Xu Gang lay in a pure white world, and his body recovered with a magical power.

This is also the reason for the 500,000 spirit stones on the fourth floor of the Phantom Tower. After each battle, there will be a magical force that will repair the wounds of the sky warriors.

With Xu Gang's injury fully recovered, he slowly got up and meditated to recover his spiritual power.

"I still have to challenge myself." Xu Gang said.

At this moment, a cloud of smoke appeared, and a Xu Gang in black came out.

"Have you given up yet?"

"You have this magical power, but you don't know how to use it, so you know to hide in the dark and simply output."

"It seems that there is no weakness, but once the enemy finds the body, the battle is over."

"You rely too much on your supernatural powers."

Xu Gang in black said that a virtual image of a thousand hands rose behind him, and then a torrent of magic blasted towards Xu Gang.

After Xu Gang heard the words of the transformed Xu Gang, he suddenly looked up at the transformed Xu Gang and said, "It's just that I can't practice at home."

The same virtual image of a thousand hands also appeared behind Xu Gang.

For a time, Xu Gang's small world was shaking in the torrent of spells.

At the same time, Li Xingci also came to Tianlian Xiancheng.

"What an immortal city of Heaven Refinement, it's really a big deal." Lao Jian praised Ye Xiaoyao in the bottom of his heart.

"What's wrong?" Ye Xiaoyao asked curiously, while also looking at the surrounding snow scene curiously.

"The whole immortal city is a quasi-immortal weapon. Although this thing is common in the Daqian world, it is really rare to see it in a middle thousand world." Lao Jian continued.

"Quasi fairy weapon!" Ye Xiaoyao said looking at the street under his feet.

"Yes, but it is only used when it is convenient to transfer. The defense power is the level of being able to defend a quasi-immortal." Lao Jian said.

"If I can defend against quasi-immortal attacks, wouldn't I be invincible in this world?" Ye Xiaoyao said in shock.

"In your world, I see that the water is a little deep."

"If the demon clan really wins, this thing won't hold back." Lao Jian said.

Ye Xiaoyao looked around and saw the Phantom Tower in the center of Xiancheng.

"It's still a while before the Tianjiao battle, go to the Magic Heart Pagoda first." Ye Xiaoyao immediately called a beast car and drove towards the Magic Heart Pagoda in the distance.

With the arrival of the arrogance of various sects, the entire Illusory Heart Pagoda began to become lively.

When Ye Xiaoyao entered the gate of the Phantom Tower, he happened to meet Xu Gang with a haggard face. The two looked at each other and felt a familiar feeling in their hearts.

The two passed by, and neither of them looked back.

Xu Gang moved the mask on his face when a voice appeared in Xu Gang's heart.

"Ye Xiaoyao, the former disciple of Que Tianmen, the master marked the danger level with five stars."

"Master's pig's foot friend?" Xu Gang's eyes flashed a flash of memory, and then he told Xu Fan the news of the encounter with Ye Xiaoyao.

It didn't take long for him to receive a reply, telling Xu Gang to ignore it and not interact with him.

Half a month later, Xu Gang laughed as he looked at Xu Gang who was helplessly transformed into him in the distance.

"Yes, you have made rapid progress, and you can comprehend that trace of natural disasters in such a short time."

"Now you have been able to integrate all of your own divine channel methods."

"The next thing is to surpass yourself. Do you want to continue?" Xu Gang in black robe looked at Xu Gang and said, his eyes were full of ruthlessness.

"The Tianjiao Battle Power Competition is approaching. After the competition is over, I will continue to come."

"Finally, try my trick."

The virtual image of a thousand hands behind Xu Gang formed a seal with him, an inexplicable chill appeared in the black robe Xu Gang's heart, and then the blue ice that could freeze the space appeared in the surrounding space and began to spread to the entire space.

Then the small world where Xu Gang lived was frozen.

"Supernatural Powers: Frozen Void"


The blue ice in the frozen space shattered, along with the black robe Xu Gang.

With the disappearance of the black robe Xu Gang, the entire space turned into a pure white world again.

After seeing his success, Xu Gang sat on the ground without any image, and then lay down on the ground in a big shape, his whole body seemed to have no strength.

A green light from the sky shone on Xu Gang's body, recovering his injuries.

"The unique skills taught by master can finally be used." Xu Gang, who was lying on the ground, looked at the white ceiling and said.

Xu Gang, who used his big move, is now in a state of collapse and can only lie on the ground and wait for the Phantom Tower to recover.

"The Frozen Void, the Arrival of the Wood Realm, the World of Jinxi, the Ultimate Gravity, and the Arrival of the Golden Crow. You can do the same with any of these five magical powers. If you take one of the top three, there should be no problem."

