On Yinling Island, Xu Fan, who was lying leisurely among the clouds, deduced the exercises, and received the news of the grape report.

"Master, the signal sent by the demon star of the demon clan has been accepted and is waiting for the return signal." Grape said.

"How far is it over there." Xu Fan opened his eyes and said.

"Almost across the entire Central Continent," Grape said.

Xu Fan silently calculated the distance, then spread his hands and said, "Isn't that a jerk? It's estimated that we won't be able to meet in a few decades."

"If you consume a lot of energy to break the seal, you can briefly open the teleportation array."

"Now just wait for the news to come back from there, and wait for the specific location to be determined." Grape said.

"It doesn't make any sense. Besides, how can there be such a large amount of energy to break the teleportation array."

At this moment, the clouds that were blocking Xu Fan's head were pushed away by the breeze, and a beam of sunlight pierced Xu Fan's eyes.

"For the sake of a teleportation array, you shouldn't do this." Xu Fan looked at the sun and said, there is a huge amount of energy there, and it is enough to break the teleportation seal.

It's just that if he really wants to achieve that level, maybe he has already ascended to Immortal Realm. If he has that time, he might as well teach a few more apprentices.

"Master, at the current speed, it takes nine thousand years of construction to achieve that kind of energy output." Grape said intimately.

"How come it is four thousand years faster than the last calculation." Xu Fan said.

"Because of the discovery of spirit ore and the change of alloy types, its efficiency has been greatly improved." Grape said.

"Understood." Xu Fan said.


In the Hidden Spirit Gate Refining Peak, Xiang Yun was watching the Ertie hand with a treasured spirit hammer beating an unformed spirit sword.

"Junior Brother Ertie, the quality of the treasured spirit swords you have built are all very good. Although they are all second-order treasures, their power is no less than that of the fourth-order treasures." Xiang Yun smiled as he watched the crafting. Lingjian Ertie said.

Some time ago, Xiang Yun wanted to come to Refining Peak to find a refiner to refine a few spirit swords as the core sword formation, and accidentally saw the second iron that was forging the spirit sword with a hammer.

What is the greatest fortune of a cultivator of Sword Formation, an inexhaustible spirit sword? A refiner who can quickly refine a high-quality spirit sword?

Both of these clouds are met.

The two were like **, and quickly established a deep friendship.

"Senior Brother Xiang Yun, don't tout me. I can only create some magic weapons such as spirit swords and spirit sabers. Compared with other senior brothers at Refining Peak, I am nothing." Ertie said ashamedly while building the spirit sword.

"Don't underestimate yourself. Your ability to create a spirit sword alone is enough for swordsmen in the world to look at you." Xiang Yun said with a smile, since he exchanged points for ten treasures at Ertie's second-order spirit Sword, his combat power has soared.

"Haha, Senior Brother Xiang Yun is joking."

At this time, with the last hammer of Ertie, the spirit sword flowed, and a third-order spirit sword was formed.

Ertie handed the spirit sword to Xiang Yun.

"Senior Brother Xiang Yun, this is the twenty-third spirit sword, thank you for taking care of my business." Ertie thanked.

He knows that in the sect treasure house, the most indispensable thing is the magic weapon, from the initial magic tool to the top-level Taoist tool, there is no shortage of magic tools that can be seen in the sect treasure house.

It is said that in a mysterious place in the sect, there are hundreds of artifact refiners specializing in refining magic tools for the sect, so in the sect, the least valuable is probably the artifact refiner.

"There are still seventy-seven spirit swords. Come on, junior brother." Xiang Yun smiled and passed the points to Ertie.

"Senior Brother Xiang Yun, more." Ertie said looking at the credits.

"It's your hard work. The spirit sword you made has a little more special power than ordinary spirit swords, and it's worth the money." Xiang Yun said with a smile, and then took out a few bags from the space ring. Canteen-specific deep-sea shrimp chips snacks.

"I heard that Lingmei likes this kind of food, so I bought some." Xiang Yun said that every two weeks he would see a fat little girl pestering the chief chef of Yinlingmen in the cafeteria of the main peak. , Said to be apprenticed to learn art, and later found out that she was Ertie's sister.

"Haha. Has Lingmei's reputation spread to senior brother?" Ertie laughed awkwardly.

At this moment, a small spirit boat stopped at the entrance of Ertiedongfu, and a little girl with snacks in her hand walked in.

"I've seen Senior Brother." Er Yuan said politely after seeing Xiang Yun, she knew that this was his brother's friend or a guest.

"Hello, junior sister." Xiang Yun smiled.

Then Eryuan saw the bags of deep-sea shrimp chips on the table, and was instantly pleasantly surprised.

"Ah, thank you brother, I like this kind of deep-sea shrimp slices the most, but it's a pity that the master of the main peak doesn't make them often." Eryuan immediately opened a bag and ate it happily.

"No big or small, this is the shrimp slices that Senior Brother Xiang Yun brought for you. Thank you Senior Brother." Ertie said seriously, it's delicious, but don't forget the etiquette.

"Thank you, brother, for your gift of shrimp chips, Er Yuan will never forget it~~" Er Yuan knelt down and said with a loud voice, quite heroic.

"........." Two iron.

"It's serious, it's serious..." Xiang Yun immediately helped Eryuan up, looking at this delicious little junior sister with a bit of laughter.

"Senior brother, you are a good person~" Er Yuan said movedly while eating shrimp chips.

Now Eryuan has become the fourth person to thank in her mind.

As for why it is the fourth, because Xiang Yun is the fourth person to take the initiative to give her food, and it is also her favorite deep-sea shrimp chips.

Knowing that Xiang Yun was leaving, Er Yuan still reluctantly looked in the direction Xiang Yun left.

"I don't know what Senior Brother Xiang Yun will bring me next time, how should I thank him for that?" Eryuan said.

Ertie looked at his little sister's reluctant eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and had a headache. If her little sister met someone who covets her beauty in the future, what should I do to tempt her with delicious food.

"Yuan'er, if someone makes you his Taoist companion with food or snacks like that in the future, you can't agree!" Ertie said seriously.

"Brother, I'm just delicious, not stupid." Er Yuan gave his elder brother a white look, then went back to his room, looking forward to what the main peak cafeteria would have for lunch, preferably a crab meat feast.

At this time, Xiang Yun was returning to his small courtyard to prepare for the task, when he suddenly saw Yunhualu coming out of a crack in the space below, with a spirit sword of unknown material in his mouth.

"Grape, did you see that scene just now?" Xiang Yun asked.

"It has been detected, thank you for the prompt, and a thousand points will be awarded." Grape's voice sounded.

"One thousand points!" Xiang Yun said happily.

Not long after, the sword that was held by Hua Yunlu appeared in Xu Fan's hand, and at the same time, Yunhua Lu was caught by the big hand of spiritual power.

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