My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 157: Master's illusions can't help me anymore

"Maybe Master's relative has completed his task and returned to his own place."

"If there is reincarnation in the world, Master's relatives will definitely be blessed in the next life." Li Xingci said softly.

"Yes, he just returned to his place."

Xu Fan, comforted by his apprentice, walked out of his lovesickness.

"By the way, Master, I want to build a city by the 100,000-mile giant lake to settle the families of those civilian disciples."

"Give them some protection." Li Xingci said.

"You can arrange this kind of trivial matter yourself. It's not like you don't have the authority to get grapes," Xu Fan said.

"Master agrees."

Xu Fan was returned with a bright smile.

"You stinky boy." Xu Fan smiled.

At this time, a teenage boy in a white shirt ran over.

"Lingtai, what's the matter with you?" Xu Fan asked kindly, this is the focus of his next training.

Unexpectedly, a eldest disciple who likes to be a fort will have a child who is born to be a fort.

Qianling Dao Body is good at learning all kinds of Taoism, and the magical powers displayed by Qianling Dao Body will increase the natural power by three layers.

According to Xu Fan's words, a hat is given as soon as the spring water comes out, and you can let the other side fight.

"Master, I want to ask when my father will come back."

Xu Lingtai trotted behind Xu Fan and rubbed his shoulders and back for Xu Fan. This was his way to please Xu Fan.

"I miss your father." Xu Fan smiled.

"Well, my mother thought about it too."

"My father hasn't left me for so long." Xu Lingtai said pitifully.

"Okay, it just so happens that the Presbyterian Church is no longer forced to kill demons anywhere."

"I have someone notify your father that they are coming back."

"Thank you, Master."

Xu Lingtai jumped directly from the railing of the cliff in the dojo, and floated lightly into the distance.

"I'm going to tell my mother the good news, goodbye Shizu, goodbye Fourth Shishu."

Looking at Xu Lingtai in midair, Xu Fan raised his hand gently, and a cloud of auspicious clouds dragged Xu Lingtai.

"Be careful, you just learned to lighten your body and fall carefully." Xu Fan instructed.

"Thank you, Master~~~"

Xu Lingtai's voice was getting farther and farther away.

"The big fort has just grown up, and another small fort has come. In the future, it will be difficult for our Hidden Spirit Sect to prosper or not." Xu Fan's vision for the future is now that the foundation of the entire Hidden Spirit Sect has been laid, and the rest is a matter of time.

"Thousand Spirit Dao Body, it is very suitable to be a fort."

"When the Immortal Sect Acceptance Conference was held, I met a Shiling Battle Body, fifteen years old, the son of a great worldly family."

"It's a pity that the mind is not right, and the tyranny is abnormal. At a young age, he has already killed more than a dozen young girls with flowers." Li Xingci said.

"It's a pity, how did you deal with it, to eliminate harm for the people, or to turn him into your reincarnation slave." Xu Fan said, reincarnation slave is a supernatural power that comes with the reincarnation of a hundred times. enslave a person.

The enslaved will experience a life arranged by the master.

"Reincarnation slave, the real him is dead." Li Xingci said.

At this moment, Xu Fan suddenly remembered a question.

"You should be able to advance to Nascent Soul. After all, challenging puppets is not a problem for you." Xu Fan asked.

"The third brother will be promoted to Nascent Soul, and I will follow the promotion." Li Xingci said.

"Oh, so fast."

"The apprentices have already advanced to the Nascent Soul," Xu Fan said while praying for his good brother, your catastrophe is coming.

"Even if the disciple is promoted to Nascent Soul, but for the master, it is enough to calm our eyes." Li Xingci said with a smile.

He felt that the aura on his body became more and more terrifying since his master advanced to the Foundation Establishment Stage. When he traveled in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, even if he saw a powerhouse in the Spirit Transformation Stage, the aura on his body was not so terrifying.

He had a guess that Xu Fan had not been promoted for many years. His master must be in a certain realm above the conspiracy fairyland, otherwise his master would not have stayed in the foundation building stage for so many years.

"Haha, you know how to praise me. After the four of you are in the Yuan Ying stage, I will fight you as a teacher."

"If you win, you will graduate. If you lose, then you will be dragged into the illusion and spanked by me." Xu Fan laughed, it seems that his master's prestige has not shaken for a long time.

"Master, although now the disciple is not as powerful as the master."

"But Master's current illusions can't help me anymore. Therefore, the spanking can only be done by three brothers and sisters." Li Xingci said, Hundred Worlds of Reincarnation is a magical power derived from illusions, and the practitioners themselves are very sensitive to illusions. There is strong resistance.

"Oh, so confident, why don't you try it?"

"Others say that you need to beat the apprentice as early as possible. If you can't beat him later, you won't have a chance." Xu Fan's expression was very moving.

At this moment, Li Xingci's expression changed, and he realized that he had said the wrong thing.

"Master, I have something to do over there, I'll go first." Li Xingci got up quickly and said, wanting to leave before Xu Fannian got up.

"Don't worry, let's play a little game before leaving." Xu Fan's sweet smile started to make Li Xingci panic.

As soon as Xu Fan finished speaking, Li Xingci's whole world began to change.

In a crystal square, there are countless little yellow ducks queuing in front of a gate.

A yellow duck as tall as Li Xing's speech appeared beside him.

"You can only leave the fantasy world after playing the mini The name of the game is to catch ducks."

The big yellow duck then told Li Xingci about the rules of the game of catching ducks.

At this time, Li Xingci cracked the illusion, but after finding that it was futile, he could only nod his head and say, "Okay."

This is not the first time he has been dragged into the fantasy world of mini-games, but he was still young at the time, so he felt very far away, but now he is dragged in, and some are just helpless.

"Then let's start." Li Xingci said helplessly.

"Games start."

"Catch the duck~~"

"Catch a few~"

This is Li Xingci, who wanted to say catch one for some reason, but said uncontrollably: "One hundred thousand."

"Caught~~" Big Yellow Duck said happily.

At this time, more than half of the ducks on the Crystal Plaza were directly reduced, leaving only 100,000 ducks.

Li Xingci knew that it was his master who did the trick again, so he said extremely reluctantly; "Gah~"

He knows his master's character, and if this game is not finished, there may be more shameful games.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was observing in the dark, laughed happily.

"You actually have a self-confidence in front of the teacher, you are afraid that you don't know the ability of the teacher."

"Do you think you won't be afraid of Master's illusions when you approach the Nascent Soul stage?"

"Young man, you think too much."

What Xu Fan didn't know was that Li Xingci, who was playing the game, had an obsession in his heart, that is, after he surpassed the master in illusion, let him also play a small game.

The name of the game is Counting Dogs.

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