My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 291: Behemoth battleship transformation

  Chapter 293 Behemoth Battleship Transformation

  In the realm of nothingness, on a prairie, a man and a woman rode two horses on the prairie.

   "Xingci, I still can't figure out what method the Great Elder can use to transform this space ring into various tools." Su Rantian looked at the things in Li Xingci's hand and said.

   "Master likes those weird things the most, and he also made a lot of magic weapons and puppets that don't require spiritual power." Li Xingci smiled.

   He and Su Rantian did not find any people on the top of the mountain, but only found an ancient trade route on the prairie.

"I tried this world, and it can't hold any energy, not even the energy generated by itself can exist in the body." Li Xingci said, when they were young, Xu Fan let them memorize a few sets of his own creations. The real qigong method.

   "Only body refining has a little effect, but it can't go beyond the boundaries of ordinary mortals."

   "Unfortunately, this world is more dangerous than we imagined." Su Rantian looked at the giant eagle that was staring at them in the sky, and he estimated that it could reach ten meters in height.

   At this time, a lion suddenly appeared in the middle of the grass in the distance, chasing after the two of them.

  Li Xingci transformed into a large bow with an extremely complex and exquisite design, and drew four arrows from the arrow basket behind him.

  ‘Boom, bang, bang, bang. ’

   Four shots in a row.

  Three female lions and one male lion eating soft rice hit the eyebrows.

   Before he died, the male lion looked at the two riding horses with despair, and I wanted to eat your horse. Are you going to kill my whole family?

  The big bow changed back to his fingernails, and Li Xingci said softly: "Let's go, it's just a normal beast, don't worry about it."

  Su Rantian just glanced at the four lions, thinking about what he should do if he faced these four lions.

   "Xingci, in that life, you must have suffered very much." Su Rantian said distressedly.

  Li Xingci told Su Rantian about his first life experience. It was a wilderness continent full of strange beasts, and he was born in a tribe of savages.

   When he was young, he had a strong body, unparalleled archery skills, and a spear in one hand that even adult savages were afraid of.

   Just when the entire savage tribe had high hopes and led the tribe to become stronger, a sudden cold wave swept the entire continent.

   He was the only one of the entire tribe to survive.

After    the entire tribe was cremated, he set out to find other tribes.

   In the end, he found that under that cold wave, he was the only one who survived.

  In this way, he lived alone on the wilderness continent for 32 years. Finally, because his blood was exhausted, he jumped off the cliff with the last bit of strength.

   It can be said that this life is the one that hurt Li Xingci the most, and the feeling that he is the only one in the vast and boundless continent cannot be forgotten now.

   Hundreds of Reincarnations I: Lonely

"It's okay, now Master has optimized his magical powers, and he doesn't restore his memory after he has experienced life as before." Li Xingci said with a smile, and I have to say that entering the reincarnation with my own memory is a different kind of experience.

   "I'll go back and ask the Great Elder to see if I can cultivate this magical power with you and accompany you into the cycle of reincarnation." Su Rantian said.

   On the one hand, she felt sorry for her husband's experience, and on the other hand, she did not want her husband to have feelings for other women in it.

   "Master said it should be possible, but you need the Soul Dream Stone."

   "Can you buy it with spirit stones?"

"it should be OK."

   "That's fine." Su Rantian said happily, in her eyes, there are two kinds of things in this world, one can be bought with spirit stones, and the other cannot be bought with spirit stones.

   At this time, the ground suddenly began to shake, and a large group of cavalry appeared in the distance.

  Yinling Island, on a large plain, lies an ape-shaped beast of the demon clan.

  Xu Fan and Sand Sculpture are studying.

   "How should this thing be modified?" Xu Fan said while rubbing his chin.

   In Xu Fan's opinion, this kind of behemoth battleship is not very suitable for the battle in the extreme sky. You are not a target in front of you. No matter how strong the defense is, you will encounter giant cannons that restrain each other.

   "Elder, what are you going to do with this monster battleship." The sand sculpture said while stroking the surface of the behemoth.

   "I called you out just to see what you think." Xu Fan said with a smile, he was actually just bored to find something to do for himself.

   "Dismantled, how about recycling raw materials."

   "These recycled raw materials have been re-refined, and at least they can be refined into treasures, what do you think." Sand Sculpture smiled.

   "Forget it, you'd better go back and build your little sea boat."

   "This monster battleship of the monster race, let's transform it into a big puppet, how fragrant." Xu Fan looked at the sand sculpture and said, such a good thing, you are thinking of scrapping iron.

   At this time, a pangolin appeared beside Xu Fan.

   "Master, what's the matter." The pangolin said respectfully, but he kept praying that he would not die for Xu Fan's divination.

   "Don't resist." Xu Fan put one hand on the pangolin.

   "As ordered."

   In an instant, the pangolin's pupils turned into a bright color.

   The pangolin turned into a streamer and flew towards the big hole in the chest of the ape-shaped behemoth battleship.

   "Elder, then you don't want it to control this behemoth battleship." The sand sculpture said in shock.

   At this moment, the giant beast battleship that was like a dead thing began to move.

   The giant beast battleship lying flat in the plain slowly sat up, propped itself up with its hands and started to stand up slowly.

The   10,000-meter-high behemoth battleship just took two steps, then sat on the ground and lay down again.

   After a roar of the earth, the pangolins flew out of the big hole in the chest of the behemoth battleship with seven orifices bleeding.

   At this time, the pangolin just felt like he was going to die.

   "Go back and rest." Xu Fan touched his forehead and felt a little nervous. When he controlled the pangolin to drive the behemoth battleship just he also consumed a lot of energy.

   "Thank you, master." The pangolin was relieved and returned to the satellite island with his injured body upright.

   "Sure enough, in the gravity environment, it is really difficult to control this thing." Xu Fan said,

   He got the information about the behemoth battleship from Ning Dao. This thing has never appeared in the land war. It consumes too much and has many restrictions.

   "This transformation into a puppet, I am afraid it is not small." The sand sculpture also saw the problem.

   "It's alright, just remodel the core a little bit and increase the output power, and you can fight for a while." Xu Fan said.

   "Call me when the Great Elder is reforming." Sand Sculpture said.

   "Don't worry, I will never forget you." Xu Fan smiled.

  Xu Fan asked Grape to turn this place into a base for transforming giant warships.

   "It's a bit difficult to do, such a large beast battleship is supplied with spirit stones on land, unless I pry the treasure house of the demon clan."

  Xu Fan said, turning his eyes to the sun in the sky.

   (end of this chapter)

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