"It's normal. When a strong man at the level of a holy master makes a move, what looks like a shackle of fate in your eyes is like a membrane in his eyes, which will be broken with a light poke."

"You have become the Great Sage of Chaos now. I will give you a choice, reincarnate as a human race, or continue to live in this capacity." Xu Feng said looking at the young couple.

"Master, I want to be reincarnated as a human race." Xiaoguang said immediately.

San Chong next to this decision is very supportive, so that he can be with his wife in an upright manner.

In the future, I will call him, Knight of the Light, and he and his wife will join forces to beat him.

"Okay, Putao will arrange for you to become a human race." Xu Fan and we nodded. At this time, Xiao Yang, who was in the distant holy sun and stars, watched this scene with dry eyes. We agreed to be best sisters to each other, but you actually want to abandon me.

After feeling the gaze of Xiaoyang in Shengyang Xingchen, Xiaoguang couldn't help but said: "Master, can Xiaoyang become a human race."

"Yes, but you need a piece of the core of the holy sun and stars, and you are limited by yourself, but you can only touch it after I reach the realm of the great sage of chaos." Xu Fan said.

"I want to find a piece of Holy Sun star core for Xiaoyang before turning into a human race." Xiaoguang pleaded. "Okay, let Putao arrange it for you then." Xu Fan nodded and said.

On the Vitality Star, Xu Fan came to the lake of life to accompany his good brother to fish.

"Brother Xu, I have learned a lot about fishing recently, but as my understanding deepens, I am more and more afraid of that chaotic and uncivilized area." Wang Yulun said.

"That's for sure. When your strength grows to the peak of a world, you will soon find another world that makes you despair."

Along the way, Xu Fan feels like a nesting doll, walking up step by step, discovering a new world step by step. "Brother Xu is right." Wang Yulun nodded.

"By the way, Brother Xu, how is your avatar? Is it ready?"

"However, the avatar that you fished out of this supreme divine thing is stronger than all my previous avatars." "My will is attached to it, and I can exert 120% of my strength."

A faceless figure appeared behind Xu Fan, exuding a supreme aura.

After seeing the faceless figure, Wang Yulun was taken aback suddenly, as if frightened.

"Brother Xu, why don't you put something on your face, it's really scary to look at it like this." Wang Yulun said. "Then add eyes to him."

A pair of magic eyes appeared in the faceless figure's face, cold and merciless. "It's much more pleasing to the eye this way~"

"A few of your children are about to become Chaos Saints."

"As far as this probability is concerned, you should have more lives with those confidante in your harem." Xu Fan also took out his fishing rod and started fishing.

"These children are just accidents. I don't plan to have them in the future. There are too many to take care of." Wang Yulun shook his head and said. "What are you talking about? With the strength of our Hidden Spirit Sect, we still can't support your child!"

"Birth, give birth to me boldly!" Xu Fan joked.

"Brother Xu, compared to me, you should have more children with your sister-in-law." Wang Yulun glanced at Xu Fan and said. "There is no way, my roots are not in this chaotic land." Xu Fan said leisurely.

Wang Yulun was taken aback for a moment, it was the first time he heard such a statement. "Then where is Brother Xu's roots?"

"In a place far, far, far, far away."

"The faceless statue you caught probably came from my hometown," Xu Fan said. "Will Brother Xu go to your hometown after that?"

"Yes, after this chaotic land is stabilized, I will go there without worrying about the human race." Xu Fan said. "Can you bring me and my confidante and those children?"

"If you go all the way, the place might be a bit crowded."

Xu Fan's chaos is small and medium-sized, which can hold a medium-sized world at most.

The area seems to be very large, but it would be very depressing in that small world if it really wanted to carry so many Saints and Chaos Saint-level powerhouses.

"It's fine if you can squeeze in.

, Brother Xu, don’t forget to take me with you when you go back to your hometown. "Wang Yulun said. "You brat~"

In a trance, 20,000 years have passed. During this time, except for the Holy Lord of the Hades, the rest of the area is very peaceful. On this day, a strange fluctuation spread throughout the Chaos Land.

The second strongman of the Holy Master level appeared in the Hades.

Fourteen holy masters gathered in a special space in the center of chaos.

"It seems that we will need a new name in the future to define the name of this newly emerged Holy Master." The Heavenly Merchant Clan Holy Master said with a smile.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just call it the second saint of the Mingzu." The Lord of the Mingzu waved his hand and said indifferently. "The second sage of the Mingzu, I have met all the lords." The second sage stood up next to the sage of the Mingzu and said.

"Second Saint, you're welcome, sit down and talk." Lord Shengguang said with a smile.

"Yes, you don't need to be so polite when you meet with your peers in the future." Said the Lord of the Xinghai Clan.

"Okay, the content of our meeting this time is to go to the source of the long river of chaos and eradicate the gods and demons that are brewing energy resurrection." Said the Lord of the Hades.

"The source of the long river of chaotic time is the home of gods and demons. The nine masters of gods and demons are all there. Who can stand against them and erase the cause and effect." Said the lord of the Tianshang clan.

"Our 14th Holy Master rushes over, whether it succeeds or not, we will know if we try." said the Mingzu Holy Master.

"At the beginning of the chaos, when we fought the decisive battle with the gods and demons, we didn't get cheap in the long river of chaos."

"This time, our Fourteen Lords rushed over in one go, but the result is still the same, and we can't get a bargain." Said the Lord of the Holy Light, he is proficient in the supreme law of time, and knows the combat power of the group of gods and demons in the chaotic river of time.

At this time, the Lord of the Mingzu took out a top primordial treasure and put it on the table~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The supreme law of time, Lord of the Mingzu, you are hiding everything! "The lord of the Holy Light Empire drools enviously. "This primordial treasure can freeze the chaos for a long time, which is enough time."

"If you have any means, you holy lords, feel free to use them. There will be many good things after the destruction of the nine great **** and demon empires in the future." The lord of the Ming clan swept around, and his domineering posture seemed to rule them like a mortal world. The regal general.

The attitude of the Holy Lords of the Mingzu seemed to have touched some thoughts of many Holy Lords, so they all remained silent.

"In that case, get ready to go."

"Our first battle with the gods and demons must wipe out the newly promoted gods and demons."

"Okay, let's all get ready to attack the source of the Chaos River of Time." The Lord of the Sky Merchant Clan said slowly. At this moment, in the Hidden Spirit Gate of the Three Thousand Realms, Xu Fan's eyes pierced through the void into the chaotic river of time.

"Why do you feel something is wrong?"

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