Xu Gang remembered what Xu Fan had said before he left, and felt his scalp tingle, the kind of numbness that is tingled by Xiu.

Once he uses this trick, no matter how many Nascent Soul Stages come, he will not be able to stop it.

At this time, in the other four secret rooms, Xu Lingtai, Xiong Li, Xiang Yun, and Zhou Tong also defeated their incarnations one after another.

Half a month later, the Tianjiao Battle Power Competition began, and above the Magic Heart Tower, the words "Tianjiao Battle Power Competition" floated.

Early in the morning, Xu Gang, who had finished practicing in the inn, opened his eyes and looked out the window.

The big characters above the Phantom Tower were printed in Xu Gang's eyes.

"Is the competition held in the Phantom Tower?"

At this time, Xu Gang felt a change in the space ring.

A jade slip exuding aura was taken out by Xu Gang.

"At noon, the Tianjiao battle will begin." Xu Gang said while looking at the information in the jade slip.

At this time, the other four Yinlingmen disciples received the news.

In the square outside the Phantom Tower, the Zongmen Tianjiao who participated in the competition from all walks of life had already been fully occupied at this time.

Since the entire square was equipped with a Forbidden Spirit Array, all the sect Tianjiao could only squeeze with their bodies.

At the entrance of the square, Xu Gang looked at the Phantom Tower that was entering in the distance, looked back at Xiong Li and said, "Xiong Li, it's your turn to play."

"Understood." Xiong Li nodded.

Like a strong man entering a flock of chickens, he led the four chicks to the gate of the Illusory Heart Tower easily.

The five submitted their application jade slips and got a crystal jade pendant engraved with the house number of the secret room.

Xiong Li and others who were in the foundation building stage were on the second floor, and Xu Gang was on the fourth floor.

Xu Gang followed the crowd and found his secret room.

As soon as he entered the secret room, Xu Gang heard an electronic voice introducing him to the rules of the Tianjiao Battle.

"The routine of this game is not good, the melee is boring." Xu Gang said.

After Xu Gang waited in the secret room for a short time, the surrounding space began to change.

At the same time, outside the Phantom Tower, five super-large light curtains appeared. One large light curtain was divided into thousands of small light curtains. The above was the venue for the melee.

As the contestants joined the battlefield, a force of space teleported Xu Gang to an oversized island.

Xu Gang felt the cool and slightly salty sea breeze on the sea, and said doubtfully, "It was sent there."

At this time, a cyan beam of light covered Xu Gang, and at the same time, more than a thousand moving beams of light appeared on the island.

"There are a total of 1,500 Zongmen Tianjiao in this small world battlefield. If you want to be shortlisted, you need to kill two Tianjiao."

"The killed will be resurrected in their own secret room, so you don't need to worry about life and death, just go and fight as much as you like." An electronic voice sounded in the sky.

Immediately, all the beams of light in the sky began to move rapidly.

Xu Gang looked at the five beams of light rushing towards him in the distance, and immediately shook his head and said, "I look like a bully."

"We don't dare to underestimate Tianjiao who can come here."

"Just looking at your honesty and honesty, you must be a kind person."

"So, how about using Your Excellency's order to complete my shortlist and promotion." A young cultivator with an evil face said with a smile.

"The five of you are a sect." Xu Gang asked lightly, a trace of anger flashing in his eyes.

If being honest and honest is praised by outsiders, it is swearing, and its rank is no less than that of a horse.

"No matter what, it can't change the outcome of your elimination."

The four other monks with the leading evil-looking monk had already surrounded Xu Gang.

"Faithful and honest, I don't like that word."

Xu Gang's honest face leaked a ferocious smile.


The evil cultivator felt that something was wrong, and immediately activated the five-party killing formation, and five swords of light slashed towards Xu Gang.

"Since it's a sect, then go in neatly." Xu Gang said coldly.

A virtual image of one hundred meters and a thousand hands appeared behind Xu Gang, and ten hands of the virtual image of a thousand hands formed seals at the same time.

"Supernatural Powers: Frozen Void"

A little blue ice appeared, and then like a spark, it quickly blocked the surrounding space.

The space within 3 miles around was completely frozen by blue ice.

"Faithful and honest, hum!"

Xu Gang's figure appeared on the edge of the blue ice, and gently tapped on the blue ice with his fingers.


The blue ice is like broken glass, and it extends a little to the whole.

Powder of blue ice floats in the sky.

On the other side of the island, a young cultivator with a phantom of Thor behind him was looking at Xu Gang's direction with a solemn expression.

"Tianjiao battle, I started to get excited."

