ship, was a little bored.

It's like driving ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You can't see the scenery on both sides, and there is a road ahead, and you will be sleepy while driving. "Master Xu, why don't we chat." The Shengguang girl was also bored.

When Xu Fan first refined the Chaos Ship, it only contained a few small worlds inside, which could only be used for resting. "I don't want to talk anymore. Except for the secrets of your Shengguang family, I think you have talked about everything else." Xu Fan shook his head and said. "Master Xu, if you are bored, you can tell me about your true understanding of the Dao of the Holy Light." The woman of the Holy Light looked at Xu Fan with bright eyes.

"There's nothing to tell you. Your current understanding of the Holy Light has reached the world of chaotic sages, and you don't understand it at a higher level."

As soon as Xu Fan finished speaking, a strange wave suddenly swept across. The Chaos Ship shook suddenly. Xu Fan and the Shengguang girl became alert instantly.

A mysterious yellow treasure that can open up a small chaotic land appeared in Xu Fan's hands. "Master Xu, what's the situation?" Shengguang girl was a little nervous. "I don't know!" Xu Fan was also a little nervous.

Just when Xu Fan and the Shengguang girl were nervous, the front of the Chaos Boat was bright.

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