A flash of lightning flashed in the boy's eyes.

A beam of light reaching the sky covered Xu Gang and brought him back to the original secret room.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was watching the live broadcast of the battle while refining the weapon in the underground space of Yinling Island, said with relief: "This silly boy finally got a little enlightened."

Looking at Xu Fan's sand sculptures refining the tools while watching the live broadcast, his brows wrinkled.

"Elder, are you sure this is all right?"

Sand sculpture refers to Xu Gang's dual purpose.

"Jia Cao, don't worry." Xu Fan turned his head to look at the sand sculpture and said with a smile, but the five elements of the spirit fire in his hand kept on changing and adjusting the temperature of the spirit fire. , make sure the quenching is uniform.

When it is time to fuse other spiritual minerals, it will also change the magic formula, urging the spiritual fire to burn more vigorously,

Seeing this scene, the sand sculpture sighed and said, "If I were like you, my master could beat me eight hundred times a day."

The sand sculpture has a reminiscence on its face, as if recalling the happy time when he first learned to refine.

"So you're not me."

"By the way, how is your master and his old man recently?" Xu Fan asked.

"Recently, the Tianlianzong is working hard to refine the star boat, and there are few opportunities to chat."

"Master, the old man, also said that when he is done with the star boat, he will come to me and talk to you by the way." Speaking of his master, the sand sculpture's tone was very formal.

Xu Fan, who was refining the utensils, suddenly became energetic, and said to the sand sculpture: "Can you leave your master in our Yinlingmen for the elderly?"

Hearing Xu Fan's words, the sand sculpture directly shook his head and said, "It's probably not possible. The star boat that my master refined in Tianlianzong was used to deal with the demon clan."

"It is about the fate of the human race, and at the same time, for the power of those merits, my master will not agree." Sand Sculpture said.

"I understand." Xu Fan nodded and stopped mentioning the matter.

At this time, most of the disciples of the sect gathered in the small square in front of the trial tower.

"As expected of Senior Brother Xiong Li, he is the focus wherever he goes," said a disciple looking at Xiong Li who was besieged on the light screen.

"Your focus shouldn't be on other sects who are besieging Xiong Li's senior brother."

"As far as this combat power is concerned, I feel that I can do it." A generation of disciples said disdainfully as they looked at the base-building cultivator who was besieging Xiong Li.

"There are strong and weak ones. Senior Brother Xiong Li is just a scumbag right now." Another generation of disciples said calmly.

At this moment, Xiong Li in the light curtain seemed to have lost his patience and punched the besieged crowd.

Then the battle ended.

The other three participating disciples have already ended the battle.

In the underground space, Xu Fan saw that the battle was over, and directly told Grape to close the light curtain, and then began to concentrate on refining.

In the square outside the Phantom Tower, five people gathered.

Looking at the four who were still unfinished, Xu Gang said with a smile: "The competition has just started, and there will definitely be opponents who will satisfy you."

At this time, Xu Gang saw Ji Muhua and others in the distance.

When Ji Muhua, who was chatting with the sect brothers, saw Xu Gang, he said goodbye to his fellow sect brothers and walked towards Xu Gang.

Although Xu Gang wore a deformation mask, he was recognized by his good friends at a glance.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon." Ji Muhua said kindly.

"Can I not participate in such a grand event?" Xu Gang didn't expect his good friends to remember his pseudonym, and instantly felt that the relationship between the two had gone a step further.

"Looking forward to meeting Daoyou Zhang in the final."

"Haha, this is a bit redundant, you have to believe in my strength." Xu Gang laughed.

"You are also the organizers. Treat us to a meal." Xu Gang continued.

"This is not trivial~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the top box of Baizhen Xianlou, Ji Muhua and Xu Gang sat down.

"This is my sect's industry, and the dishes made can be ranked in the top five in Tianlian Xiancheng."

"The feature here is the Thousand Spirits Banquet." Ji Muhua said.

After a while, the servant outside the door began to serve dishes.

"Fellow Daoist Ji, are there any powerful people among the Tianjiao who came this time?" Xu Gang asked while eating.

"That's more, I'll introduce you to a more famous one." Ji Muhua responded.

"Chen Beihan, Qian Lingzong's Nascent Soul Stage's top-ranked genius in combat power, with his first-hand ice-attribute supernatural power, he is said to have a trace of ice."

"The flowers are delicate and delicate, and a disciple of the Golden Core Stage of the Holy Land of Acacia, can't stop the Nascent Soul Stage with a single illusion."

"Su Luo, a disciple of the Nascent Soul in the Holy Wood Holy Land, has the strongest record that has penetrated the ten talents of our Thousand Spirit Sect, including me."

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